Your Strongest Memory

The City

I opened my weary eye’s to reveal a city, broken and beaten. Burned building’s smoked in the distance, ember’s spiralled from dizzying height’s and a thin layer of mist shrouded it. I stepped over the jagged rock’s and wood towards a gravel path. The city looked strangely familiar, I’d seen in before. A spooky howl made the hair on my neck stand on end, I turned to see a wolf like creature with three head’s. I shrieked in horror. It looked at me with it’s beady yellow eye’s, bared it’s sharp teeth and hissed, I slowly walked backwards watching it’s eerie movement’s, it was almost silent as it’s paw’s touched the path.

Suddenly a loud bang startled me and the creature sprang towards me, saliva dripped from it’s mouth as it flew though the misty air. I peeked from one eye, a shadow stood in front of me. I looked harder to see a women in a velvet black dress, she turned to face me, her face was covered in a stark white mask. The wolf like creature was connected to a length of barbed wire which was wrapped round her hand. Her pale skin was stained with blood.
“Are you okay” I panted, breathing heavily from shock.
“The” She whispered, her voice was beautiful yet she sounded in pain.
“Where am I” I asked.
“The city” She replied quietly.
The dog like creature then howled, she faced away from me and walked towards the burning city.
“Where are you going” I asked again.
She didn’t answer, she just disappeared like mist on a summer’s day.
A alluring sound came closer and closer with every step I took towards the city. I wandered though more rubble and decay, everything here seemed dead or decayed. It was then I heard a scraping noise ahead, I walked towards it.

I stood dead in my track’s, there was another women in a dull dress encased in metal razor wire, her blonde hair blew gently in the breeze, her face behind dirty gas mask. I didn’t know what to say or do. She slowly crept towards me, her head was tilted in confusion as she reached out her white hand and gently touched my arm. I shivered from her cold, dead touch.
I conjured enough courage to mutter “Who are you?”
“B..B..B.. Black” she shrieked, she then screamed, the noise sent me to the ground. I looked up again, she was gone. I looked at my dirty hospital robe, torn from my experience’s. I slowly walked towards the city once more, small fire’s were now burning, the smoke choked me. The smell of rotted flesh filled the air, I looked up to see giant zeppelins in a pitch black colour drifting in the sky. I also saw vulture’s circling above me, cackling to one another. The sound was now close, it sounding like a snare drum but I couldn’t be sure.

I came to another person, female again. She had a black waistcoat and skirt on, her face wasn’t covered but a thick black band was painted over her eye’s. Stripe’s of gold shimmered on her waistcoat and she had a walking stick. Her short black hair gleamed in the low light as she hopped over to me. A snapping noise made me check my back, I saw her again behind me, there were two, they joined hand’s and smiled.
“Please help me” I cried.
“Remember” they said together “Parade”.
Then they smiled again and skipped away.
I fell into a heap on the floor and cried, I was now at the city, the noise was so close and no-one will help me. I was lost and alone. What the hell did “The Black Parade” mean?
I looked up as a melodic voice echoed in the air
“When I was a young boy, my father took me into the city to see a marching band”
I remembered now, the city, I have been here before, to see a band with my deceased father. Now I watched a float drift along the gravel path followed my hundred’s of character’s from ghost’s to wolf’s to people, they mostly covered there face’s. A sea of black and white mask‘s. The float was monochrome colour’s with five men playing this song, this song I’d heard since I arrived here.
“We’ll carry on and though your dead and gone believe me, your memory will carry on”
I then realised why I was here, I’m dead. I must be, I was in the hospital now I’m in a memory, my strongest memory. My father always told me death comes for you in your strongest memory in life to help the passing to the other side and on the way discover the story’s of others.
That would explain the four women, each trying to tell me there life and the black parade were my story, I’ll now carry on until I get to where I want to be.

Who am I? You should have guessed by now. The Patient.