You're My Favourite Sound

Increase the medication

Frank watched in jealously as Ethan and October had their first dance together as a married couple, with everyone stood around watching. October had her head leant on Ethan’s shoulder and she was smiling happily.

He knew deep down that she did love Ethan and they were good together... but Frank and her were perfect together. He was oblivious to anyone else around him, he just watched as the girl he loved was in the arms of his cousin.

"They look lovely together", "They make a perfect couple", were just some of the comments he heard around him, each one making him more and more angry. Each comment making him more determined to end the charade that was October and Ethan’s marriage. He got so caught up in his own thoughts, he didn’t realise their dance had finished and everyone was now dancing on the dance floor.

He looked around and spotted Ethan walking towards him, and saw that October was now dancing with a black-suited Billie Joe, his hair once again that jet black to match. Ethan stood beside Frank and smiled.

"You gotta get yourself one of those," teased Ethan, like October was his and only his, nodding his head towards his wife.

This felt like a perfect time to reveal all. This was it.

"Already have," Frank replied, keeping his hazel eyes fixed on the twenty one year old.

"Really?" asked Ethan, surprised. "Who is she? Do I know her?"

Frank looked at him and saw the face of his competition, not his cousin, not the man who trusted him all the nights Ethan went away on work. He stopped being Frank's family the moment he fell for October. All that mattered to him now was being with her, all he needed was October.

"You know her really well," Frank said, looking back at the girl he loved. Ethan creased his brow slightly, something he did when he got confused.

"Jamia. Are you back with Jamia?" Frank shook his head. "Who then?" asked Ethan, "I don’t know any other single girls."

"She’s not single," informed Frank calmly. Ethan chuckled.

"Ha! You've been having an affair? Serious? Who’s the poor bastard she’s with?" Frank turned to face him and looked him directly in the eyes.

"You," he said.

It took a few moments for it to register with Ethan because he furrowed his brow at first, and then his eyes glazed over slightly. He looked at Frank and he stared back, never breaking face. Ethan laughed nervously.

"Funny man. Real funny," he said, thinking his older cousin was joking.

Frank looked at him, "Dude, I've been fucking your wife for four months."

Bob, overhearing this at a table, nudged Gerard next to him.

"Dude," he called as the front man turned his head to the drummer. Bob simply nodded to Frank and Ethan in front of them. Ethan looked at his older cousin.

"Stop it, Frank. It’s not funny now! You always go too far with your jokes," he said.

Frank knew Ethan didn’t want to believe what he was saying, he knew Ethan didn’t think that Frank and October could do that to him. But he had to know, he had to know the truth.

"She doesn't want to be with you," Frank added. The younger man shook his head and stepped back from him.

"No," he repeated several times.

"Oh fuck..." Gerard muttered, nudging Mikey and grabbing Ray's attention, before all four of them watched on intently.

"All those times you were away on work, I was in your bed with your wife. I spent the night with her. I was the one she says she loves. I’m the one she wants to be with, not you. You're second best, Ethan, you’ll always be second best," Frank said, knowing his words would break Ethan's heart, but he just couldn't take it anymore.

Ethan looked at Frank, distraught, with confusion in his eyes, a tear on the brim of rolling down his cheek as he looked from Frank to October. Not far behind, stood Hazel, gawking at both men in pure shock. Not far behind her, stood Joshi.

"Did you hear that?" she whispered as she turned her head backwards to look at him.

Joshi shrugged, "Hear what?"

Frank watched Ethan, he seemed like he’d broken down. He just kept staring from Frank to October, Frank to October. He watched as Ethan stormed onto the dance floor, and followed closely behind. Hazel grabbed Joshi's hand and pulled him with her as she followed behind, too, Joshi looking disgruntled at her sudden move.

Ethan reached October and her father. He grabbed her arm and spun her around, Frank was stood a little behind them and she looked at him. She knew what he’d done instantly.

"Is it true?!" Ethan shouted, shaking her viciously.

"What the hell are you doing?" snapped Billie Joe, grabbing his daughter from his son-in-law’s grip. October looked at Ethan in pure fear.

Alex, who was busy dancing with a family member, caught on with what was happening and broke away. The tall blonde, big-breasted woman crossed her arms over her chest.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Wait," Alex said, his focus in a completely different direction.

"Alex?" she called.

"Sshh!" He held up his hand to shush her and she simply gave the back of his head a dirty look, before turning on her heel.

"I SAID IS IT TRUE?" Ethan shouted again. By this point everyone was looking at them. The music had stopped and everyone had stopped dancing. You could have heard a pin drop, it was so quiet.

"Ethan, I..." October struggled to say, but was too overcome by emotion to speak. He started to cry loudly.


"What's going on?" demanded Billie, baffled.

"Oh no," whispered a knowing Adrienne as she stood from one of the tables.

"Mom, what's going on?" asked Joey from the chair beside her. October looked at the ground, tears falling down her cheeks.

"It’s all true," she whispered.

"What the hell is true?" asked her father, anger in his voice this time.

"Your daughter has been having an affair," said Ethan, calmly, staring only at his cheating wife.

Everybody gasped loudly and October’s face turned red, ashamed of what had happened between her and Frank. Billie just scoffed, not believing a word of it.

"Not only that, though," Ethan continued, "It’s been going on for four months."

More gasps followed.

"There's more..." he thought he'd add, "She’s been having an affair with my cousin, my own flesh and blood, Frank Iero."

Even more gasps came and Frank felt everyone’s stares on him, but he didn’t bat an eyelid. He stood watching them, not bothered at all.

"Nah," Billie exhaled, shaking his head from side to side. "Nah, October's not like that, not my daughter."

"It's true, Billie," Ethan told him regretfully and shakily, "She just said so herself, you just heard it, we all did."

"Oh my God," breathed Hazel, clamping a hand over her mouth. Joshi's jaw had dropped about ten feet. October looked at her distraught husband.

"I’m sorry," she whimpered, and she ran towards the exit. Adrienne told Joey to stay close to the family and followed after her daughter.

The wedding party all looked at Frank and he looked at Ethan, who glared at him in pure rage.

"I love her, Ethan, you can’t help who you fall for," Frank said. The next thing he knew, he felt a fist connect with his lip and then his eye, then his cheek.

The gasps started up again and Billie Joe tried to stop the fight that was starting to break out. He managed to shove Frank to one side, keeping Ethan on the other as he stood between them both.

"Shit," exhaled Joshi as Hazel stared wide-eyed.

"Stop this!" Billie Joe yelled, looking angrily from one man to the other.

Ethan didn't listen and wasted no time in lunging for his older cousin. Billie tried to seperate them again and Alex jumped in to help, but they failed as Frank fell to the floor and tried to push Ethan off of him. Frank managed to punch him heavily in the face, making him fall to the floor beside him. He knelt over Ethan and held him to the floor, people fussing around the two.

"I loved her from the first day. Do you know how hard it has been for me, all this time, watching you be with the girl that should be mine? You have no idea how bad I’ve felt for what we did to you, but she’s like a drug, man. I’m addicted," Frank said, tears leaving his eyes at realisation of what he’d done to his cousin. Ethan was crying like a baby underneath him.

"And you don’t think I'm not? For fucks sake, Frank! I married the girl today, the girl I have been in love with for three years, the girl I wanted to spend my life with. You fucked off three years ago, she was mine!" he snapped. "I'll never forgive you for this, never!"

"I don’t care. She’s gonna be with me now. I’m gonna be with her," Frank said nastily, and with that he stood up and walked towards the door, leaving behind a broken man.

"YOU BASTARD!" bellowed Ethan to his older cousin, but Frank kept walking until he was out of the building, and he went looking for October.

He was finally going to be with the woman he loved.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh dear :/