You're My Favourite Sound

To the end?

October must have been staring off into space for a good fifteen minutes before Alex tapped her lightly on the shoulder. His touch brought her mind barreling back to reality, causing her growing migraine to swell and force her to shut her eyes tightly.

"I didn't think I tapped you that hard," Alex laughed softly. October shook her head.

"Nah, my head is killing me," she added as she realised that she had been cleaning the same spot on the counter for quite some time.

"Bummer, is that why you look like someone just told you the world is about to end?"

"It's among the reasons, I guess," she replied quietly.

Alex pulled himself up on to the bar and looked at her. "What's up, Halloween?"

October dropped her rag and looked at him. He smiled weakly at her, but grew concerned as the glazed, distracted look in her eyes shot right through him. He was having difficulties deciding whether or not she was really looking at him.

"Please don't judge me," she started. Alex let out a brief chuckle.

"Since when have I ever judged you?"

"And please don't tell Ethan..."

The older man frowned slightly, "About what?"

"Frank," she said, lowering her voice, "He kissed me... and I let him." She looked up at him slowly, hesitant to see his reaction, but he simply just blinked.

"... When was this?"

October shrugged, "Couple weeks ago. I haven't spoken to him since. I mean, he's been calling me and calling me, but I haven't answered."

Alex nodded silently with a look of all seriousness. "And you didn't stop it?"

"No. Well, I-I did, but not at first."

"And now you're confused," he stated, and she nodded. "Have you told anyone else?"

"No one," she answered, shaking her head. She hadn't even told the two people she told absolutely everything to. Her best friends. "I'm so grateful for what Ethan and I have, and I know I shouldn't throw it all away."

"Then don't," said Alex. "You know you'll hurt a lot of people, right? I mean, there's the obvious, your fiance, there's his family... and your parents, who've been helping put this wedding together."

"I know," October replied, "Of course I don't want to hurt them."

"Well then you'll be okay," Alex assured her. "It’ll be water under the bridge tomorrow."

"I guess," the younger girl said, nodding her head casually, "But when I tell Frank it's gonna be hell."

"No one likes to be rejected," he said, flicking her lip ring gently, "But Frank knows what's right, and he wants what's best for you."

October smiled warily. He punched her very lightly on the chin and hopped off the counter.

"Listen, I'm gonna go get a really big pizza because you look starved," he said with brotherly concern, "And I'm gonna bring it back here, and we're gonna eat, and drink and then set up for a kick ass show tonight and things will be good."

"Good, huh?" scoffed October.

"Yeah," Alex answered plainly, "Because life is about choices and my choice, our choice, is that this night is a good one. So you're gonna have to deal with that."

October felt a rush of relief wash over her. It was the feeling you get when you finally believe that things are going to go uphill from here, when you decide that you want to see the silver lining, so to speak.

Without another moments delay, Alex was out the door in search of comfort food while October posted the flyers for tomorrow night's show. Valentines Day. This band's logo was on the top with details listed below, and then in bold lettering at the bottom, it read, 'Let the Music Heal You'.

And that's exactly what she planned on doing.

She knew the night before Valentines Day was not the time to be doing this, but she also knew she had to get it out of the way before he did anything romantic-like. Frank was a hopeless romantic after all.

October pressed the apartment number and waited for him to answer, but received another voice instead.

"Oh, hi, Gee. It's October."

"Hey, kid," Gerard replied on the intercom, "Come on up, I was just leaving."

"Thank you," she said and made her way up the building. When she reached the door, it was already open and Gerard was standing so she could pass. She walked into Frank's apartment and turned back to the older man.

"He's just gotten in the shower," the front man told her, "Shouldn't be too long."

"Alright," October nodded, realising that the wait would let her nerves overpower her. She swallowed with difficulty, but managed to ask, "Where are you off to?"

"I feel bad leaving Lindsey, I've spent the past couple nights here. Just to keep an eye on him, you know?"

"An eye..?" she questionned, "Well, where's Jamia?"

Gerard sighed a little and scratched the back of his black mop of hair. "They broke up because the relationship was unfair on both of them. She's staying with some friends until the stuff with Skeleton Crew is taken care of. I mean, that was half the reason she was over here in LA anyway..." he trailed off.

October had stopped listening after the first set of words, the rest didn't really register with her. She soon snapped out of her trance when Gerard mentioned that he should get going, and he took the couple of steps out of the door, before stopping and turning back round again to gaze at her adoringly. It shocked her a little.

"That man would die for you," he told her with a small smile, "Don't forget that."

And he had closed the door before she had a chance to stop breathing. Which she did. Just for a moment. Then she heard the faint sound of running water and remembered Frank warning her when she stayed that the bathroom had no lock.

October felt her lips twitch and break into a grin. Everything seemed to be forgotten at that moment. Gerard forgotten. Work forgotten. Alex, school, family, all forgotten.

Ethan forgotten.

This moment, this moment right now was all that mattered.

The twenty one year old woman felt her legs move as they carried her down the hall, towards the bathroom. She carefully turned the knob of the door and watched as it swung open. She could see the faded silhouette of Frank behind the white shower curtain and slowly began stepping forward into the steamy room, her heart hammering against her rib cage.

When she reached the curtain, she didn't hesitate to throw it back. The tattooed man instantly whipped his head round and his hazel eyes widened in pure shock as she got under the warm water and crashed her lips against his, pushing his naked body against the tile wall.