Vampires Will Never Hurt You

Visit of the grinning idiot

Gerard's POV.

Seriously, what is wrong with that kid?
He's been walking back and worth in front of my house for two hours now!
If he thinks I haven't seen him, he's pretty fucking wrong. I've only missed him twice!
Then he did something different.
He opened the gate, which creaked loudly, then closed it and walked towards the door.
I was shocked.
Quickly I rambled away from the window and stood back against the wall and listened to the soft steps nearing my door.
God, Gerard stop freaking out! It's just a teenage-boy! Just like your brother - no, don't think about your brother now.
It's just Frank there. Just the cute, little boy that smiles like an idiot every time he sees even a glance of you - WHAT?! It -

I didn't have any more time to ague with myself, as I heard the familiar sound of the ancient doorbell echoing in the halls.
I did my best to calm down, then took the polite role I was playing to the people in this village, and answered the door like I didn't know who it was.

"Yes?" I asked as I poked my head from behind the slightly opened door.
I saw a smiling Frank. He looked so dumb standing there hands behind his back, smiling up at me eyes closed.
Something twisted inside of me as I watched the somewhat mesmerizing boy in front of me.
"I just wanted to say hi." He said, opening his eyes but still not giving up with that god-damned smile.
"Well, hi." I said. "Now you can go, thanks for dropping by." I continued and tried to close the door, but Frank forced his foot on the way.
I looked at it, then at him. He was still smiling.
I sighed.
"What do you want, Frank?"
Then his grin grew sider.
"You remembered my name!" He shrieked excited.
"Well that's a really hard one to remember.."
He giggled. He fucking GIGGLED!
Why does he have to be so cute?
"Can I come in?" He asked.
"No." I said like it was the stupidest thing to ever ask.
"Please, Gee just let me -"
"What did you say?" I asked shocked, intruding his pleas.
"I said, please let me in."
"No, no. You said Gee."
He looked me like an idiot and blinked twice.
"Is.. that a bad thing.. or a.. really bad thing?" He asked a little scared of what the answer might be.
"Neither.. It's just.. No-one.. has called me 'Gee' in a long time.." I said and watched him, but didn't really concentrate on him.
Then I just opened the door wordlessly and walked to kitchen.
Frank left standing there pretty stunned.
I poked my head out of the kitchen and gave him a questioning look.
"Well are you gonna come in or what?"
His whole face lit up and he skipped inside (yes he skipped) and closed the door behind him. Then he took his shoes off, threw his jacket on the little chair standing alone in the hall and walked in the kitchen,
still grinning like an idiot.