Status: Complete.

If I Never Hold You

Wandering Eyes

If I Never Hold You Ch. 12- Wandering Eyes

And there stood Brittney.

“Jonathan!” Brittney whined, hands on her hips. “You’re already hanging out with Melanie!?” she spat her name as if it were a curse.

“Yeah! She’s kinda my best friend!” I defended. “Now you really need to be nice to her! I swear!”

“HA! That’s funny!” she came closer and linked arms with me. “WE’RE best friends. Duh!” I felt her dragging me faster forward, away from Mel.

I glanced back. “Sorry…” I pulled away from Brittney when I saw Mel looking at the ground. “You’re not.”

“We’re dating though!” she shrieked, her voice echoing down the hall.

“Uh huh…” I said, now linking arms with Mel.

Brit stormed off in a huff. “Thanks, Johnny.” Mel said quietly.


“But, you need to add band and jazz band into your schedule so you get the credits.” Mel told me. Next thing I know, I’m talking to my counselor. She changed the classes and then the bell rang. Mel took me to our first class; math.

Now, I’m like most peo9ple. Suck at math. Mel knows what she’s doing but not this year. Our teacher is on crack. Like, no joke. She doesn’t know how to teach and asks us how to do problems when she can’t figure them out herself. Mall, Val, Brian, Ali, and Crystal are in our class too. That’s all I know. And the fact that Mel doesn’t pay attention. She writes notes to me or sneaks in her iPod.

What a bad girl…

Next, history. Boring. Jimmy’s in there with us.

Then gym. Kinda fun. Danny, Amy, Zacky, Crystal, Brian, Ali, Matt, and Jimmy are in there with us. Coach gave the new guys a uniforms. Our school colors are red and black.

When we got out of the locker room, I saw Mel.

Oh, God, I saw Mel…

She wasn’t wearing the normal uniform. Sure, they were black shorts, like we had. But these weren’t the basketball shorts we were given.

No, they were super short shorts.

And she had a skin tight neon green shirt and thigh-high neon green and black socks. I found myself staring. Then I noticed I stood next to her now.

“Hey Johnny!” she threw her arms around my neck and I picked her up, swinging her around and hoping that she didn’t feel the boner I had from staring at her…

What, I can’t help it! Don’t give me that look!

When I set her down, Amy commented on the uniform.

“I love your uniforms, girls! I’m stuck with this ugly one!”

That’s when I noticed Crystal and Ali wore them too. Crystal’s shirt was blue and Ali’s was purple. ‘Brian should be happy…’ I thought, knowing they were dating. When I glanced over to see him, I noticed he was staring too. I grinned, shaking my head.

But my eyes went right back to Mel.

“Well, now that you’re dating Danny and you’re in our group, I can get you one! What color!?” Mel asked.

“Pink.” Amy replied. “By the way, how’d you get coach to let you girls wear these?” Mel laughed.

“He just said we needed shorts and a shirt. No jeans. So we got these.” Mel replied, shrugging.

“He commented once. Said he liked our taste.” Ali added.

“Yeah. Kinda creepy…” Crystal sighed.

I couldn’t help but still stare at Mel. God, that uniform looked good on her…

“Volleyball!” Danny called, a volleyball flying past me. I thought it hit Mel but I found her holding it, other hand rested on her hip while she smirked.

“Let’s go then.” She said tauntingly. That was hot…

The whole game, I stood watching Mel as she jumped around, playing volleyball. She was really good! And God, that short body was well built. If ya know what I mean…

Next class was science, boring. Spanish, boring. English, we watched Romeo and Juliet on some stupid DVD and then lunch rolled around.

I sat with Mel, Danny, Jimmy, Leana, matt, Val, Ali, and Brian. Amy decided to sit with her friends today. Danny didn’t seem to mind.

“Johnny over there. With his outburst in Romeo and Juliet last period!” Brian laughed.

I looked up from my chicken. This school actually had pretty good food. “No! It was not stupid!”

“Why the hell is she sleeping at a time like that!?” Mel repeated my words during English.

“He said that!?” Ali and Danny called in unison.

“Yeah! And the ‘why is she not waking up? He’s right there gonna kill himself and she’s having a staring contest with the damn side of his face.’!” Mel knew exactly what I’d said.

“She was a stupid bitch, too!” I added, mumbling under my breath.

The bell rang, bringing us to the last period of the day; band. Turns out, the guys had study hall but when I made my suggestion, they agreed to join band. Amy, Leana, Val and Ali had English last period. They weren’t in band.

Mr. Shively put Zacky on trumpet, me on bass, Brian on guitar, Matt piano and Jimmy on drums.

Mel had a saxophone solo during a song. So pretty! She’s a great player!

When band was over, Shively told us we were great and he’d love to have us in band. We agreed and he changed their schedules; band and jazz band for all of us.

“How ‘bout we to my house?” Ali asked. We’d met up with her and Amy outside the school.

“Sounds fun!” we all agreed. What a fun day! And now I get to spend more time with Mel!
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys!
So I decided to update this one too!
This is for Jaleesa (if she even gets to read this)
I miss her so much!
But anyway, thanks for reading and I Promise that I'll update more and sooner considering it's summer for me now (even tho it's not the least bit warm here >:( damn)
so hope you liked it and thanks for sticking with me for the short hiatus thing I had before! I'm back to writing now!
love you all♥