Vampires Will Never Hurt You

A pond

Gerard's POV.

I ran Frank through the house, to a big wooden door.
I let go of his hand and pushed the door open with all my weight.
It was kinda stuck 'cause I haven't used it in a while..
When I got it open, Frank's eyes widened at least to a doubled size.
"Wow.. It's.. beautiful!" He said and stepped outside and looked around.
We we're in the backyard.
A thick layer of conifers surrounds it, and in the center is a pond.
It really is beautiful. Especially at this time of the night.
The clear sky was full of starts and the moon shone beautifully in the sky, and on the surface of the pond.
The land was slightly damp and it smelled fresh.
Frank threw off his shoes and then took his socks off. Then he turned to me, smiled, and started ripping off his shirt.
I just watched his smooth skin shine in the blue light of the night as it exposed itself to me more every second.
When he was clad in only his boxers, he ran to the water and squealed adorably at it's coldness.
The shout shook me out of my thoughts and I started undressing myself as Frank shivered and jumped in the pond.
I walked in the pond in my boxers and a teeshirt.
I saw Frank looking at me weirdly, but the look was replaced quickly with a smirk as he started splashing water on me.
I tried to cover myself from the cold water-drops and ran to the water.
Frank just kept on splashing so hard he didn't even see me from behind the mass of water. So I used that and submerged under the water and dived towards him.
When I reached him, I pulled him down my his foot.
You should've seen his face! When I got to the surface, I laughed so hard my stomach's gonna hurt even the day after tomorrow!
When Frank covered from the shock he attacked me growling playfully and we both plunged under water.
I was still laughing when we got up.
"What are you laughing at you.."
"You! You're face.. Oh god the memory of it is killing me!" I doubled over from all the laughing.
"Ooh, now it's so on, bitch!" Frank shrieked and jumped on me again.
Soon he had thrown my shirt off of me and was tickling me like crazy.
I screamed for him to stop and then held him so close to me he couldn't move his hands anymore, as they were pressed tight between us.
He settled down in a moment and just was there, panting in my arms.
After he caught his breath he started slowly running his finger up and down my chest.
Then our eyes met, and I'll never in my life forget that moment.
His eyes.. They were like filled with.. with.. I don't know what it was, but it was beautiful.
I wanted to know him, wanted to touch him, to be with him, to be one with him.
Before I even realized, our noses brushed against each others as we tilted our heads in separate directions and finally, lips against lips.
It was soft and loving, wrong but oh so right, mind-blowing but still so common, quick but felt like an eternity.
But when we parted, it all broke down and shattered on the surface of the pond.
Now it was just awkward and weird.
"I.. uh.. I.. I'm sorry." Frank said and backed away from me.
I stood there, still like a rock.
I didn't get it at all until I saw Frank running away with his clothes in his arms.
I didn't have the time to protest.
I had lifted my hand too late.

I was left there alone, standing in a pond, blushing.