I Was Raised Knowing I Had To Marry You, But Who Exactly Are You?

The Wedding..

Now I feel I should explain some things about us nymphs....
First of all we mature REALLY fast.
Secondly the reason the royal family marries so young is because nyphms die if they don't have sex regularly. Nonroyals can do it amounst themselves until they find their mate but the royal family must have there mate or we grow weak.
We have to marry before we are sexually active because... well it's some stupid law from several centuries back. That means the girls have to marry before they have their first period.. Boys when they start having urges. That's why I had to get married before my 13th birthday...
Anyway on with the story now...
Mark held my hand tightly. I could hear his thoughts 'what if I mess up? Will she hate me? Was she really going to run? Am I that bad looking? Or maybe she was scared of me? Our parents expect us to... To... Do it tonight... What if she doesn't want to? What if I mess up? What if I hurt her? What am I going to do?' he thought a mile a minute not giving me a chance to calm him down.
Finally I saw an oppurtnity. 'MARK!'
'Oh... shit... You heard that... didn't you?' I laughed a bit in my head.
'yeah. and it's ok.. I'm here. I don't hate you... I thought for a moment about running but... I'm glad I didn't.. I love you. You're not bad looking your gourgous... I know we have to have sex tonight, and I'm okay with it, You won't mess up. It's going to be ok..'
'Thank you' he said in his head
'No problem... Now say "I do"' I said into his head.
'huh?' he said looking up. 'OH!' "I do." he said. I had to struggle not to giggle at him.
Then it was my turn. "I do" I said to the preist.
"I now pronouce you man and wife... Kiss the bride" he said.
Mark was lost in thought AGAIN... 'KISS ME!' I ordered softly in his head.
'huh?... OH...' He leaned down and the instant our lips touched there were sparks.. Already we were clawing at each other's clothes.
"NOT YET!" My mother screeched as my father grabbed me and pulled me away from him and is father did the same with him. I instantly felt drained... I needed Mark or I would die. I understood now.
And from the way he was falling against his father it looked as if he needed me just the same. 'I feel so weak.' I heard him think.
'It's ok... We'll be together soon..' I assured him.
"What's going on?" my mother said "they shouldn't grow weak like that... We have to get them to the mating cave. NOW!"
Did I mention we had to have our first time in the cave under the castle? Well yeah.. We do and it's called the mating cave.
Our fathers rushed us there as fast as they could, and when we got there my mother stripped me of all my clothes and threw me on a bed in the mating cave. I couldn't do anything but wait. Finally after what seemed like hours (but it was really only about 5 minutes) Mark was tossed naked on top of me. The instant our skin connected we both regained our strength...
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