You're My Favourite Sound

To the vows you take

A few days later, it was my father's 40th birthday party. It was at my parents' home and quite a lot of people showed up. Most of them I knew as family or friends, but there were some humans here and there I'd never met before in my life.

I'd only been here a half hour and already dad was merry, which didn't surprise me. What did surprise me was Hazel's behaviour (she and Joshi were invited but Blondie wasn't here yet), the twenty minutes she'd been here she'd been very quiet and kept to herself. Normally at a party she'd be well away drinking and mingling by now, but today she just didn't seem Hazel-like.

She was in the kitchen with Ethan and I, sipping lightly on a beer. I turned away from her when Ethan started up a conversation with me about wedding invitations. I nodded along guiltily, trying my best to be enthusiastic about it. Luckily, we were interupted by my father as he strolled in, his eyes sparkling happily.

"Joshi's here," he grinned, "And he brought his boyfriend."

"Boyfriend?" I questionned, "Joshi has a boyfriend?"

"Yeah, some Italian guy," he shrugged, "Quite a catch if you ask me. I know I wouldn't kick him out of bed." He gave Ethan an exaggerated wink and my fiance looked a little disturbed.


"Yes, sweetheart?"

"Stop mixing your drinks, okay?"

Ben came in then, greeting dad and wishing him a happy birthday, then he moved onto his brother and me, asking how we were and how the wedding was coming along. And then he got to Hazel, and things suddenly became awkward. Ah, maybe that was why Hazel was acting weird...

The tension was seriously making me uncomfortable and I looked at Ethan, motioning to the door. We both headed out of the room, shooing dad out aswell, and into the hall as I sighed.

"Man, that was intense," I commented.

"Tell me about it," Ethan agreed, "Hey, is that Mario?"

I turned to where his focus was and spotted Joshi with his new boyfriend... Well, old boyfriend. It was indeed Mario, the Italian Sex God he'd met in high school and dated until he had to go back to Italy with his family a couple years ago. I didn't know how long he'd be in America this time, but it was great to see the two lovebirds together again.

"Hey, gorgeous," Joshi greeted me with a hug.

"Hey!" I replied and instantly turned to the man next to him, who still had those dazzling amber eyes. "Mario!" I squealed and flung my arms around his fit-looking body, I couldn't help it.

"Ciao, October," he replied in that accent that was gorgeous to the ears, grinning back at me. His wavy black hair shone in the light and revealed the beauty of his tanned skin. "It is nice to see you again."

"When did you get here?" I questionned eagerly.

"I arrived last week," he replied cheerfully, "I tracked Joshi down immediately."

"Yeah, we met up for coffee and did a lot of catching up. Unbelieveable really," Joshi continued, and then motioned to the tall man stood a little behind me. "Mario, you remember Ethan?"

"Yes, ciao, Ethan," Mario greeted my fiance as he extended his hand. "Congratulations to you both on your engagement."

"Thanks, buddy," Ethan nodded, shaking the Italian's hand, "You must come to the wedding."

"Oh, deffinately," he agreed, "I'll be there."

"How long are you here for, Mario?" I asked.

"For as long as Joshi wants me here." The two looked at each other with cute smiles as Joshi reached for his boyfriend's hand.

"Aww, you guys," I beamed, chewing my lip ring in awe.

Joshi chuckled, "We're going to get a drink, I'll catch up with you soon, babe."

"Sure thing," I replied with a lop-sided smile and watched as the pair made their way down the hall, to the living room. "I'm going to keep Hazel company," I told Ethan, noticing Ben had now left the kitchen. He nodded and gave me a quick peck, before I left him for the girl in the next room.

"Dude, did you know about Mario?" I asked, walking back in. She still held that same beer in her hands, it looked asthough it hadn't been touched since I'd left her.

"Mario? Oh yeah, they went out for coffee the other day," she replied blankly.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I demanded with a smirk.

Hazel shrugged briefly, her red hair bouncing, "It must have slipped my mind."

I frowned. "Are you okay? You seem distracted."

"What? No, I'm fine."

I sighed, of course not at all convinced. "Is it Ben?"

She looked at me with those hazel eyes smothered in make up, looked away again, and sighed herself. "Yeah. Yeah, that's it."

I knew it wasn't Ben, I could tell, but I didn't want to push her if she wasn't ready to talk about whatever was making her like this. I watched as she placed her half empty beer bottle on the side, back against the wall.

"Aren't you gonna finish that?" I quizzed.

She merely shrugged again and said, "I don't feel like drinking tonight."

Hazel Owen not in the mood to drink? Okay, I was going to push.

Without warning, I grabbed her hand and led her out of the kitchen, through the mingling bodies, up the stairs, and to my old bedroom. I closed the door behind us and turned to my best friend, ignoring her 'what-the-fuck?' facial expression.

I simply pointed to my bed and ordered, "Sit."

The redhead did as she was told, but asked, "You didn't bring me up here to rape me, did you?"

"If that's what it takes," I answered.

She looked a little scared, "Takes to what?"

I rolled my eyes and sat down cross-legged in front of her on the bed. "I'm not letting you leave this room until you tell me what is really up."

Hazel stared at me hard for a few seconds, probably trying to work out if I was serious or not, and then broke her stare, sighing heavily. "I'm pregnant."

I must have choked on the vodka and coke I was holding because the next thing I knew, I was in the middle of a coughing fit.

"Shit, don't die on me, Armstrong," Hazel said, slamming me on the back.

"Jesus," I cried, getting my breath back. "A homosexual as a father and a sex-addict as a mother. Man, I'd love to be your kid."

"Hey, I am not a sex-addict!"

"How many times have you had sex in the past month?"

We didn't have to worry about being heard, the music was pretty loud downstairs. Hazel didn't answer my question, proving my point.

"Wait," I added, "Then how do you know it's even Joshi's?"

"I forgot to take the pill that night..." My eyes widened at her stupidity and she simply replied, "Did you see how drunk I was?"

I gulped down some more of my drink. "Man, what is Joshi gonna say?" I wondered aloud.

"I'm having an abortion," announced Hazel suddenly, "It's booked for next Wednesday."

I was speechless. I could not form any words. Did she not know Joshi?

Well, I did, and I knew for a fact that he is 100% against abortion. 'Murder' he called it. The thought of it made him feel physically sick, anything to do with it. Anything on TV, he'd change the channel. Anything even mentioned in a conversation, he'd stop listening. If he knew Hazel was aborting his baby... I don't even want to think about it.

The look on my face must have given away what was going on in my head because she said, "I know, I know, but I'm not gonna tell him."

I was still speechless. I did nothing but stare.

"October," Hazel pleaded, "I can't have a baby right now, I just can't. And I can't have it and give it away 'cause I know I won't be able to do it. I mean, once it's there, that's it. I know Joshi won't want to give it away either, you know he won't."

I continued to stay silent, so she continued.

"It's deffinately the wrong time. I'm too young and I've got so much going on in my life right now, having a baby would just screw all of that up and if it screws me up, that screws it up and I don't want that to happen, it's not fair on it." She looked at me, the wall, the floor, and then me again. "I mean, I've worked so hard with the tattoo apprentiship, you know, I'm having the time of my life. I mean, I'm working with Kat Von D for fuck sake, it's my dream. I haven't got to where I am now just to throw it all away, I haven't done it for nothing."

I finally broke my stare and sighed, "I guess that's true."

"Yeah, and it won't just screw me up, it will Josh too," the younger girl added, "I mean, I know he's against abortion and all, but how's he gonna look after a kid when he gets somewhere with theatre and he's traveling all over the place? He won't want all that shit."

Just then, the door was thrown open so hard it hit the wall with a loud smack, and both our heads snapped towards it.

"Oops," mumbled Joshi from the doorway. Mario came out from behind him, giggling away, and it set the blonde man off. They obviously hadn't heard what Hazel was saying, thank God.

"What are you two girlies doing? I saw you sneak up here." Joshi waggled his eyebrows seductively.

"You're not drunk already, are you?" I laughed nervously. Hazel sat still with wide eyes.

"We are... what is the phrase?" Mario said, "'Drunk on love'?"

I glanced at Hazel and she dropped her focus to her lap, so I looked back to the men and asked with a smile, "Why don't you lovebirds go get some more drink down you? Hazel and I need some girl time."

"Fine," Joshi scoffed. "Come on, Mario, we're obviously not wanted," he joked.

"You know that's not true," I smirked and watched as they both disappeared back out of the room, closing the door behind them firmly, before I turned back to the girl sat in front of me.

"Look at them," she said softly, "Josh has just gotten back with the only guy he's ever been in love with. I don't want to ruin what they have, how could I do that?" She tucked her hair behind both ears and looked at me sternly. "You have to come with me, we'll get this done and Joshi won't have to know anything."

I shoved my head in my free hand, "Jesus, Hazel, please don't put me in that situation." I was already keeping a huge secret of my own, how was I supposed to keep this one too?

"I wouldn't ask if I didn't want you there, October, please, I need you there."

She was giving me that look, the one you really wanted to say 'no' to, but couldn't bring yourself to. I knew that if I were in her situation she'd do anything she could to support me, it was wrong to leave her in this by herself, I couldn't do that to her.

So I agreed.

I also agreed to leave the party for a little while to drive her home, as she'd gotten a cab over.

"I couldn't bring myself to drive," she'd said, "I was too nervous about your reaction."

"You didn't need to be," I'd replied sympathetically. We'd told the party she was feeling unwell and set off.

On the drive to the apartment, Hazel remained silent, her eyes either in her lap or gazing out of the window at the street lamps as they lit up brightly. Once I pulled up into the parking lot, my cell gave off a text message vibration and I fished it out of my purse to see that it was from Frank.

'Wish u were here xo'.

I must have been staring at it for a while, like a school girl did when she'd gotten a text from the boy she liked and she re-read it over and over, just to make sure it was really there, because Hazel had to snap me out of it.

"Who is it?" she quizzed, leaning over to try and steal a glimpse, but I hurriedly got rid of the text.

"Just Ethan," I told her.

"Aw, cute," she smiled weakly, "What is it? Does he miss you already?"

"Something like that," I mumbled, shoving the phone back in my purse. "Um, I have to shoot off, he said dad's opening his presents. Are you gonna be okay?"

"Oh, yeah, sure," she nodded, taking off her seat belt, "Don't worry about me."

"I'll give you a text later, alright? Just try and get some sleep."

"Will do." She gave me a small smile, before opening the door and stepping out, "Later, doll. Hope your dad likes his presents."

"Bye," I said, and watched as she walked up to the building, waiting until she was inside before starting the engine again.

I reversed out of the space, out of the parking lot, and heading over to Frank's.
♠ ♠ ♠
Five stars? :/ Wow.
Like I told xninjaZOMBIE!x3, your comments give me the confidence to carry on with my writing because sometimes I feel a little insecure about it. Thanks, guys.