Vampires Will Never Hurt You


Gerard's POV.

"Hey man! God I missed you! How've you been, huh? And who's this?" Mikey babbled as soon as he got the door open.
"Mikey?" I asked.
"Yeah, what is it?"
"Would you let us in?"
"Ooh yeah, sure, come in, come in. God I'm stupid sometimes.." Mikey said and stepped aside to let us pass.
It left me wondering why everyone important to me smiled like an idiot.

We were scattered in the living room, all the five of us. Yes, five.
Me, Frank, Mikey, Alicia, and little Stephanie.
I hadn't actually seen Steph more than once in my life, and it was two years ago.
Steph is three year old now, and she's maybe the prettiest girl I've ever seen in my life.
She had beautiful brown eyes and light-brown hair, she looked like a little girl-Mikey. Of course she had some of Alicia's feature's, but Mikey's were so strong..
Frank obviously has a soft spot for kids, 'cause he awwed as soon as he saw her run in the room, curls banging from side to side.
Now he is sitting on the floor with Steph and cooing at her every third second.

I was just smiling down at them when Mikey started asking again.
"So is this the guy you were driving?"
"Uh-huh.." I nodded, eyes still locked to Frank who was kissing Stephanie's cheek. I was slowly getting jealous to that little angel-face.
"So you like him?" Mikey asked.
Mine and Frank's head flew in his direction. He laughed.
"I knew that'd get your attention! So tell me what's up? With your.. y'know.. problem?" Mikey said, referring to my vampirism.
"Oh don't worry, he knows." I assured Mikey.
"And still stucks with you? I feel sorry for the kid!" Mikey said, grinning.
"But any changes?" He continued.
"Nah. Still a monster, can't control, still not killed anyone and blah blah blah.. I drink daily nowadays, for Frank."
"Aawww, for Frank. Sounds so corny!"
"Sometimes I just hate you.." I sighed and took a gulp of my coffee.
"Love ya too! Hey could you come to the cellar with me for a sec. I'm sure Frank'll survive for a moment with Steph." Mikey said, already standing up, so I stood up too. Frank looked at me a little unsure and I smiled at him reassuringly.
I walked to the cellar after Mikey and he took me to the 'wine-side'.
"I just got 20 bottles yesterday, they're pretty fresh, wanna take some with you when you leave? You can drink some at the dinner." Mikey said and gave me a bottle.
"Oh but I can't ask for a dinner! I've got money, we can go eat in a restaurant."
"C'mon, I'm a doctor, it's no problem, we've got plenty of money to feed you with!"
"I'd rather eat something else than money, Mikey."
"Buttface." Mikey said and elbowed me in the ribs playfully.
"Owie!" I whined, laughing.
"You really like that kid, huh?" Mikey asked, serious now.
"Huh?" I asked.
"Oh c'mon! It's written all over your face! For one, you spend time with him, for two, you drove him here, and three, you showed him who you really are."
I bit my lip and looked down.
"He started it.."
Mikey laughed.
"You're talking like this is a bad thing!"
"It isn't?" I asked and my head shot up.
"No, you dumbass! You're finally happy! I guess you haven't been painting 'the house' anymore, huh?"
"You know me too well." I said smiling.
"Yeah, pretty creepy, huh?" Mikey said and winked.

When we got back up, the living room was empty and we could hear voices in the kitchen.
We walked in and saw Alicia over the stove and Frankie laying the table with Steph. He ran after her, putting the knives and forks on the right sides.

"You had any interesting patients, by the way?" I asked Mikey.
"You bet! Last week we had a pregnant werewolf! And it gave birth right before the midnight! You should've seen the baby!"