What I Go to School For

Two; Homeroom Havoc.

“Oh no.” Mitchel groaned, seeing the teachers holding their homeroom codes in the air “Please no.”

“What?” Emily asked, following Mitchel’s gaze. She saw Mr Musso, Mitchel’s older brother, holding a sign aloft. It had the term ‘8MRu’ at the bottom, an arrow pointing upwards and above the point, the phrase ‘9MMu’.

“Oh.” Emily continued “I see your point there.” Behind them, Miley was skulking around, trying to avoid her brother, Mr Cyrus.

“You see, that’s why I’m glad my brother doesn’t work here.” Emily replied smugly. Mitchel and Miley glared at her.

“If you were in Mr Rubano’s homeroom class last year, then you’re with me this time, so come with me!” Mr Musso announced, leading the rest of Mitchel, Miley and Emily’s class away to the arts block. They sighed and dashed after them.

When they arrived at A2, Mr Musso’s classroom, he was still ushering the last of their class into the room.

“You’re late.” He murmured, grinning at the three of them. Mitchel cringed and stalked past him. Emily and Miley giggled and followed him, Mr Musso close behind.

“Okay class, welcome to ninth grade!” He exclaimed to his class, who were clustered in the center of the room “Sit down, get comfy!”

“There’s no tables sir.” Adam Siska stated, glancing around the room.

“Very observant.” Mr Musso remarked “Yes, there are no tables because this is a Drama classroom, so just pull up a chair from the side and get yourselves settled down while I try and find where Beckett put your timetables…” Miley, Mitchel and Emily glanced at each other before grabbing chairs and sitting down near Jared and Ashlee.

“Aha!” Mr Musso shouted in triumph, surfacing from beneath his desk holding twenty or so sheets of paper “Okay, when I call your name, wave, shout here, shout your favourite fruit, shout something that lets me know who you are, so I can learn names.” He looked at his first sheet.

“Robert Bryar?” He asked, looking around the room. A small blond boy waved feebly at him. He walked over and handed him the sheet before turning around.

“Michael Guy Chislett?” A boy sat with Adam waved weakly and Mr Musso passed him a sheet. He glanced at the next sheet and headed straight for Miley. He dumped the sheet in her lap, smirked and walked off.

“Alexander Davies?” He asked. A nervous looking boy with brown hair falling over his eyes stuck up his hand. He was sat with another four boys.

“Ah, you must be the English exchange students,” Mr Musso said, realization hitting him as he gave Alex his timetable.

“Josh and Zac Farro?” He continued. Two boys who looked almost identical waved at him.

“So who’s who?” He asked, holding the papers in one hand.

“He’s Zac.” Josh explained.

“And he’s Josh.” Zac continued.

“Way to confuse me. Sort it out yourselves.”

“Ben Goldwasser?” He said, spinning on his heels. A boy with a mass of curly brown hair muttered ‘here’ and Mr Musso gave him his sheet.

“Daniel and Edward Hetherton?” He questioned. Another two of the exchange students raised their hands; one had yellowish blond hair, the other with fluffy brown. He gave them their sheets and continued on his way.

“Frank Iero?” He asked. A boy sat with Robert from earlier waved. He handed the sheet over before turning on his heel.

“Jared Leto?” The boy beside Mitchel stuck up his hand and swiftly received his sheet.

“Edward Minton?” Another of the exchange students raised his hand - he looked like he was of Japanese descent.

Mr Musso looked at the next two names and grinned, heading straight for Mitchel again. He handed him and Emily their timetables, stuck out his tongue and sauntered off. Mitchel slammed his head into Emily’s shoulder before he died of embarrassment.

“Alistair Paul?” The final of the five exchange students raised his hand, hiding behind his messy bleach blonde hair. Mr Musso nodded and gave him the sheet.

“Adam Siska?” Adam waved overdramatically.

“Oh, so that’s your name…” Mr Musso said, waltzing over “Well, let me tell you something, Siska, do not get smart with me. Got that?” Adam gulped and nodded, thus receiving his sheet shoved in his face. Mr Musso rolled up the remaining sheets and batted him on the head.

“Good boy. Ray Toro?” The moment moved as fast as it had come. A boy sat with Robert and Frank, possessing a floppy brown afro, stuck up his hand and had a piece of paper shoved into his grasp.

“Andrew VanWyngarden?” A boy with messy, wavy brown hair, who was wearing a purple headband across his forehead, raised his hand.

“So you two must be Gerard and Mikey Way.” Mr Musso continued, looking at the two remaining boys. One was wearing thick rimmed black glasses and had clearly straightened brown hair, the other had ghost white skin and raven black hair.

“Sort it out yourselves.” He said curtly, thrusting the sheets into their hands and stalking to his desk. He flopped down into the desk chair and rested his feet on the wooden surface near the computer keyboard.

“Now, I’m supposed to go through this,” He waved a large wad of paper, stapled at the top in the air “With you, but I really cannot be bothered. So I’m quite happy for you to talk among yourselves, but make sure it’s quietly, because I’m gonna get some shuteye. Wake me up when you leave for first lesson.” After that, he promptly leant back in his chair, covered his face with his hat and nodded off.

“This school is mad…” Alex muttered under his breath as soft snores began to emanate from the teacher.
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Okay, I know it's really rubbish. =/
Deds to The Color Abi and inquisitive.. for commenting. =]
And guys, I need another five or six people to be in class 8SKu, so if you wanna be in it, leave a comment or message me saying what your character looks like, their name, personality etc. so I can write you in. =]
Thanks for reading, subscribing and commenting. =]