Vampires Will Never Hurt You

Two hours

Gerard's POV.

The next morning I found myself dancing around in my house, in only a towel.
I had actually slept only two hours but I was as chirpy as a happy little Frank.
Oh, Frank. Hihi, Frank.
Frank is the only thing in my mind right now.
And I'm gonna go to the store as soon as I find my converse. Yeah, I have 'em. My lovely, red, well used converse.
I just haven't used them in a loooong time. Last was when I still lived home.. Oh, home.
I should go and see my family some time. Or maybe not my parents, they never liked me that much.. But Mikey would be so happy to see me! Yeah, Mikey my brother. I write to him at least twice a week.
Last time I saw him was.. two years ago? When he came to see me here.. So now I should go and see him. I just gotta make sure I take some blood with me so I won't be eating every fucking human being in Newark..
But now, Frank.
And the converse.
God I'm hyper when I'm tired.
Ah! There they are! In my.. ..guest-room?
Wha - ? I don't even wanna know..

-This is where Gerard puts clothes on, just had to inform you, 'cause someone already thought he was going to the store in only a towel-

Soon I found myself in my car, driving happily down the road to the store.
I parked in front on it and smiled to the older ladies that were once again stood by the door. They looked at my clothing surprised. I never wore anything that.. relaxed?
As I went in, I was soon met by the sight of a smiling Frank giving the change to Mrs. Wayne.
Some people thought I was her grand-son when I came, since my surname started (and ended) with Way. And then again, some kids of the town thought she was the lost mother of batman, since he really was Bruce Wayne as we all know.
Anyway, when Frank spotted me, his fake-smile turned into a huge grin and he motioned me to come closer, which I gladly obeyed.
"Hey." He said.
"Well hello to you too." I replied with a grin.
"How was your night?" He asked.
"Oh great, except that I only slept about two hours.."
"Two fucking hours? A -" Frank said and made to continue, but his granny appeared from between some shells with a "Frank, watch your language."
He rolled his eyes and continued.
"Are you serious? Why?" he asked with concern in his voice.
"I guess I just had something else in my mind.." I answered.
"Like what?" he said as the concerned look of his broke into a smirk.
"Oh you're too young to know." I said with a similar smirk on my face.
"Gerard, you're making me horny." Frank whispered hotly in my ear so his granny wouldn't hear.
I just laughed.
"Gee it's not funnyy!" he whined.
As soon as he said 'Gee' I was melting to a mass of Gerard Way on the floor.
But something interrupt my melting, and that something was Frank's grand-father.
"Frank what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be packing?" he said.
I looked at Frank panicked.
"What?" Frank said, almost as lost as me.
"Your father's birthday is tomorrow you fool! Go pack already or you'll miss the bus!"
Frank looked at the clock.
"But.. it leaves in three minutes!" He said and started to run around in panicked.
"I told you to hurry!" his grand-father said.
Suddenly I remembered my thoughts of going to see Mikey this morning..
"Uh.. Is it any way possible that maybe you're going to Newark?" I asked.
Frank turned to look at me and blinked.
I smiled.
"I could take you there."
"WHAT?" All three (Frank and his grand parents) said in sync.
"Well, I was thinking about going to see my brother some time soon.. And for your luck, he lives in Newark."
"But we can't possibly ask you to see the trouble of taking our Frank there too, no!" Mr. Pricolo said.
"Oh it'll be no trouble! If I'm going there anyway, it won't be hard to get Frank there too. It won't make the way any longer. And travelling by bus, which he already missed, is boring! I could use some company too." I said with a polite smile.
They just couldn't resist.
"Well, fine then. Here's some money if you stop by to eat or something. Frank go get your things, remember the suit!"
Frank's eyes had been shining like the north star as far as the 'suit' had been said. After that one word his happy being lost some of its happiness.
He gave me a 'wait a minute' -look and ran upstairs.
I stayed down with the Pricolos and told them about my brother Mikey, who was a doctor.
Then we heard Frank patting down the stairs and he appeared in the door-way.
Once we finally made it to the car, I started the engine and turned to look at Frank.
"I'm totally waiting forward to see you in that suit."