Vampires Will Never Hurt You


Gerard's POV.

I was pouring coffee when Frank, the grinning idiot, came to kitchen, grinning like an idiot.
I put the coffee-pot down on the counter and just stared at him.
He didn't stop grinning.
How stupid can you possibly be?
I tore my eyes off of him and looked a minute at the coffee-pot.
Then I pointed it and asked:
"You want some coffee?"
"Uh-huh." He nodded.
I took another cup from the cabin and told him to sit down.
He obeyed and moved closer to the table.
I was pouring coffee in his cup as I saw which chair he was nearing.
"..Just not.." CLATTER-CHATTER "- that chair.."
I hurried towards the mixture of a broken chair and a dumbfounded boy on the floor.
"I'm sorry, I should have put that chair away, one of the legs is broken, but it just.. It makes the table.. whole."
Frank stared at me and blinked a few times before accepting the hand I was holding out to him.
"Are you okay?" I asked as soon as he was up again.
"Y-yeah.. I'm fine."
"You can sit in any other chair, I promise, they're not broken."
He laughed awkwardly and sat in the chair next to the broken one.
I brought the coffee and sat on the chair opposite from him.
We sat there quiet for a moment. He was watching my yard and I let my gaze wonder to his eyes.
But then I broke the silence by a choked giggle.
He watched me like I had totally lost it.
"What's so funny?" He asked and scrunched up his nose.
I let out another little giggle.
He looked so dumb like that, head turned a little to the side with a wondering expression on his face.
"You." I said and smiled.
"Huh?" He asked like he already forgot what he asked.
"You. You are so funny."
"Oh.. Wha - no I'm not!" He argued.
"You should've seen yourself when you were on the floor, mixed with the chair.." Giggle.
I placed a hand on my mouth and blushed a little.
I just giggled! I giggled! Thrice!
He just smiled that stupid grin of his and took a sip of his coffee.