My adoption romance

Chapter 7

Frank's pov.

My idea could work, it might take a little sweet talking but it should...I ran down stairs and sat looking Innocent on the sofa next to Ella.

"So what's happening with the sleeping arrangements?" I asked putting my plan to work.
"Well, Lily and Izzy are staying a few nights, I'm not sure where they're going to sleep but we'll work something out." Bob started smiling at them, I gave him a filthy look but luckily he didn't notice.
"Katie's coming over and staying with Mikey as well and then it's just us as normal." Ella finished for him.
"Hey I've got a idea!" I smiled at what I was going to suggest.
"Why don't I take the kids away to the flat for a week or so while Lily and Izzy stay, I mean I may as well, I can't have Becky being alone now that she's heavily pregnant now can I? And there's not exactly going to be much room now is there?" I questioned making Ella think about it.
"I don't know Frank,I mean 1 whole week is an awful long time away from us...." Ells started looking worried.
"Ella it's me your twin brother! I'm not some 40 year old pervert, they'll be fine there's loads of stuff to do and I'll make sure they call every day." I gave my twin puppy dog eyes and hugged her.
"OK, but they call every day." She reminded me, I nodded and ran upstairs to call Becky, I hadn't actually asked her yet....I picked up my phone in my room and called her, as the phone rang Sky,who had followed me in, came and sat on the end of the bed and rested her tired head in my lap.
"Hello?" Becky asked picking up the phone.
"Hey Bex, it's Frankie, look I have something to ask." I told her nervously, you can never tell how she'll react so it was better to be safe then sorry.
"Sure go ahead baby." She encouraged.
"OK, well for reasons that I'll explain when we get to the flat I don't want Sky and Jayden staying at the house with Bob. so I was wondering if me and the kids could come and crash at the flat with you for a week or 2..." I trailed off hoping she would say yes.
"Ummm...sure, but there might not be enough room, we can't use Katie's room even though she's at your place." Becky reminded me, I smiled because I was finally getting the kids out of here.
"That's fine, Sky's used to sharing a bed with me at home, she refuses to sleep with out me being there and we can put Jay's cot in our room or something." I told her getting up and heading to Sky's closet to pack her stuff.
"OK, Well I'll get ready for you to come over, what do you and the kids want for diner?" She asked, I looked at Sky, she looked blankly back at me.
"Just order in a pizza, we'll be over in about half an hour." I informed her.
"OK see you guys then, send my love to everyone, love you bye." And with that she hung up leaving me with the daunting task of getting the kids stuff sorted out.
"Sky get your shoes on, I'm packing your stuff, oh and for god sakes don't forget Petey your toy panda again, I'm not coming back for it." I rolled my eyes remembering the last time she stayed at the flat, we walked all the way there with 2 suit cases then just before I collapsed on the sofa she told me we had to go back for Petey the panda.
"Why are we going some where?" She asked looking confused as she usually did.
" You me and Jay are going to stay with Becky at the flat for a while, now go get your stuff!" I nudged her out the door and sent her into her own room to gather all her things. I just grabbed random clothes that I thought looked cool, and a couple of pairs of shoes for each of them, now I had the task of getting a heavy suit case, a big travel cot,a high chair and 2 over exited kids to get in the car, this could prove difficult..I ran down stairs with the suit case, no one looked round they were to engrossed in their own conversations,I put down the 2 boot seats and put the suit case in, I repeated this with the travel cot,high chair and then finally with the kids, I climbed into the drivers seat and adjusted the mirror so I could see what 'my' kids were doing. (I know they're not my kids but at the moment I'm the only father figure they need, and even Sky's accidentally called me daddy a few times!)
"Ready?" I asked the two.
"YEAH!!" Sky shouted hyperactively, Jay just giggled at his toes that he was wriggling around.
"Becky's ordering in a pizza for us for diner." I smiled into the mirror at Sky., she didn't hear, she was to busy listening to her I-Pod, she was mouthing along to the words of the song, I was trying to lip read and work out what the song is.
"Trust me." She shouted out loudly all of a sudden, making me jump. I laughed at her, she was listening to I'm not Okay, I decided to join in with her for some unknown reason. I took Sky's I-Pod off of her and plugged it into the C.D player so we could all listen.
"I'M NOT OKAY! I'M NOT OKAYYYY, NO I'M NOT OKAY, I'M NOT OH..." I stopped at that point and turned to give Sky a 'Don't you even think about it ' look, for once she got the hint and went silent.
"Why are we driving Daddy?" Sky asked, This time I didn't correct her when she said it, I just left it.
"Because I'm not taking 3 suit cases,2 kids, a high chair and a cot 3 blocks away, when I have a perfectly good car in the driveway!" I reminded her.
"YAY!! We're here." Sky started shouting as we pulled into the car park. The second I stopped the car she was straight out and running up the many flights of stairs to Becky and Katie's flat.
"BECKY! BECKY! BECKY! BECKY!" She repeated over and over until Becky came running to her door.
"PUMPKIN!" Becky shouted in return bending down and giving her a hug.
"Is the pizza here?" Sky asked trying to look past Becky.
"So that's why your being nice to me." Becky joked.
"No, I'm being nice because your having a baby." Sky smiled sweetly.
"I know sweetie, Pizza and plates are on the table, munch away." Becky indicated the table to Sky, she skipped off more then happily.
"So are you going to tell me what's going on?" Becky asked me taking Jayden out of his car seat and settling him in her arms. I explained the whole VERY long story to her again.
"But you can't tell anyone...." I finished, of course she would tell some one! What was I thinking?
"WOW..Poor Ella, and the kids." Becky shook her head as she said.
"Trust me, I know so that kind of explains why I've been playing daddy all day." I explained.
"Well they need a proper roll model at this time of life." Becky agreed.
"But is it me?" I questioned myself not knowing if I was dad material.
"Of course you are! The kids love you, your fun but fair and you know what to do when Sky steps out of line." Becky smiled giving me a reassuring kiss.
"Hmmm..Sure I do." I walked off still not thinking I was the right person for the job.
"Enjoying your pizza?" I laughed at Sky who had the tomato stuff all over her face, a mumbled yes followed as she tried to swallow the big chunk of pizza in her tiny mouth.
"Good good, I'm going to lay Jay down, because he had his diner before we left your house." I told her picking Jayden up and taking him to my bedroom. Now all I had to do it put the damn travel cot up, I sat Jayden up on the bed so he could watch, I wasn't as hard as it looked actually! I was quite proud because I did it in less then 5 minutes.
"There we go, now to get you off to sleep which might be alot harder." I mumbled to myself as I rested Jay down to sleep and walked out.
"Dada, Back! BACK!!!" He screamed out for me as I left, I rolled my eyes and walked back in.
"It's OK, Dada will never leave you if you want me, and that's a promise." I got Jayden's blanket out of his changing bag and layed it over him.
"Night Dada." He whispered as he fell asleep, today had been a long and confusing day for him so it was best he went to bed now before he got over tired and didn't want to go to sleep.
"Dad, tomorrow do I get to miss school?" Sky asked from her location at the table.
"Why would you miss school?" I asked confused.
"You,me and Mikey are going to see Green day!" She rolled her eyes and put her head in her hands.
"Oh god sorry, I forgot, yes you get to miss school, but I better call Mikey and sort this all out." I told her heading to the phone which was in the kitchen,I dialed the home number and waited.
" Hello?" Izzy's voice beamed into the phone, I tried to act as though I was happy, I didn't want a whole inquest to why I wasn't.
"Hey Izzy, Is Mikey boy there?" I asked curiously.
"Hang on I'll just get him." Izzy rested the phone down and ran to get Mikey, her calls were shortly followed by Mikey's light foot steps running down the stairs closely followed by a crash.
"Hey Frank." He beaming catching his breath.
"Do I even want to ask what that crash was?" I asked worried of the reply I would get.
"Oh that was me, I skidded over." I could still imagine his smiling face.
"Owwww..." He shouted.
"What?" I asked rolling my eyes.
"Gerard needs to use the phone and he's hurting me, go on MSN we can talk there." Mikey told me shortly before hanging up. I ran to the living room and sat on the sofa, I turned on my laptop and placed it on my lap.
"Can we go on web cam?" Sky asked coming and sitting next to me.
"Sure." I smiled. I signed into my MSN when it finally came up, I clicked on Mikey's name and started a conversation.

Frank Say's: Hey Mikey, Tis me and Sky, accept web cam.
Mikey Say's: Hey Sky, Hey Frankie. I already have.
Frank Say's: So what are we doing about the concert tomorrow?
Mikey Say's: Dunno, do you want me to come over in the morning so we can drive over together?
Frank Say's:Yep that sounds coolies.
Mikey Say's: Well I GTG, Ella's got the tea ready.
Frank Say's: Oh, OK see you tomorrow, send my love to everyone.
Mikey Say's: Sorry to hear about the whole thing with Bob.
Frank Say's: how do you know?
Mikey Say's: Becky called Katie and told her and Katie told me.
Frank Say's: Well, good news sure does travel fast *Gives Becky evils* She wasn't meant to tell anyone, so just don't tell anyone.
Mikey Say's:My lips are sealed.

Mikey has left this conversation.

"Becky, you told Katie!" I called to her.
"Sorry, but this is big news and she was going to find out sooner or later." Becky gave me an Innocent look.
"Well she's told Mikey." I spat.
"Well how's that my fault!?" She shouted, making Sky jump.
"Well maybe I shouldn't be with someone who I can't trust." I think I had just gone a little over board...
"Well maybe if that's what you think you shouldn't be here." She gave me a evil look as she said.
"Well maybe we shouldn't!" I stomped into mine and Becky's room and grabbed a sleeping Jayden out from his cot and snatched his and Sky's bags.
"Come on Sky we're going!" I called to her, she followed me out as she always did. I was thinking about where the hell we were going to stay for the night as I got the kids into the car.
It's 5,so it might not be to late to go to the estate agents and rent a flat in case something like this happens again or we're out of the flat for a little longer then I thought, I know it's a bit of an over reaction renting a flat, but when it's down to doing that or going back to the house with Ella,Bob and the others, that option wins hands down I swerved against the oncoming traffic and pulled into the car park next to the first estate agents I could find.
"Sky you stay here, I'll be right back, just got to talk to some people, don't wake Jay up." I kissed Sky on the cheek and ran in.

Sky's pov.
Why did Daddy take us from our house in the first place? If he didn't this wouldn't have happened and we wouldn't be in this mess.
"Hey Jayden, wake up." I prodded my baby brother.
"KY!!!" He shouted happily putting his arms out for me.
"Not now, wait until daddy gets back, I'm not aloud to hold you on my own." I reminded him.
"Dada?" Jay asked getting teary eyed as he looked round trying to find dad.
"Dad's gone to sort something out for us, he'll be back soon." I kissed Jay's fore head, he smiled at me and settled back to sleep.
"Sky?" Dad asked.
"Yes." I replied.
"I thought I told you not to wake him up." Dad scowled at me as he climbed into the front seat.
"Sorry daddy but he's asleep again now." I smiled trying to be cute so I wouldn't get in trouble.
"It's OK, anyways we've got some where to stay for a while, it's flat number 3 so not to many stairs to climb." Dad smiled at me through the mirror as he started to drive towards the place, I had no idea where we were going, I've never been to the part of town we were in now.
"We're here, grab yours and Jayden's bags and follow me." Dad told me popping open the boot so I could climb in and get to all my stuff, he got Jayden out trying not to wake him again and started walking through the car Park which by this time was almost pitch black. He stopped at one of the doors and with his spare hand opened the door.
"Go pick our room then." Dad told me as he got everything sorted out, I ran into the first of the 2 rooms, it was pink with a barbie border, now way was this our room! And added to that it was tiny and only had a single bed. So I walked into the next one and looked inside, it was nice and plain and had a bed like daddy's and mine, I ran back out to see daddy UN-packing all our stuff.
"That one." I told daddy pointing to the room on the left.
"Cool, well you go in there and switch on the T.V , I'll bring in nightmare before Christmas for us to watch if you put your pajamas on like a big girl.
"OK." I agreed and ran off to get changed.

Frank's pov.

Haha! Children are so easy to please! I laughed at her as she ran off excitedly to get changed.
I stripped down to my boxers and then changed Jay into his night time baby grow and clean nappy, this boy could sleep through anything I swear to god!
"Finished dad!" Sky called running out in her Pokemon p.j's.
"OK, we're coming." I grabbed Jay in one arm and the DVD in the other and walked to the room where Sky was on her side of the bed with the covers over her waiting for me. I layed Jay on the bed and walked to put the DVD on. I pressed the play movie button and climbed into bed laying Jayden on my chest, seeing as I left his cot at the flat. After about 10 minutes into the film I looked at Sky she was fast asleep, I smiled at myself and covred her up.
"Night baby." I whispred into her ear I didn't care that she couldn't hear me, I just wanted to let her know. I carried Jayden over to the T.V and turned it off, then I walked back and tucked my self in careful not to knock Jayden or wake him up. As sad as I was I couldn't get to sleep because I was so exited about the concert tomorow.