You're My Favourite Sound

And all the cyanide you drank

A limo slowed down and came to a stop outside the Staples Center, Downtown Los Angeles. October looked out of the window and saw a crowd of screaming people stood behind metal barriers. There were a lot of them, and many photographers, along with reporters and interviewers.

Flashes were already going off as Tre was the first one out of the limo, followed by Mike and his wife, Brittney. The screams got a little louder as Billie Joe got out next, and he helped Adrienne out, too. He then held out a hand to his daughter, smiling in his Rock God manner, and the twenty one year old took his hand, getting out of the vehicle.

It was the night of the Grammys and Green Day, who were looking perfect for the evening, although had won a few awards at last year's event for '21st Century Breakdown', were up for a couple more this year for the fifth and final single they released off of the album, 'Last Night On Earth'.

The cameras instantly began to film and people were everywhere, there was no place to turn to get away from them all. October had been to a few of these things before, but when the camera started rolling, she always got butterflies as she knew that the world would be watching them.

She looked stunning in her black and red mini dress with see-through shoulder straps, and it stopped three inches above the knee, revealing her toned legs underneath the skin coloured tights. The dress showed off the tattoo on her back that read: 'vos es vestri own os' ('you are your own sight' in Latin), going from shoulder blade to shoulder blade. Her heels revealed the stars on her right foot and the tattoos on both wrists looked great, the Adeline skull and crossbones on one, 'Joseph' written on the other.

"Oh my God, this is wild!" a male voice squealed from behind her. October turned to see Alex stepping out of the limo in an all-black suit, and laughed at his excitement.

Alex was here simply because he was taking Ethan's ticket, as Ethan had to work tonight and October couldn't pick out of Hazel and Joshi. October slid her arm through Alex's as they began to follow the others, flashes going off like crazy, along with screams.

They stepped onto the red carpet and stopped occasionally while smiling for the cameras. Billie Joe detatched from his wife and went over to a reporter with Mike and Tre, leaving Adrienne and Brittney chatting not far behind them.

A few fans bellowed out October's name, begging for her autograph. The young woman knew there was just one reason they were calling out to her, but she was in a good mood tonight and only too happy to give the kids what they wanted, so they could go and brag about it to their friends. She was here to support her father's band after all, especially seeing as the nominated song was her song.

"October, you look so pretty!" cried one girl as October signed her CD, where various other celebraties had already done so.

"Aw, why thanks," the daughter of an idol smiled, a little bashful.

"Is it true that you and Frank Iero had a 'thing'?" another called out.

Frank would also be here tonight with My Chemical Romance, as all five members of the band were presenting an award for the ceremony. This excited October, but she was bummed that she had to contain her feelings for the several hours they'd be in the public eye.

She laughed nervously, and plainly said, "Frank is just a good friend of mine."

"Congratulations on your engagement," the first girl said, "Is that your fiance over there?"

October turned her head round to where this girl was pointing and saw Alex posing very strangely in front of the cameras, clowning around like a looney, clearly enjoying himself. She smirked and replied, "Deffinately not."

She and Alex reached the older adults at the group of yelling reporters, but just as the two were going to pass them, one male reporter called her name.

October stopped and stood next to her father, before calling back, a little surprised, "Yeah?"

"October, what's it like being a daughter of a rockstar?"

"Oh, it's great, I just spend his money all day," she replied, mocking the typical brat-child of a Hollywood star.

Billie Joe, who had been in the middle of his own question session, couldn't help but laugh after overhearing this. He knew how much his daughter hated Press and paparazzi, and he admired her for dealing with them the way she did.

"October! Over here!" another called. "There's a rumour that you used to be addicted to Heroin, should we believe it?"

The younger girl chuckled, "I'm not going to tell you what to believe."

"Is it true that you and Tre had a summer fling?"

"Oh my God!" October cracked up, "These just get better and better!"

Soon she and Alex were pushed past the Press stands towards the photo stands, where the rest of the group were. October smiled brightly for the cameras, but couldn't help feeling awkward; in all honesty, she couldn't see where she was going. The flashbulbs were so bright.

Billie Joe, Mike and Tre all looked like they belonged there. October's father was a pro, they were all cut out to be rockstars.

As they were about to be pushed on into the inside of the building, October heard a familiar voice whisper something in her ear.

"I hope there's a closet in this place."

She whipped around, a brilliant smile splitting across her face. There, in all his punkish little glory stood Frank, smiling broadly, looking happily at her. She laughed at his comment and threw her arms around his neck. He put his arms around her waist and they hugged tightly. Neither of them noticed the flashing of the Press' cameras, which were now directed to the two of them locked in a tight embrace.

Finally, October pulled away and smiled.

"You look gorgeous," said Frank quietly.

"You're more gorgeous than me," said October. Frank laughed.

"You wish."

"What're you doing after the show?" she asked.

"I'm hanging out with my favourite girl in the whole world," he said.

October raised an eyebrow, "Oh?"

"Mmhmm," replied Frank, "And hopefully she's not gonna be busy. You're not busy are you?"

The younger girl laughed. "Ah, I see. Hmm, well I don't know. I might be able to book you in for about an hour or so."

Frank laughed and placed a hand on the small of her back, guiding her towards the door. "Better be more than that," he purred.

It had been two wonderful months since the beginning of their affair, and although it was hard and stressful to keep it discreet, the pair had never been happier. Frank was getting nearer to putting back on the weight he'd lost so dramatically, and he was finding he wasn't needing Prozac anymore. October had filled the hole that had been bringing Frank down so terribly, he'd now found his missing piece.

October and Frank walked from the humid outside into the refreshingly cool building. People were being ushered this way and that, and October knew at once she and Frank would be at seperate tables. She pulled him into a hug, and he gave her back a soft little rub.

"For the record, you look charming," said October. Frank giggled.

"Nothing compared to you," he replied, fighting to stay next to her in the thick crowd.

"What award are you presenting?" she asked.

"The big 'Record Of The Year', which I'm not looking forward to, as your dad's in that category."

October laughed, "Don't worry, I'm sure he won't kick your ass in front of thousands of people, he'll just wait 'til later." Frank looked worried and she laughed again. "It was a joke, Frankie. Are we - ow - meeting afterwards then?" she asked, trying to stay next to him. The crowd was filing in with an odd amount of power.

"If that's cool with - Jesus - you?"

"I dunno about Jesus, but yeah, that's cool with me," said October, pushing her way back to Frank.

"Awesome," he said, "I'll meet you backstage."

October nodded, "Somewhere behind the stage. I'll try and plow my way there."

Frank smiled, "I'll see you then, Octy."

"Bye, Frank, good luck!"

Everyone managed to fit round one of the circular tables. Mike, then Brittney, Tre, Adrienne, Billie Joe, October, and Alex on the other side of Mike. Some of the band's crew were sat on another table next to them.

"Man, I really need to pee," Alex mumbled as he fidgeted in his seat.

"We've just been past the bathroom," October pointed out with a roll of her darkly lined eyes.

"I know, but I can't miss the start of the show, it's gonna begin any second," he complained.

"Fine, wait 'til the break, but if you hold it there's a chance you may not be able to get an erection, or even become aroused," informed October with a lop sided grin.

"What?" he and Tre both said in unison as both their heads snapped to her.

"It's true," she persisted, nodding.

"Fuck that!" Tre cried, and the two men left the table, racing off in the same direction.

"The after party," the newly bleached Mike began as he leaned over to October and her father across the table, "You're not going, right?"

"Nah," the daughter replied, scrunching up her nose. "I hate celebrities, you should know that by now, Dirnt."

"That's my girl," winked Billie.

"Oh," she added, "But I might go hang out with My Chem for a while..."

"Hmm," mumbled Billie, looking thoughtful. "As long as they get you home safe."

October chuckled, "Alright, Mr. Overprotective."

"Hey, would you rather me be Mr. I-don't-give-a-shit?"

"Sometimes, yeah," she shrugged.

"Fine, maybe I will."

"Fine by me."



"Children!" Adrienne cut in, "Let's not start a bickering war tonight, okay?"

Billie Joe stuck his tongue out at his daughter childishly. October giggled and turned her head to the stage as the lights dimmed and the first performers opened the show.

"Please welcome two time Grammy winners... My Chemical Romance!"

Screaming filled the building as the five members of the band, dressed in dark smart wear, walked out to the glass stand that had a microphone fitted in place on top.

"We are very honoured to be here presenting this award tonight," Gerard started, standing in the centre with a confident grin across his pale face. October wasn't listening; she was too busy trying to get rid of the butterflies in her stomach as she gazed at the shortest member of the band stood next to Mikey.

She watched as he stood there, hands held tightly together. He looked a little nervous, but was smiling as his four friends each delivered a sentence to the audience, and then lastly, he stepped up to the microphone.

"And the nominees are..." Frank said.

This year, they were doing it differently. Instead of the people telling everyone the winner, the videos flashed on and off the big screen really fast, and would stop at the winner's video. October tried to concentrate on the quickly moving images, but it was too hard. If she stared any longer, she figured she'd have a seizure.

Finally, after a good ten seconds, the videos stopped flashing and focused in on a man's face. A man with black hair and bright green eyes.

"My beating heart belongs to you..."

"GREEN DAY!" screamed the crowd, along with even more flashbulbs and fans waving their arms around wildly.

October squealed, instantly throwing her arms around her father as the whole table stood to congratulate the band. Billie Joe laughed in October's ear and gave her a kiss on the top of her head, before moving on to the others. Tre picked the younger girl up and spun her round once, placing her back on her feet and following behind Mike to the stage, Billie in tow.

A small uneasiness grew in the pit of October's stomach as she watched her father step up onto the stage and shake Gerard's hand like they were old friends, moving down the line, getting nearer to Frank at the end.

And then Tre tripped over a cord. And it made everything better.

October burst out laughing.

When the trio reached the microphone, Billie said nothing; it wasn't his turn to talk. Tre laughed it all off, joked about the fact that he was drunk as fuck, and thanked everyone for the award. Mike said thanks to everybody at Warner Brothers, the producers and crew, the fans, families and friends.

Finally, they gave the front man the award, and the crowd erupted into cheers.

"Um, thank you so much," said Billie Joe. "The guys basically covered it all. Thanks to you fans, Butch Vig. Adie, Joey... and I just want to thank my daughter. October, I love you. This one's for you, sweetheart. Thank you."

The building burst into applause and both bands onstage were moved to backstage. Alex turned his head to October at the table to see that her smile was the widest he'd ever seen it. He felt his heart warm as he smiled at her in awe.

After flashing his pass, Alex tried to push his way through the over-excited backstage, now filled with numerous celebrities. He managed to weave his way through and bump into four fifths of MCR, all chatting together happily in a corner, a little away from the rest of the chaos.

"Hey, guys!" Alex called, grinning as he came over. They all greeted him with 'heys' and 'hi's'.

"What are ya doing back here?" smirked Gerard.

"October said she was hanging with you guys after the show, and I came looking for you all," replied Alex, and added, "But I see neither she or Frank are with you..."

"No, we were meant to meet here," Mikey said, "But Frank sort of disappeared."

"Maybe they got lost?" suggested Bob.

"Maybe," Alex agreed. "Do you think we should go look for 'em?"

"Yeah, lets," nodded Mikey, "I'm kinda getting dizzy from all these people."

After the My Chem boys shook hands with a few celebrities, the five of them took off down the hall to find where Frank and October had walked off to. They went out the back entrance of the venue into the chilled night air.

"I have no fucking clue where they went," Ray mumbled as his eyes wandered around the outside area.

"Call Frank," Alex suggested.

"Wouldn’t help, his phone is in the dressing room, I just saw it," Ray added. Alex sighed.

They walked back into the arena, looked around, and then went backstage again.

"Oh, we didn’t check the other green room, you know, where we had our interview before the show," Bob chimed in, looking at the rest of his bandmates.

They all nodded and followed him to a different part of backstage. It was dead quiet apart from the faded voices of the celebrities back the way they came. When they finally got to the door, Bob threw it open and all five of their jaws dropped. Sitting there on the couch were October and Frank in the middle of a full fledged make-out. Gerard started to giggle.

"Heeey you guys," he said mockingly. Frank and October shot apart from each other, both running their hands through their hair and trying to act as casual as possible.

"Oh, hi Gee," Frank mumbled.

"Dude!" Mikey exhaled, astonished. "Does this mean you're having an affair?!"

"Sshh!" October shushed him. "Tell the world why don't you?"

"Sorry, it's just... wow..."

"Yeah, dude, this is amazing," Bob nodded enthusiastically. "We knew you two would get together eventually. When did this happen?"

October shrugged, looking at Frank, both with guilty smiles on their faces, "Two months ago?"

"Two months?!" Gerard repeated, glaring at Frank, "You kept this from us for two whole months? Come on, man, you know we wouldn't tell anybody."

"Yeah, it's not like we're gonna go to the Press or anything," added Mikey with a sarcastic chuckle.

"It's not the Press they should be worrying about," spoke Alex seriously, coming out from behind the other four.

"Shit," cursed October, not realising he was there. "Fuck, Alex, you can't tell him, please?"

"Damnit, Halloween, why do you have to do this to me? Ethan's a good friend to me, it's not right to keep a secret this big from him."

"I know, I know," October understood. "I'll figure this out, I promise you. Just please, please promise you won't tell."

"Please, Alex?" said Frank, sliding his hand perfectly into October's.

Alex tried hard to think this over, but the two of them kept staring at him with pleading eyes, begging for his word. In the end he just sighed, defeated.

"Fine, but don't expect anything else from me. This is all you're getting."

"Thank you, Alex, really," October breathed in relief as Frank smiled appreciatively.

"Oh my God!" cried Ray, beaming, "I just had a thought." The others all looked at the man with the crazy afro and waited for him to continue. "Imagine how short your kids will be!"

October rolled her eyes at Ray as the rest of the men burst into laughter. But there was someone who didn't find it so funny, someone who had indeed understood the joke, who had got it, but still didn't even crack a hint of a smile. Someone who was standing back out in the hall, hidden round the doorway, who had heard every word.

Someone who happened to be the mother of the cheating twenty one year old woman.