Life Is the Most Beautiful Thing You Can Ask For

Chapter Eleven

Chapter 11

Chapter Eleven

As we were in the middle of the lesson, Jake asked a question.

“Jane, why are you so different from other girls?”
I had no idea what to say. Did he know my secret?”

“What do you mean as in “different”?” I turned in my seat so I can see him better.

“Well this might sound weird since I’m you’re teacher and all, but out of school were friends right?” He asked, what was he getting at?

“Yeah, and?” wow I sound like a bitch.

“Jane, I don’t know how to say this so if it comes out weird and well not sounding right, forgive me.” He told me.


“Jane your very pale, all your family is, well what I have seen of them anyways. But you’re still beautiful, normally girls want to be tanned to look well, “hot” but you look hot for being pale. Your eyes are beautiful and you don’t care what people think of you. And you say you never had a boyfriend, well there missing out on a lot because I wish I was younger so I could love you.” I was wide eyed.

You know I said I didn’t know what to say when he told me I was different well I made a mistake, I have no fucking idea what to say now. He just told me he loved me. I know hes like a few years older but I’m a vampire hes human. I can’t love him back even though I want too. Oh how much I wish I could drink his blood right now from his lips.
Jane! What are you thinking? My mind was telling me. This is going to be a long night.
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Hey everyone I know its short but i had this idea since last night and if i didnt put it up i probably would of never thought of it again. Lol Please tell others.

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please and thank you

love Tanya