Vampires Will Never Hurt You


Gerard's POV.

As I got out of my car I saw Mrs. Pricolo and two of her dear gossipmongers beside the door, doing what they do the best; gossiping.

"Oh yes, he's a handsome young man, yes.."
"Indeed he is, but the.. ringy thing on his lip..?"
"And in his nose!"
"Dear sisters, give him a chance! Frank is a good lad!"
"Yes, but - "

"Good afternoon Mr. Way, how are you doing today?" Mrs. Pricolo asked and smiled.
I smiled back politely and answered as I always do:
"Good afternoon ladies, I am doing very fine now that I see your smile, madam."
They all smile at me and my manners as I enter the shop.
When I step in, I see everyone gossiping in corners, but I don't care. Maybe the Perkinson-twins broke the chapel's window again..
I smiled at familiar faces and took a basket for my purchases.
Walking between the selfs, I thought what would I need until next week, when I'd come again.
When I finally got what I needed and dragged the basket to the register, I stood up and stretched my back.
Then I met those eyes.
Brown as autumn, clear as the night-sky. And in them, I could see a twinkling little star.
Then my gaze lost to his neck. Veins pumping young blood with the speed of a race-car. Then I stared at his hands. Tattooed hands.
I licked my lips.

Sorry it's so short..
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