You're My Favourite Sound

He doesn't have many friends

I had my head on Joshi's lap as we watched re-runs of Family Guy. His fingers were running through my hair soothingly and sending me to sleep, which was the reason my eyelids were trying their hardest to stay open to keep me alert when Ethan called. I really hoped it would be soon because I didn't know how much more of this suspense I could take.

Why did I have to fuck everything up? No, why did I have to fuck this up?

The front door closed and Hazel came into the living room wearing a long silver top with very tight black pants and a pair of black heels. Her red jacket matched her lips and hair that was tied back in a loose ponytail.

"Hey, how was your date?" Joshi asked as the two of us watched her sit on the armchair, dropping her jacket onto the coffee table.

"Eh, it was alright," Hazel replied plainly.

"Just alright?" questionned Joshi, "Nothing you wanna spill with us?" Hazel shrugged. "You've been gone hours, there must've been something good about him?"

She scratched the back of her head as her eyeliner smudged eyes moved to the TV screen. "He was good in bed, I guess."

It fell silent, just the sound of Peter and Louis Griffin talking about Stewie peeing on the carpet, when really it was Brian. God knows how many times I had seen this episode, but I always found it amusing.

Sleeping with a man on the first date was no surprise for Hazel.

"So you're not seeing him again then?" Joshi finally asked.

Hazel scrunched up her nose a little and said, "Nah." She yawned then and asked, "Have you guys been smoking pot?"

"Mhmm," hummed Joshi.

"Without me?"

"We got a bit of a situation," he replied, running his fingers through my locks again.

"What's up, October? You look terrible."

"Thanks," I mumbled, rolling my eyes.

"She and the hubby had a fight," explained Joshi.

"Wow, that's new," Hazel frowned. "Must've been something serious..?"

"Frank," he said simply. Her eyebrows shot up and she mouthed an "oh".

"Ethan's jealous," I sighed, "But he's got no fucking reason to be."

"Hasn't he?" Hazel inquired, arching an eyebrow. I frowned at her. "It's just, he knew how crazy you were about Frank three years ago."

"Yeah, three years ago," I emphasised, "Things are different now."

"They may be, but put yourself in his shoes for a sec... You wouldn't be able to help yourself feeling how he does. You can't be mad at him for being jealous, babe, he has a right to be."

My frown deepend and I looked back to the screen, I knew she was right. Hazel was always right. Maybe I shouldn't see Frank anymore to make Ethan feel better... easier.

"I guess," I said with a light sigh.

"Hey, you know what we haven't done in a while?" announced Joshi, changing the subject. "Gone out for drinks, just the three of us. We can head over to a club one night next week, how about it, girls?"

"I'm liking that idea," grinned Hazel. "October?"

I shrugged, "Sure." Just then, my cell started ringing and I leapt up to receive it from the wooden table, heading to the bathroom as I slapped it to my ear. "Ethan?" I called, closing and locking the door behind me.

"Hey," he replied softly, guiltily.

"Hi. I'm so glad you called," I smiled, sitting myself down on the closed toilet seat.

"Really? I thought you'd still be pissed."

"No, I..." I started, but sighed instead. "I feel awful, Ethan. This whole thing is just stupid, I'm sorry I put you through it. I will never see Frank again if that's what you want." I ran a hand through my hair, knowing how hard that sacrifice would be.

"No, no... I don't want to stop you seeing your friends, sweetie, I don't want to be one of those husbands."

I brought my knees up to my chest as my smile returned. "Thank you," I whispered.

"I'm sorry, too, okay? I have to see you, can you come home?"

"Of course," I told him, "But, um... I'm not sure how I'm going to get there."

"How come?" he asked.

"I've been drinking..." He chuckled into my ear and the sound made my smile grow wider.

"Joshi and Hazel's, right?" he said.

"Yeah," I nodded, though I knew he couldn't see me.

"I'm on my way. I'll be there in five minutes, okay?"

"Thanks, Ethan. See you soon!"

We hung up and cheering came from behind the door. I shook my head at my best friends, who had obviously been earwigging, and the smile remained as I exhaled happily.

Things were good.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes, things are good... for now.
You guys really do give me confidence :)