Status: Complete.

If I Never Hold You

First Day

If I Never Hold You Ch. 11- First Day

I ignored it then dialed Danny. “I can’t take it. He talks to me like we’re besties but his girlfriend would hate that! Ugh!!” I vented. Think we’ve been on the phone for an hour now…

“I dunno. Sorry sweetie, I need to go. See ya tomorrow.” After we hung up, I turned off my cell; deciding I didn’t want Johnny to keep calling. I swear, he called 15 times at least while I talked to Danny. I took a quick bath and went to bed, closing my eyes and falling into a dreamless sleep.

I woke up in a daze, put my iPod on, did my makeup, hair, and went downstairs to eat a poptart. I turned my cell on and not even a minute afterwards, it rang. I answered, still in a daze. “Where are you?” Johnny asked.

“At home, getting ready.” I said.

“Isn’t school started?”


“Then why are you up?” he asked.

“Jazz band.” I replied. “Why, where are you?”

“Outside your house. I decided to walk you to school.” I blushed at his words again, grabbing a piece of gum and stuffing it in my mouth as I grabbed my stuff.

“Oh, ok. Come with me to jazz band then.” I opened the door, hanging up, had my bag, and locked the door, walking to Johnny.

“Why didn’t you answer your phone last night?” he snapped as we walked down the street.

“Uh… my cell was dead.” I lied. “How many times did you call?”

~*~*~*~Johnny’s POV~*~*~*~

“Twice.” I lied. I spent hours up, freaking out about what happened. Probably called her 20 times… But I wouldn’t tell her that.

When we got to school, I looked so lost. At least, that’s what Mel said. She took my hand and pulled me down a hallway and into a huge, carpeted room with tons of chairs and music stands. Towards the back of the room were risers and people stood there, with instruments. A man stood before them all, graying hair who was laughing with a few students.

“Shives!” Mel called, causing the man to turn.

“New recruit?” he asked. She looked at me, hopeful.

“Uh…” I mumbled.

“You play bass, right? I saw when I was in Brian’s house.” Mel said.

“A bassist, eh?” the man came over. “Well, I’m Mr. Shively. Band director here.” He held out his hand.

I shook. “Johnny Seward. Just moved it. Uh…so Mel’s in here?”

“First chair sax.” He nodded.

“And you’re bassist went to LBCC I heard… So…I’ll do it!”

“Yay!” Mel hugged me and I blushed, holding her shot self in my arms. “I’m gonna get my alto.” She ran into the other room and I followed, watching her swiftly pull out a case and put together a saxophone. She stood, sax dangling from her loose neck strap. She pulled out another case; opening it to reveal a black and white bass. “It was Nick’s but, for now, you can use it. I don’t care if he finds out. Can fuckin take it up with me.” I chuckled.

The time in jazz band was fun actually! Turns out their drummer is leaving and they need a guitar. Sounds like the job for Jimmy and Brian. But what about Zacky? Well, he knows how to play trumpet. And Matt… he can play piano! Ha!

“Melly, do you mind? I have a suggestion for us.” I said after jazz band. She turned to me. “So, we need a drummer, guitarist, pianist and we could always use more players, right?” Just then Danny walked in, putting his trumpet away. She nodded. “Why not Brian on guitar, Jimbo on drums, Matt play piano, and Zacky knows how to play trumpet.”

“Oh! Good idea!” Danny exclaimed as we walked out of the cubby room and to the band room. “Shives, if we have new recruits tomorrow, you up for ‘em?”

“Sure! As long as they got the talent Johnny over there does.” He replied.

“They do!” I called as we exited the band room.

So hopefully this day goes as nicely as it seems to be now…

“Oh God…” Mel mumbled, staring straight ahead but closing her eyes in frustration.

I looked up too…
♠ ♠ ♠
alright, guys!! hope you liked it! it was kinda boring but i tried to make it a bit nerve racking at the end XD
sorry for the cliffhanger but whatever. You'll still love me. You fateful readers!