Vampires Will Never Hurt You


Gerard's POV.

"Frank I need to show you something." I said and took his hand.

It had been two hours from my nervous breakdown and everything had gone just fine. We had talked.. nothing serious though.. And I showed Frank a little more of my drawings and paintings. I even showed him a few of 'The Houses' I've been painting.
Not recently though, 'cause my mind has been set on Frank.

"What is it Gee?" Frank asked as I dragged him towards the cellar-door.
I didn't say anything 'till I reached the door, then I turned around to Frank and sighed.
"I.. I have a terrible secret and I want you to know it before we do anything you might regret later.."
First he looked at me weirdly, then grinned.
"So you're telling me you're a zombie or something like that?" he laughed.
But my serious expression told him I wasn't joking.
"Oh.. oh.. OH! Okay." he said when he stopped laughing.
I slowly opened the cellar door and an stuffy smell forced out.
Frank looked down there suspiciously and I flicked the lights on. then I took Frank's hand again and led him down the stairs towards the truth that lays in the wine-bottles in the shells.
Once we were down I stopped, but didn't let go of Frank's hand and collected all my courage to tell him the truth about my appearance.
He looked around and sniffed a little.
"So you're telling me you're an alcoholic?" He asked.
I looked dumbfounded at him.
"N-no." I replied shakily.
If it wasn't so serious, I would've laughed.
I have to tell him.
He'd realize someday anyway.
Or maybe not.
But he'd get suspicious.
I HAVE to tell him.

I sat down so I wouldn't hurt myself if I 'happened' to pass out or something.
Frank looked at me really worried.
I waved my hand to show him to get closer.
I took his hands and looked up at his eyes.
Tears were already forming in them.
I bet so were in mine.
But I wasn't gonna cry.
Not until he runs away from my life for ever.
"I.. Frankie.. I.." ..can't do this.
"What? What is it Gee? You're freaking me out, Gee!" Frank said and closed his eyes, one tear leaking from his beautiful eye.
"Frank. Look at me." I commanded.
He opened those unbelievably beautiful eyes again and I almost got lost in them, till I saw a sign that said 'TELL HIM!' and I was dragged back down in my cellar. I wish I could just drown in his eyes and live there forever.
But unfortunately, it's not possible.
So I had to tell him.
I breathed one last deep breath before jumping to the point.
"I'm gonna get it straight out, you can just run out if you want, but please don't make me suffer more. Okay?" I said, worry evident in my eyes.
"O-okay." Frank said and nodded.
"Okay then.. I uh.. I'm a vampire." I said.
I felt like I couldn't watch in his eyes. But I had to.
I had to see the expression they kept in them.
There was the truth.
In Frank's eyes.
So I looked.
And I saw confusion.
But he wasn't gonna run away. He just stood there, looking into my eyes, squeezing my hands.
"W-what?" He asked.
"You heard me." I muttered, but I knew he heard it.
"I.. uh.. I.. umm.. eh.. What?"
"Come here." I said and pulled him down next to me.
He shivered from the cold floor but just kept on staring at me.
"I know it's hard to believe.. but.. you know.. uh.. Do you maybe want a proof?" I stammered.
He nodded.
I stood up and walked to the nearest shell with shaking feet.
"Gee, you're shaking." Frank said worriedly.
"Well, obviously." I muttered.
I took one bottle and looked through it towards the light.
There wasn't much left.
I gave it to Frank and told him to open it.
He opened it and the smell of blood filled my nostrils and I felt it coming.
It shivered through my body and I felt the teeth poking my lower lip.
I groaned like a hungry dog.
My eyes must've already changed red and my skin had paled all that little it could, from my normal skin color.
I saw it from Frank's face.
He was terrified!
"Give it to me!" I hissed at him, and the voice wasn't mine.
He lifted the bottle a little, never breaking eye-contact.
I ripped the bottle from his hands and emptied the contents through my throat.

Then I heard glass shattering and passed out.