My adoption romance

chapter 6

Frank's pov.

"Hey sweetie." I smiled at Pumpkin who was sat upright shaking me getting me to wake up.
"Uncle Frankie I'm hungry." Pumpkin told me rubbing her belly. I looked over to my alarm clock, it was 10 AM no wonder she was awake! Sky usually woke up at about 6AM, but no one had woken me up because everyone was still asleep and hung over.
"Right let's go get you two some breakfast." I smiled picking a gurgling Jayden out of his cot and taking Sky's hand and bringing them down stairs.
"Right, pancakes as normal?" I asked Sky. She nodded, I put 2 small pancakes in the microwave and while I was waiting for them to warm up looked at the jars of baby food deciding what Jay would have for breakfast, I finally decided on some apple and banana sauce. I tipped it in a bowl and put Jay in his high-chair.
"Sky pancakes are on the table." I called into the living room, putting her breakfast on the spot on the table next to me.
"Thank you Frank." She smiled sweetly at me and tucked in. I started feeding Jayden ,who was now 6 months old, his food.
"Finished." Pumpkin told me proudly showing me her empty plate.
"OK, you go and get dressed I put the clothes at the end of my bed and I'll finish giving Jay his breakfast." She ran upstairs being as quiet as she could trying not to wake anyone. A few minutes after she had gone up Jayden finally finished his breakfast, I put his empty bowl in the dish washer and continued to try to make a bowl of fruit loops for myself, but before I could finish Jayden started crying, I rushed over to his high-chair and picked him up, hoping his crying hadn't woken anyone up. Once I'd picked him up he was fine, he just wanted the attention,just like his big sister. I went back to my breakfast that I had half made, I carried on putting the fruit loops in before I was interrupted again by Ray walking down stairs in his boxers.
"Hey Ray." I greeted my rather pale looking friend, he didn't respond, he just plonked him self down on the sofa next to Sky, he smiled slightly at her, she smiled back.
"Aspirin and a drink?" I asked him. He turned to face me and nodded. I left my still only half made bowl of breakfast and headed over to the dishwasher, I grabbed a clean cup out and went to the drug cabinet, once I was there I pulled out a whole new pack of aspirin knowing everyone would want some sooner or later. I filled the cup with water,popped out 2 of the aspirin tablets and handed them to my friend who still looked really ill.
"Come on Sky come with me and leave Ray alone." I told Sky who was sat leaning on him. She turned and gave him a big hug before leaving.
"I think I'm going to be sick." Ray blurted out running to the down stairs bathroom. I rolled my eyes at him and took the kids back in the kitchen, I finally managed to pour the milk on my food and start eating it one-handed. I turned and looked at the fridge to see if I had any messages on the sticky notes, then one suddenly caught my eye, it read.
"Remember sky starts her new pre-school on the 1st November at 9AM."
I looked round in panic, today was the first of November and it was almost 11AM.
"Sky get your bag you have to go to school." I told her rushing into the fridge to make her some thing for lunch.
"But I don't want to." She pouted.
"Well you might not want to but you have to young lady, now come on, we're already late." I pointed at the clock. Ray came back in the room looking a little better.
"What you rushing round for?" He asked slipping the aspirin in his mouth and taking a sip of his water.
"Sky was supposed to start school at 9AM and now it's almost 11!" I told him not stopping for breath. I'd never noticed how hard it was to make a sandwich one handed. Sky came back in with her hair brushed and bag open, I wrapped her sandwiches and put them in her bag.
"Ready?" I asked her.
"Ready as I'll ever be." She smiled nervously. I messed with her hair and opened the car letting her get in, I picked up Jayden and put him in his car seat.
"Ray, I'll be back in about 15 minutes just taking Sky to school, I've got Jay with me so don't worry." I told my friend.He nodded. I picked up Jayden and strapped him in to the car before setting off.
"I don't like pre-school Frankie, I mean what if it's like my old one!" Sky asked.
"I promise you it won't be, if people are horrible just tell on them OK?" I asked her looking at her through the rear view mirror, she nodded slowly.
"Good well you better get off." Sky hopped out of the car and came round to where I was driving , I handed her a note and her bag.
"Give the note to your teacher I made up some lame excuse for why your late, I'll pick you up tonight. Love you" I called pulling away in the car.
"Wait." Sky shouted I stopped and pulled forward again. She ran over and kissed me.
"OK you can go now." She smiled i reversed out and watched her run into pre-school before going on the short ride back home.

It was weird being at home I was worn out already and it was only 11.30. Ray was still sat laid down on the sofa but now Gee was sat on him, Ray was combing through Gerard's hair with his fingers. Ray turned to see me unloading Jay from his car seat.
"Frank, Becky called and said her and Katie wouldn't be over today, she's really suffering from the morning sickness." He told me,I rolled my eyes, today I was having to look after everyone alone, I suppose a bit later I really should go and check up on her to see if she's OK. I turned to look at Ray and Gerard who were sat on the sofa still watching Dora the explorer that Sky had left on before she had gone to school.
"Coffee and aspirin?" I asked Gerard who was sat on the sofa looking pretty rough. He nodded.
"Can I have a coffee as well if your making one?" Ray asked me. I rolled my eyes and nodded. I walked over to the supply of glasses and aspirin I'd prepared this morning and popped 2 in Gerard's drink, I then walked over to the coffee maker and stuck 2 mugs under it.
"I didn't know looking after people could be so tiring." I told Jayden while I ran my fingers through his thick blond locks of hair. He giggled at me.
"I tell you what lets go and get you some lunch, then we can go see how your auntie Becky's doing then we'll go pick up your sister, how about that?" I asked the 6 month old he just giggled again. I looked behind me to see Ray shaking his head at me while collecting the coffees then coming back for the aspirin.
"What!? I'm trying to help him communicate." I laughed. I went over to the jars of baby food and did the same as I'd done earlier and picked out the beef and vegetable one, putting it in the bowl and sitting Jay-Jay down in his high chair and starting to feed him. I started thinking that this is what it's going to be like when Charlie's born, I hope to god it's not, I'm constantly rushing around, the only time I've sat down today was when I was driving Sky to school and as well as that I'm REALLY tired I keep feeling I'm going to fall asleep. But I had to keep it together everyone was depending on me.I decided to go and write a note on one of the sticky pads and put it on the fridge for the others when they wake up. I didn't know what to put so I just wrote.
Hey guys, don't worry Jayden's not gone I've got him with me and Sky's at school, I'm just going to check up on Becky then pick Pumpkin up from school, be back as soon as I can, I have cups and aspirin out if you need it they're over by the microwave.
XOXOXO Frankie.
I re-read it before sticking it on the fridge.
"That'll do." I told Jayden before putting him back in his car seat and taking him back out. I strapped him in then got in my self, I felt my cell go off, the caller I.D said Becky and Katie home, I flipped it open and answered.
"Hello?" I asked wondering who it was.
"Hey babes it's me." It was Becky.
"I hope to god your Becky because I've told you once already Katie I'm not interested in you like that." I joked.
"Frank, this isn't the time for jokes, I'm ill!" She retorted sounding annoyed.
"Sorry baby, me and Jayden are on our way over now to pamper you, anything you need?" I asked my VERY hormonal girl friend.
"Pickles, lots and lots of pickles." I raised my eyebrow at what she was saying.
"They're on the top shelf on the left, but I thought you hate pickles?!" I told her starting to get confused.
"Well being pregnant does funny things to people." She mumbled into the phone, she was obviously eating what I assumed was the pickles I had told her the location of.
"OK, well we'll be over as soon as we can, love you, give Charlie a kiss from me."I smiled into the phone before hanging up. I looked in the rear view mirror to see Jay smiling his head of for no reason. We arrived shortly after Becky had called I pulled Jay out of his seat and carried him up the 7 flights of stairs to Katie and Becky's flat. I pulled my set of keys out of my pocket and undid the lock.
"Hey baby." I greeted Becky.
"Oh thank god your here." She practically threw herself at me.
"Hey be careful I'm with baby." I joked rubbing my stomach.
"Not funny, anyway how is my little guy?" She asked taking Jay off of me, she loved little Jay, that's what made her want kids in the first place.
"I'm good thanks and so is my little man." I joked again.
"Frank I'm not joking, stop it." Becky growled at me.
"So what time do you have to pick up Sky?" She asked me, I looked at the clock.
"Oh god, in 10 minutes, well we better be off, if you need me call me." I smiled,grabbed Jayden off of Becky and kissed her good bye.
"Is that is?" Becky asked offended I hadn't stayed longer. I nodded.
"Look I'm sorry it's just everyone is still hungover and Gee and Ray are the only ones even out of bed so I've been looking after them and the kids, but I promise tomorrow we'll spend a day together." I kissed her again before running out, sprinting as fast as I could back down the 7 flights of stairs, I was late dropping her off, so there was no way I would be late picking her up. I rushed out the car,buckled Jay in followed by my self and drove round the corner to Sky's pre-school, it didn't take long it's only about a 5 minute drive there from the flat so we were just about on time. I put Jayden in his buggy and pushed him to the door where all the mums were collecting there stuck up little blond clones. I kept getting weird stares from kids and their mums, I mean for one I was dressed different and had a baby with blond hair when I had jet black making them think i was probably one of the kind of people who adopted their girl friends kids even thought their not mine, but I hadn't which bugged me a bit, but the main thing I think was that I was the only man there. A teacher approached me.
"You must be Sky's dad I haven't seen you here before." The blond woman guessed.
"No, I'm her uncle Frank." I put on a fake smile as the woman brought Sky out, but another slightly taller child trailed behind her calling her name, she looked familiar.
"Oh my god! Little Lily-may Toro, well I never." The little girl who followed her out was a face I knew all to well, Lily-May was Rays niece, it was his sisters daughter, and you could see a bit of Ray in her, the lips were exactly the same.
"Uncle Frankie?" She asked confused at why I was here.
"Hey long time no see sweetie." I bent down and hugged her. Then suddenly I heard another familiar voice behind me.
"What the hell do you think you're doing to my little girl?!" The woman asked. She stopped mid smack when I turned round.
"Frankie!" Izzy smiled hugging me.Izzy was Ray's little sister, we'd known each other for years and had gotten to be quite good friends.
"How has every one been?" Izzy asked picking Lily-May up as I strapped Sky into her push chair.
"Well I take it you've been told about Medina?" I asked just making sure. She nodded sadly,every ones family was like our own family in the band.
"I'm sorry to hear about it." She comforted.
"It's OK, well anyway, Bob and Ella adopted these two." I smiled pointing to Sky and Jayden.
"Sky's my new best friend." Lily-May told her mum Izzy.
"Wow, that's weird! I joked. "Any way, we've all been fine they're settled in good, and I'm about to become a dad to a baby boy for the first time." I beamed hardly able to contain my excitement.
"Well congratulations." She smiled.
"Hey do you want to come over to see everyone?" I asked her and Lily-May. They looked at each other and nodded.
"Sure I haven't talked to my brothers in along time." Izzy smiled, she considered all of us her brothers which I thought was really cool.
"Well we can give you a lift back if you want,we're going back now and we have enough room in the car." I smiled politely.
"That would be great thank you Frankie." Izzy smiled putting Lily-May down and letting her and Sky run to the car.
"Oh just a warning it was mine and Sky's birthday last night and we went to have a meal and a meal turned into a drinking contest between Ray,Gerard,Bob,Mikey and Ella. So they're a bit hung over, when I left Gerard and your brother were the only ones up." I told her while strapping both of my nieces into the car (Lily-May isn't my biological niece but I called her that because I find it easier.)Followed by Jay. Izzy climbed into the front with me and we headed off home.
"This is going to be just like good old times." I smiled at Lily through the rear view mirror, she returned the smile.
"So how long til Becky's due?" Izzy asked curiously. I shrugged.
"Oh right.." Izzy trailed off.
"So where's Luke these days?" I asked. Luke was her husband, and Lily-May's dad or that's what we were told, but no one believed her, it just wasn't possible! Lily had very light brown hair and the most bright blue eyes you've ever seen, Izzy had quite dark brown hair and light brown eyes and then there was Luke, he was Greek he had black hair and very dark brown eyes that looked like they were black.
"Oh ummm...We had a disagreement and one thing lead to another and we just went our separate ways." She lied, I could tell she was lying because she wouldn't make eye contact with me.I think she'd told him who Lily's real father was, but for some reason there was no way she would ever tell any of us.
"Oh, is that why your back in town?" I asked being rather nosey.
"Well kind of, I wanted to be near you guys and Lily's real dad lives round here and I want them to get to know each other a bit better." She told me, for the first time admitting Luke wasn't her dad.
"Fair enough..." I commented. For the rest of the short ride home there was an awkward silence.
"OK we're here." I told Izzy pointing to our house.
"Wow, it's just like I remember it." Izzy recalled the time she spent over here before she had Lily and moved away.
"Well there's five men and only 1 woman living here so that's why it hasn't changed should see my room, there's probably the same dirty boxers on the floor." I joked getting the 2 girls out of the car. The door was left open so I went straight in followed closely by Izzy carrying Jayden. I let the 2 girls go off and play in the garden with Sky's new stuff before going into the living room to see only Gerard and ray up still.
"Sky's got a friend?" Gerard asked pretending to be shocked.
"Yeah, she's an awesome kid, and has a good taste in friends." I smiled signaling for Izzy to stay put where she was for a minute.
"So who's this kid? I bet they have one of those teen mum's who flips when they see us..." Ray rolled his eyes as he said it.
"Oh thanks Ray! Nice to know what you think of me!" Izzy laughed walking in much to her brothers shock.
"Izzy?" Ray asked not believing it was his 'baby' sister.
"Yep it's me fuzzy bear." Izzy grinned running up to him and hugging him, Gerard was still just stood there in shock.
"I couldn't forget my snuffkins now could I!" She laughed hugging Gee (Yes I know we all have weird nick names!)
"So how are you guys?" She asked sitting down and making her self at home.
"Well you know all about me, I've explained." I looked at the other 2 who were still sat in a state of shock.
"Ummm..We're fine." Is all Gerard managed to spit out.
"Are the others still not up?" I asked rolling my eyes at their laziness.
"Yep they're all awake, Bob's gone out to meet up with his friend." Ray started, I looked round to Izzy she was stood there wide eyed like something was up, but I didn't ask her if she wanted to tell us she would.
"Ella's out shopping and Mikey went to see Katie." Gerard finished.
"Oh cool...." I couldn't think of what else to say at the moment, then the girls came in from outside, Sky was covered in mud.
"You know what spare me the explanation and just go to our room Sky." I pointed up stairs not even giving her the chance to explain, I didn't even want to see the state of the garden... Once I'd made sure she went upstairs I went and sat down, Ray and Gerard were sat on the floor while Lily-May sat on Izzy's lap, Lily looked tired she was sucking her thumb.
"Tired sweety?" I asked her, She nodded slowly.
"Is there anywhere I can lay her down?" Izzy asked picking up her daughter.
"Well Sky's old room is empty so there I guess, go up stairs and it's straight ahead of you."I pointed out the room.Izzy nodded gratefully and went upstairs carrying Lily. Shortly after she left I herd a cell or something go off.
"Who's cell is that?" I asked the other 2 guys who were in the front room cooing over Jayden who had just learned to sit up by himself, they both shrugged. I carried on searching for what it was, then finally I found Izzy's phone in her coat pocket, I picked it up and looked at it for a while, deciding what to do.
"I reserve my right as her big brother to invade her privacy."I told the others, they nodded in agreement and crowded round me to read it.It said it was from Bob Mobile, then thoughts started running through my head, what if it was 'our' Bob, why would he be texting Izzy none of us have had contact with her since she moved away a few years ago... I carried on anyway, I clicked read, it said:
Hey Izzy and Baby blue.
Were are you? I've been waiting ages, I don't have long, I need to go home and see Jay and Sky *rolls eyes*, you said you were picking Lily straight up from pre-school then coming to meet up, why bother telling me I'm her dad then not letting me see my little girl.
See you soon I hope
Love you two
Then it clicked. The reason Bob kept going out, the reason Luke left Izzy even said Lily's dad lives round here. Bob's Lily's dad, he's been cheating on my sister, I turned to see what Gee's and Ray's reactions were, Gee just stood there wide eyed and open mouthed.
"No way, not our Bob..." Ray refused to believe. Me and Gerard nodded at him in unison.
"What are we going to do?" Gerard asked me and Ray.
"Well 1 thing's for sure don't tell anyone you know...." I started. Straight after I'd said that Izzy came down stairs.
"Ummm...Hey Izzy, I'll leave you guys to catch up I'm going to check on Sky." I made up an excuse to get away, I ran straight up to my little girl.
"Sky?" I asked knocking slowly on the door.
"Go away." She shouted, I went in anyway I placed myself at the end of her bed.
"look I'm sorry Pumpkin, I totally over reacted, your a 4 year old girl your meant to have fun, it's just well it's been hard taking care if you 2 all day and I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm sorry and well....Am I forgiven?" I asked my niece putting my arms out to hug her, she nodded and hugged me tightly.
"I promise to protect you." I whispered in her ear.
"Why'd you say that?" She asked me looking confused.
"No matter..." I smiled to myself. I picked up my light weight niece and carried her down stairs, when we got half way down I heard a all to familiar voice.
"SKY!!" Bob shouted taking her off of me and giving her a brief hug, before carrying upstairs to, what I assume, get Lily-May. It broke my heart seeing Sky's face as her dad put her down to go and see someone that, to her knowledge, he doesn't even know all that well. I just wished there was something I could do, but I suddenly thought maybe there was.......