Status: Slowly getting updated...I REALLY hate writers block....

Ever Wish You Had Wings?

In Combat : part 2

I walked silently down the hall. All the doors were closed. I pulled out my caliber and crouched down practically crawling under the big glass window by one of the offices. I sighed this would be too easy. i stood up swiftly and took quick strides to the door slipping in and looking around. I shut the door silently. The guy was sitting in a huge chair looking out the big glass window overlooking the city. I slowly walked up to him pointing the gun to his temple. I know he could see my reflection in the glass. I smiled.

"So their really is a guardian angel?" he smirked,"finally came to do me in haven't you?"

"Yea" I snarled viciously,"you killed innocent people and like the rest of them your dead" I squeezed the trigger and his head fell forward blood blooming out the other side blood and pieces of his brain and skull splattered on the wall. I dropped a rose in his lap and walked over to the window. I opened it then jumped and opened my wings flying back to the roof of my apartment building. I landed silently then went back to my residence. I sighed and dragged myself to the bathroom to take another shower trying to scrub the away the upcoming nightmares. When I was done and my skin was red from the scalding water I got out and dried off changing into some pj's.

That night all the deaths I've caused replayed in my head causing me to toss and turn all night. The next morning I woke up feeling even more tired than the night before. I did all my exercises (push ups, sit ups, blah blah blah) when I was done I made breakfast and went out to find a day job or something.
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sorry it so short I'm in school and it's almost time for class
Hope you like the update :)