Status: Complete.

If I Never Hold You

I’d Like to Introduce…

If I Never Hold You Ch. 1- I’d Like to Introduce…

Just close your eyes and pretend it’ll be alright. That’s how I get by.

It’s a Friday after school! This weekend is gonna be amazing! My best friend, Crystal Moore and I helped plan this huge party down at the park! It’s our senior year; we’re both 17 but I’m gonna be 18 soon. Thank God! Lemme tell ya, 17 fuckin sucked!

We’re walking out of the high school. She’s gotta catch the bus and I’ll start walking home; my mom’s working late again and daddy won’t be home till 4 like usual. It’s such a nice day anyway. My parents’ll hopefully get me a car soon…

“Hey Melanie! Call me tonight! We’ll figure out how we’re getting there!” Crystal called as she ran towards the bus stop.

“Alright! Love ya girl!” I replied. We both grinned at the weird looks people’d give us. We were best friends and always said we love each other. She’s like a fucking sister to me.

My pace picked up as I realized I had no homework, no worried over the weekend. Soon enough I was home. As I was unlocking the door, I heard someone. Glancing over, I saw a boy, my age, with dark clothes and a fedora on, covering his black hair.

“Hey!” he came up to me and I turned.


“I’m new here; just moved in and I kinda don’t have a key yet. And, uh, my parents won’t be home and I really don’t feel like breaking open a window…”

“Oh, you must be my new neighbor! I heard you just moved in! Ya, you can come in and we’ll hang till your parents get home.” I pushed open the door. He smiled and we both walked in, shutting the door behind us.

We set our stuff down and I grabbed us 2 Cokes.

“I’m Brian Haner.” He held out his hand.

“Melanie Tucker.” I shook his hand. We sat down on the couch. “Where’d you move from?”

“My friends and I moved from Springfield. Our parents are kinda close so we travel together. There’s five of us.”

“Oh! One town over! Jeez. But that’s why everyone was askin bout 5 new guys movin in.” I paused. “So do you all live in the same house?” I asked.

“No.” he laughed. “Believe me; my parents wouldn’t be able to deal with that. We’re pretty crazy…” It grew silent for a second then we heard screaming. We glanced at each other and looked out the window. There stood 4 guys on Brian’s sidewalk. “There’s the guys!” Brian laughed. “Come here, I’m sure they’d want to meet you!”

I followed him out the door, making the guys glance over.

“Hey! There he is!” one of them yelled.

“Already with a woman, I see!” another called.

“Aw, shut up guys! This is my new neighbor, Melanie Tucker.” Brian interrupted their laughing. They were all wearing black and had piercings and tattoos. Seems like the kind of fuckers I’d hang with! The one with the black hat and shades walked toward me, a smile spread across his lips, showing his dimples and the sun reflecting off his lip ring. I smiled back at him.

“I’m Matt Sanders. Nice to meet you, Mel.” We shook hands then he pulled me in for a hug. He turned and began pointing to the others. “That’s Zacky Backer, Jimmy Sullivan, and you already know Brian.”

I glanced up at him then back to the group who waved. “Uh…that’s great, but, what about…?” I asked.

“Oh, sorry, dude! You’re so fuckin short, you got hidden behind that giant wad of Jimmy over there.” Matt laughed, causing the short one to step forward, a smile on his face, lifting his features but he shot a look at Matt. I grinned and laughed at Matt who seemed to be enjoying the attention.

I glanced up at the ‘short’ guy. Sure, he may be short to the rest of ‘em but… sadly, I only stand at about 5’1” so he’s still fuckin tall to me…

“Well, hello there. I’m Johnny Seward.” He smiled at me; one of the cutest smiles I’ve seen; big, bright, and cheeky. How cute…

“Uh…hey! Melanie!” I held out my hand.

“Cute name!” he commented, glancing at my hand. “Aw, so I don’t get a hug like Matt over there? Lucky bastard…” he grumbled, glaring at Matt.

“Aw, of course you do!” I embraced him and he hugged back, tightly wrapping me in his arms. I blushed, trying to cover it up. I pulled away slowly, hoping no one was staring. Of course they were. “Uh…get your asses in my house!” I laughed at our random selves standing outside.

They nodded, grinning and walked into the house.

“Ladies first.” Johnny said, pointing towards the door.

“Aw, how sweet!” I giggled and walked in, followed by Johnny.

The start to a beautiful friendship…
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright! New story! I love me some Johnny Christ so I decided to do this! ^_^
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and thanks for reading! I really appreciate it! ♥