You're My Favourite Sound

Let's go down!

I was sat in the passenger seat of the Volvo, staring out the window, watching the world rushing by. The weather wasn't exactly warm and the sky was full of clouds on this Christmas morning.

"You okay, babe?"

I turned my head to my future husband. He was sat behind the wheel, his blue eyes gazing at me lovingly. He always looked good no matter what the occasion, and today being Christmas was no different. He wore a black button up shirt with his favourite dark brown leather jacket over the top, a smart pair of jeans and all black Converse. His fair hair was in its usual ruffled state, but clean, and he wore a silver chain around his neck to finish off.

"I'm fine," I replied with a smile that I'm sure came out as an unsure one, "Why?"

"I dunno," Ethan said as he looked back to the road, "You just seem a little... nervous."

"What have I got to be nervous about?" I asked him. He just took my hand in his and entwined our fingers, his other still on the wheel.

"I don't know," he said, "But you know you can tell me anything, right? We've never kept anything from one another."

Until last week.

"I know," I answered softly, reasuring him that I was okay with a smile.

He was right, I was nervous, for two different reasons. One, the whole thing with seeing Frank again last week was still freaking me out a little, probably due to the fact I hadn't told anyone and needed to get it off my chest? But then again, I had talked about the whole situation with Alex, simply because when I went to work the following Monday it was all he could talk about, Frank had told him everything.

Alex had asked me if I'd told Ethan, and after telling him I hadn't, he unfortunately started lecturing me on why I should and all that crap, which I had been expecting from him.

Maybe I should tell Ethan, I mean, Frank's going to be in LA for a while and we're bound to bump into each other again, right? Ethan would find out anyway. Maybe I should have taken Frank's number so we could just meet up and get it over with...

"They'll love you," Ethan said suddenly. I looked at him as he squeezed my hand gently and it was then I realised he was talking about his family, which was the 'two' of the reasons I was nervous.

We were on our way to his parents' house for Christmas dinner and presents, and Ethan's whole family were going to be there. All of them. Now, sure, I had met his parents a million times and they were like my own second parents in a way, but that was as far as the 'meeting the family' went in our relationship. The rest of his family lived in New Jersey and were in Los Angeles for this year's Christmas and new year.

I've never been good at meeting new people, I was actually shy when it came to situations like these. I knew I had to make a good impression today, seeing as I was marrying into the family, and that was what was making me nervous.

I hated pressure.

"Really?" I asked, hoping that what Ethan had said would be true.

"You're sweet, you're funny... and you're the most beautiful girl I've brought home," he added with a smirk, "What's not to like?" I rolled my eyes, but smiled, and he ran his thumb over my knuckles with the hand he still held onto. "You'll be fine," he told me with a reasuring smile.

"Okay," I whispered.

We arrived at the house around 12. Mark and Lizzy Stone had been living in their home for almost five years and it was gorgeous. A huge cast iron gate glided open as Ethan drove through and parked on the round about driveway. As soon as he turned the car off, I felt the cold from outside creeping in, sending a shiver down my spine. Ethan looked at me, but I ignored this and got out of the car, allowing the cold air to swirl around me.

Ethan walked to the front of the car to meet me, grabbed my hand and led us up to the doorstep. Lizzy greeted us both with a big hug each and a friendly smile, and I accepted the invitation into the house.

I didn't know a single person with the exception of Ethan's father, non-identical twin brother, Ben, and a couple other people at the party. I spent most of the first few hours wandering around with Ethan, meeting people whose names I quickly forgot and having conversations about things I didn't really care about. Nevertheless, I was determined to be the perfect accessory. I laughed at the right jokes, bullshitted my way through several discussions, and I made sure Ethan was convinced that I was having the time of my life.

After dinner, Ethan and I were busy chatting with a small group of people, I having even cracked a joke to make the others roar with laughter.

"October, you must be excited about the wedding," one man directed to me and motioned with a finger to Ethan next to me, "You sure have made this young man a happy one."

"Dead excited," I replied with a big smile and a subtle wink at my fiance.

"We're just glad October came into the picture," Ben chimed in, "Or God knows what he'd be dating right now."

More laughter emerged from the group at the loudest of the Stone brothers. Ethan released my hand and moved his arm around my shoulders. He laughed along and smiled down at me as I rolled my eyes at Ben.

Noticing that my glass was nearly empty, Ethan offered to go get me a refill, but seeing an opportunity to excuse myself from idle conversation, I declined and went off to find one for myself.

I strolled into the empty kitchen and opened the fridge, looking over all the drinks and finally choosing a bottle of water that was sitting on the bottom shelf, quite alone.

"So have you actually booked a date for this wedding?" someone I recognised too well said from behind me. I stood up and turned around to meet Frank's inquisitive stare. "It's all everyone's talking about," he chuckled lightly.

Oh shit. Oh shit, this isn't good. Oh shit. He looked adorable in smart dress but beat up Etnies on his feet. Damn, why did he have to look adorable?

"Um, no... No, not yet," I replied quietly. I should have known he'd be here, seeing as he was related to Ethan and all, meaning his mother would be here, too. I wondered if Ethan knew he was coming... Nah, he would have told me.

A woman came in behind Frank, too young to be his mother. She had black hair and was a little shorter than him in height, which meant she was a little shorter than me. My green eyes landed on hers and my expression turned to a questionning one.

"October, this is Jamia," Frank introduced, "My girlfriend I told you about, remember?"

My expression then turned to realisation. "Oh right, yeah, I remember. Hey there."

"Hey," Jamia smiled with a nod, "It's nice to meet you."

"You, too," I returned the smile, and then couldn't help it when my mouth didn't stop, "Very nice, you know, seeing as you're Frank's girlfriend..." I didn't know what Frank had told her, but I hoped she knew what I meant.

"Yeah, Frank told me about your addiction," she replied. Good, so I wouldn't have to explain a bunch of crap about my past. "I'm glad you managed to pull through that."

"Well, I wouldn't have if it wasn't for him," I admitted with a nervous laugh and I saw Frank smile at me. "And, um, I heard you were there when he was going through a rough time himself..?"

"Yeah, well..." she shrugged, "I did what I could." Frank wrapped an arm around her waist then and she did the same as they grinned at each other.

They looked happy. Frank looked happy. And if Frank was happy, I was happy for him, just like he was for me.

Jamia moved her eyes back to me and said, "Congratulations on your engagement, by the way. I wish you well."

Wow, she was really nice, I could see why Frank liked her. "Thank you," I smiled.

Frank threw away his empty cola can and walked over to the refridgerator, grabbing another one from the top shelf, before he looked back to me. "There's some people I have to go mingle with," he said as he walked to the kitchen door with Jamia in tow, and turned back around, "But I'll catch up with you later?"

"... Uh, yeah, sure," I nodded briefly. And with that, he gave me that smirk and vanished from the room.

I never broke face. However, an uneasiness grew in my stomach. Ethan was deffinately going to find out Frank had been at the club. I'd just agreed to catch up with him later too, so that meant I'd have to talk to him and I didn't know how Ethan felt about that. Maybe he'd feel better when he knew Frank had a girlfriend... However, my thoughts were quickly interrupted.

"Get lost?" Ethan laughed as he strolled into the kitchen. This was it.

"No, I was just talking to... your cousin, that's all," I said as I screwed the water bottle top back on and set it down on the counter. I knew I had to tell him, so why couldn't I just spit it out?

"Craig? Wow. You're a hit, you know that?" Ethan beamed as he wrapped his arms around my waist, running his hands under my shirt against my skin. He was putting me off.

"Nah," I replied, "You just make me look good, that's all." Ethan laughed and kissed me on the cheek.

I ran my hands up his chest and finally wrapped my arms around his neck. Without even thinking about it, I lightly kissed him on the lips, and then proceeded to let him kiss me much harder... No, I really had to tell him... But the sensation of his tongue in my mouth sent chills down my spine. When we broke away, he gave me a rather strange look, like he wanted to say something.

"What?" I whispered. Ethan stared at me for a moment, his eyes furrowed as if they were deep in thought. But then his gentle smile broke back to the surface and he kissed me again softly.

"I'm glad you're here," he whispered back. I smiled and closed my eyes with a light sigh. "Hey, um, dad wants me to help him with something on his car, okay? I'll be back as soon as I can." He looked at me aplogetically, but I waved it off.

"Don't worry about rushing back," I told him, "Really, I'm a big girl, Ethan. I actually like hanging out with your family." I gave him an appreciative smile.

"Okay," he replied and gave me a peck on the lips, "I'll see you soon." He left me alone in the kitchen again and I cursed into the silence.

I really had to tell him.

For the next ten minutes, I found myself hanging out with Ben, chatting and drinking with ourselves. I had always got along with Ethan's brother, seeing as he'd dated my best friend for three years, and we were practically like sister and brother-in-law already. But our fun soon ended when I saw the expression on Ethan's face as he joined us.

"Guess who I just bumped into," he said, not in the least bit enthusiastic about it. I mentally kicked myself for not telling him in the kitchen. "Why didn't you tell me Frank was at the club last week?"

Damnit. Ben took this as a que to excuse himself, and went off in another direction.

"Please don't be mad," I pleaded, "I was going to tell you."

"I'm not mad," Ethan replied through the side of his mouth.

"Really?" I asked, my eyebrows raised.

"Yeah," he shrugged, "I mean, you couldn't help it if the band were playing at the club where you work, right?"

"No, exactly," I said, but I knew he wasn't happy.

It was announced that presents were to be opened and everyone started making their way to the living room.

"Come on," Ethan said, turning away to follow his family, but I grabbed his arm to stop him.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I questionned.

"Fine," he answered with a small smile. A forced one.

During the next half hour or so, we all opened our presents around the big tree like tradition. I got myself a couple playstation games from Ethan's parents, as I had been banging on about them to Mark every time the two of us had a playstation marathon, which was once every couple months. His grandparents got me some Belgian chocolates, and Ethan and I got a few joint presents from other members of the family.

The whole time, I noticed the sideway glances that Ethan repeatedly gave me and then to Frank sat on the other side of the room. It was so irritating, nice to know I was trusted. Afterwards he went out to the garage with Mark to check out the thing on the car, whatever it was, so I took that as an opportunity for one of my sneaky cigarettes.

Stepping out into the freezing cold back yard, I closed the back door behind me and wrapped my jacket tighter around my small frame. The yard was dark and empty, and I made my way over to one of the wooden tables, perching myself on the end of it. I put the end of a cigarette in my mouth and went to light up. Nothing. The lighter was empty.

"Damnit!" I hissed, and I thought I was alone out here, but then a voice made me jump out of my skin.

"Need a light?"

My head shot round and I exhaled the breath caught in my throat. "Jesus, Frank, don't sneak up on me like that."

"Sorry," he chuckled, coming round and standing in front of me as I stayed sat on the table, my skinny jeaned legs hanging off the edge. He handed me his lighter and I lit up finally.

Studying the illuminous yellow lighter with black stars on the lid, I gave it back to him and asked, "Where did you get that?" I'd never seen anything like it before.

"I've had it years," he replied with a brief shrug, looking down at it, "You like it?"

"It's pretty," I nodded, and then he held it out to me.

"Take it," he said.

"What? No, it's yours," I replied, and took a drag from my cigarette.

"Not anymore," Frank corrected and received an arched eyebrow from me, so added, "Consider it a Christmas present."

"Aw," I smiled, taking the lighter from him, "I didn't get you anything."

He shurgged, "No matter."

"Well, thank you," I told him and put it in my purse.

"That's glamourous," Frank said, holding between his thumb and index finger the diamond that was on the silver chain around my neck.

"Christmas present from Ethan," I replied simply.

"Hey, I'm sorry if I started anything between you two," he told me, smoking escaping his lips, "I mean, I saw the way he was looking at me inside just now... I just figured you would have told him we saw each other."

"No, it's fine," I shook my head, "I didn't 'cause I knew he'd act the way he did... He says he's fine, but I know he's not."

"Doesn't he trust you?" Frank quizzed.

I sighed, "Apparently not." He scruffed the toe of one Etnie shoe against the ground, I guess he felt a little awkward. "So, Jamia seems really nice."

"Yeah, she's great," he replied blankly and sucked on his cigarette, before sighing. I frowned, he didn't seem very convincing.

"Everything okay?" I asked.

"Fine," he nodded, looking back at me.

"Sure?" I inquired.

"Sure," he finalised, giving me a small smile. We were staring at each other and he was searching my eyes for something, but I didn't ask.

Instead, I took another drag and shivered, and then was engulfed in two arms. "What are you doing?" I panicingly asked Frank.

"Warming you up," he replied with a grin and squeezed me tight, his face inches away from mine, I could feel his breath on my nose. "You look great, by the way."

Damn, I wish he wouldn't keep saying that. My insides were virtually melting.

"Stop that," I whispered. Oh God, if anyone walked out right now, this would not look good.

"Stop what?" he whispered back with a sheepish grin, but before anything else could happen, a woman's yelling came to our ears.

"Frank, where are you?!" Frank let me go and took a step back, clearing his throat.

"I'm out here!" he shouted towards the house.

An older female member of the family came out into the back yard just seconds later and said, "Come on, Frankie, Jamia needs your help on bowling," referring to the Wii game.

"Alright, I'm coming, mom," replied Frank. His mother had a round, kind face and seemed to have a friendly attitude.

"Say, who are you talking to?" she then asked curiously, coming over to us, wrapping her arms tightly around herself to gain warmth.

"This is October Armstrong... She's Ethan's fiancee," Frank informed her. "This is my mom, Linda," he directed to me next.

Linda stared at me for a moment, her mouth open a little. Frank had her eyes. I stood there with a shy smile on my face, feeling like a twat.

"This is the October?" Linda asked her son, "The one you were constantly on the phone to me about last time you were here?"

"... Yeah, that's her," he replied, getting bashful, and I just looked at him. He'd talked about me to his mom?

"And you're Ethan's fiancee?" Linda asked me.

"Rumour has it," I answered with a small smile.

"Wow," she sighed, "Small world."

"Come on, people, what's the hold up?" a male member of the family called from the door.

"We're just coming, Eric, keep your panties on," Linda replied nonchantly, and then turned back to me. "It was nice to meet you, dear."

"Nice to meet you," I returned, and watched as she made her way back inside.

Frank took his last drag, before throwing the butt to the ground, and flashed me a cute smile before going back inside.

I bit my lip and rubbed my forehead. Could there have been anymore suspense before Linda came out? My heart gradually calmed down as I finished my cigarette and I went inside to see if I could find my fiance.
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