Status: Complete.

If I Never Hold You

Misery Loves Me

If I Never Hold You Ch. 13- Misery Loves Me

Mel’s POV

We were about to start walking to Ali’s when an annoying voice made us all stop to turn back around. I swear, she needs to leave us the fuck alone. Even if Johnny’s her boyfriend!

“Johnny!” she ran to him like she usually did; blond hair flowing behind her. Every girl’s dream to look like. Blond hair. Blue eyes. Perfection. Not quite.

I, for one never wanted to be like her. I sat back watching as the other douche bags lusted to be like her. Cheer captain! Woo!

He smiled as she embraced him. “What’re you doing?”

“Going wherever with you!” Brittney replied, sending me a cocky glance. Bitch.

“No, sorry. No preps allowed.” Ali replied. We laughed.

“Sorry Brittney. See ya tomorrow.” Johnny said. I wanted to burst out in laughter at that. And that dumbfounded look on her face! Ha!

“Jonathan! You’re not going to fight it!? Or force her to let me come!?” she seriously stomped her foot at that.

“No. Her house, her ruled.” He shrugged.

“Fine. But you won’t call?”

“I dunno how late I’ll be out.” He sighed.

“Fine.” She kissed him. A pain in my body jolted. What was I supposed to do. Stare or turn away? If I stared, she’d think it’s creepy. If I turned, it may be more obvious that I like him… shit. I ended up looking away slightly to find Matt staring at me. I put his hand on my shoulder, mouthing ‘We’ll talk later’ to me. I nodded thankfully. That boy was so sweet! “Bye!”

They were done and now we were on out way. Johnny seemed out of it and I was talking to Ali about my crack headed teacher.

“I swear, some day she’s just gonna be cracked out more that usual…” I sighed, staring at Johnny. He was walking in front of me and I found myself staring at that muscular back. He’d taken off his shirt and wore a wife beater under it. Now, he carried his shirt and wore that white wife beater. God, he looks so hot…

“Mel! Earth to you!” Crystal called me out of my thoughts. I looked at her. “Jimmy’s now dating Leana!” Jimmy barked, running next to Johnny. What psychos. I laughed.

“I know! And Brian’s with Ali, Matt and Val, Danny and Amy…” I said, naming everyone off.

“Me with Zacky!” Crystal stated. I looked up, hugging her. “I’m so excited!” Zacky linked arms with her.

How cute!

“And don’t forget Johnny and Brittney!” Brian chimed in.

“Thanks. I almost forgot…” I said sarcastically. “Wait! So I’m the only single one!?”

“It’s not a bad thing!” Johnny turned, now walking next to me and draping his arm across my shoulder. “Single life’s fun!”

“Not from where I stand…” I sighed, looking at the clouds.

Matt hit my shoulder again, a comforting look in his blue eyes…

I need to tell him. He cares…

Why did I feel like this? I’m such a bad person…
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright, I'm doing a lot of updating!!!
Today I'm gonna work my ass off haha
so, hope you guys liked it!
thanks to all my commenter's