You're My Favourite Sound

Lost in coma and covered in cake

Frank's heart flipped as he watched her. She looked so beautiful, just as beautiful as the first time he met her. She was perfect, everything he ever wanted. She stood with her arm linked with her father's, smiling from ear to ear, the white veil covering her face and her long white dress flowing along the floor behind her. He felt butterflies in his stomach like he did every time he saw her. He knew he’d remember this day forever.

The organs started. Everyone stood up and turned to watch her. She looked like an angel floating as she and Billie Joe slowly made their way down the aisle.

"She looks amazing," said Alex, quietly from behind him.

Frank just nodded his head. He couldn’t speak, too many emotions filled his body. He knew if he spoke, the tears would flow and they’d never stop. She was getting closer and all of their life together flashed right before his eyes.

He woke up to find her beside him, her eyes closed as she breathed softly. He lay watching her for several minutes, just taking in the beauty she possessed. If there was ever such thing as perfection, she was it. Her long, chocolate brown hair was flowing onto the pillow, her soft skin glowing in the morning light.

She was supreme, always had been.

Her eyes fluttered slightly and she opened them, looking at him. The bright shade of green sparkled at him and he smiled. She closed her eyes again and snuggled into him.

That’s when he realised he never wanted to lose her.

Knowing this moment in time, this day would change the rest of their lives, Frank knew it would change everything between them forever. She was now just a few feet away from him and the smile was still spread across her face.

She reached the altar and Billie lifted up her veil to reveal her angelic face. She’d always
looked amazing, but today was beauty Frank never thought he’d see. Billie kissed her cheek and she stepped up the aisle, and turned to face Frank. He felt his heart in his throat.

He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her even closer than she already was, never wanting to let go. He breathed in the sweet smell of her shampoo.

"Frank." He felt shivers up his spine as she breathed out his name softly into his neck.

"Yeah, baby?" he whispered just as softly into her hair.

"I love you."

"I know you do." He kissed the top of her head, "I do, too."

She sighed and he entwined his fingers with hers. They laid like this for a while, just listening to the sound of each other's breathing, the white bed sheet being the only thing to cover them.

"What time is it?" she asked, breaking the comfortable silence.

He looked at the clock up on the opposite wall, "Half 10, what time have you got to be back?"

"Before 11," she replied. "I should get going soon."

"I don't want you to go," he whispered, playing with her fingers.

She opened her eyes and moved her head to look up at him. He looked down at her, before she leaned in, placing a soft kiss on his lips. He smiled at her, the smile she adored, as she looked up into his hazel eyes, the hazel eyes that made her feel warm inside. She leaned in again and their lips locked into a passionate kiss. He moved his hand to her cheek while leaning forward, gently pushing her onto her back as she ran her hands through his dark hair.

Frank stepped back, took his seat in the front row and watched. He watched the woman he loved, the woman who loved him, marry his cousin, her boyfriend of four years, Ethan. Frank felt his heart split down the middle more and more with every word they said to each other.

He sat and watched them as they said their vows. He was sure he saw her look over at him whilst she said them.

Frank knew the moment he met October, she was the one for him. Unfortunately she was introduced to him as an idol of his' daughter, a teenager who he shouldn't have even thought about the way he did.

"Hey, man," Gerard offered gently, "Is everything cool?"

Without taking his focus off of his guitar, Frank replied, "Yeah, everything's cool."

"Are you sure?" Gerard asked, not believing him, "It's just we haven't really been hanging out today, I mean, you haven't really said anything..."

"I'm fine, really."

Gerard watched as his best friend turned the white guitar over and continued to polish the back side. Frank couldn't keep anything from Gerard, Gerard knew when something was wrong. Knowing Frank wasn't just going to blurt it out, he broke it down to what he thought was bothering him.

"Has it got something to do with October?" Gerard asked, and realised he was right when Frank stopped what he was doing, "Is there something going on between you two?"

Frank finally looked up at Gerard. Maybe he shouldn't have been so hard on her, but Frank didn't want to see her throw her life away, he just couldn't. He didn't know why he cared about October Armstrong so much, but once seeing her for the first time after four years, he felt he couldn't keep away.

And then she started dating his teenage cousin.

Ethan didn't know the secret they had kept for almost five months now. The secret that they loved each other with all of their hearts, but were too scared to be together, too scared of hurting anyone else. They knew being together would destroy everything. That’s why Frank sat back and watched helplessly as October gave her heart to another man.

"If anyone should know a reason why these two people should not be joined in holy matrimony, please speak now, or forever hold your peace..."

Frank was dying to say something, dying for October to tell them all, but they both kept quiet. Even though she saw him look at her, almost pleading with her to declare her love for him, but they both knew that would never happen.

"It fucking freaks me out that someone your age can have this effect on me, I mean, at first I was totally freaked, I didn't know what the fuck to do... I kept telling myself that I was losing my mind, this is wrong, I shouldn't be feeling like this, you know?"

All these secrets Frank had kept bottled up were finally coming to the surface. His heart was pouring out right in front of October and she had been completely oblivious to it all.

"Plus, we live, like, worlds apart, I'll be all the way in New Jersey, the place I grew up, my home... and you'll be all the way over here in Los Angeles, living the life of a Rock Star's daughter... It's so complicated, we're two completely different people, it-it just wouldn't work."

He sighed and scratched the back of his head hopelessly, and then October finally spoke up, "We're not
completely different."

Frank turned his head to look at her, waiting for the rest of her statement.

"We both own a pair of 'Happy Feet' boxers..."

The smile broke across his face quickly and he burst into laughter, setting October off.

Frank felt sick as he heard them both say, "I do", and then they kissed, sealing their marriage.

Leaving him nursing a broken heart, he watched as October walked down the aisle with Ethan. They looked so happy and he knew then that it was over.

Frank and October were over.

Everyone was so delighted and pleased for the newly weds, but all Frank felt was bitterness. Not only had he lost the love of his life to his cousin, but he was also an usher to the whole thing. He arrived at the reception and there was already a crowd of people there.

"Hey, lil guy," spoke Bob as all four of his bandmates reached him.

"How're you holding up?" asked Ray softly.

Frank just looked at him and moved his eyes to the others as they all gave him weak smiles and sympathetic looks. It made him feel worse. He simply shook his head, as if to say 'don't go there', and walked away, leaving the rest of MCR to look at each other, all wondering why Frank had shown up in the first place.

He was searching around for October and spotted her over by the bar, getting a drink. She was now in a long slim black dress and a pair of flats. He felt his heart ache. He wanted to hold her, tell her he loved her. It should have been him marrying her today, not Ethan. He made his way towards her, but was stopped by his grinning cousin.

"Frank, can you believe it? We actually did it, we're married," laughed Ethan happily as he gave his older cousin a friendly hug. Frank smiled falsely at him.

"I know," he said sourly.

"Can you believe it? There stands Mrs. Stone," said Ethan, pointing towards his wife, who had turned around and was now walking towards them. She stopped and smiled half-heartedly.

"Frank," she said casually.

"Hi," Frank replied, smiling really for the first time that day.

Ethan leant forward and kissed her lips, but the whole time she had her eyes open and they were fixed on the older man. She saw the look of hurt in his eyes and he could tell she was hurting, too. Ethan moved away from her, smiling like a five year old who had just gotten a new toy.

"I'm gonna get a drink," he said and walked away.

Frank stood there, agonised. He'd put up with it for a long time now, but today it hurt more than usual that October and he couldn't be together. He looked at the younger girl and she stared back at him.

"Octy," he said quietly, "I love you." October swallowed, her eyes glazing over.

"Stop it," she whispered.

"And you love me," he continued at the same volume, but suddenly a little more panicked, "That's true, isn't it? You still love me, right?" She bowed her head to the ground, tears threatening to fall.

"Of course I do," she said, barely audible.

"If you do, October, why didn’t you stop it? Why didn’t you just..." he trailed off, sighing.

"You know I can't, so stop thinking I can just do that," she said as her watery green eyes stayed down. It was so hard to look him in the eye.

"October, I don’t want you to be Mrs. Stone, I want..." He stopped. He gulped silently, before carrying on. "I want you to be Mrs. Iero," he finished, pain ringing in his voice. "If I had my way, we'd be in Vegas right now and we'd get married."

Her eyes shot back up from the ground to look at him. They looked to and fro at both of his own glazed eyes, studying them.

"I'm dead serious," he answered her questionning stare. A single tear escaped from her right eye.

"Why are you telling me this? We know that’s never going to happen, we both know we’d never be able to do that to Ethan," she replied with the toughest words she’d ever have to say to Frank, "So what are you doing? Why are you making it so much harder? Is that what you want, do you want me to tell you that I feel the same? Do you want to feel pain?"

"I'm sorry," he whimpered ever so slightly.

"If that's what you want, Frank, then have it," October continued, "Okay? When I stood up there in front of every person I've ever met and said 'I do', I lied. I lied to every single person I know. How could I mean it when my heart belongs to someone else?" Another tear rolled down her cheek and she was looking him straight in the eye, making it a fuck load harder to breathe.

Frank's own eyes watered up and he knew if he stayed and listened to her any longer, he'd break down. So he turned away and walked off, leaving her behind, feeling hopeless. He knew he couldn’t stand there and watch her cry.

He reached the bar and ordered a large JD and coke (with only a tiny bit of coke), and looked back at her. She was stood there, still staring at him, and he could tell she was crying. He could tell he had cut her open by just opening his mouth.

Frank couldn’t do this anymore. He couldn’t stand by and watch her be with Ethan and be happy for them. He had to get what was his. October was his and he was going to make sure his younger cousin knew that.
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Thank you newxkindxofxcrazy, vampiress632 and, of course, Daisy and you guys who commented :D
Six stars, yay!