Status: Complete.

If I Never Hold You

Bottled Inside

If I Never Hold You Ch. 18- Bottled Inside

Matt’s POV

We sat on the table at Dairy Queen, eating blizzard’s.

“They should be leaving now. School’s out.” Mel mumbled after checking the time on her cell. “Matt… why did I-” my cell rang, cutting her off.


“Matt. Hey, Val. Uh… are we still up for our date tonight?”

“Uh… shit, sorry. I think I need to be with Mel right now. She’s kinda…”

“That’s ok. I thought so. Another day?” she asked.

“Oh course!”

“Will you tell me what’s wrong with Mal later?”

“Sure. Alright. Call ya later. Bye.” I hung up, now done with my ice cream.

“Ugh, I’m full.” Mel laughed. “Wanna finish mine?” She held her almost-gone cup in front of me. I took it and began eating again as she mumbled something about me being fat. “Thanks.”

“For what?”

“Getting me out of there. And the ice cream of course. I could have paid.”

“But what are friends for?” I laughed, now done with hers too. Throwing them out, we walked back to my car and got in. “But you’re welcome.”

The drive to her house was quiet. I’ll get her to talk soon. When we got in the driveway and I turned off the car, Brian was just getting home. We got out.

“There you two are.” He laughed. “You missed it! Johnny and Britney got into it. She canceled their date for later. Dude, ever since you 2 left today, Seward’s been on edge.” He paused. “But I don’t think he’s gonna make our little deal…” he entered his house and Mel sent me a confused glance.

“What the fuck is he talking about?”

“Dunno. Sometimes, I think he’s on crack.” I joked. “All I got outa that was Johnny fought with Britney, they canceled their date tonight, he’s angry cuz you left with me, and something about a deal… what the fuck?”

She sighed, shaking her head and went in the house. I followed her.

Mel’s POV

Matt sat with me on the couch now. The lump in my throat has been there since I got up this morning. I’ve been needing to breakdown but… I really don’t want to…

“Mel. I know you want to cry.” Matt sighed. “Just do it. I’m not gonna think any differently of you.” that’s when they started. Just…flowed.

“He doesn’t have feelings for me. Just used me for a quick fuck.” I sobbed as Matt pulled me into a hug.

“I’m sure that’s not it…” Matt calmed.

“Really? Then why hasn’t he broken up with that cheerleading whore? Why hasn’t he even fucking talked to me!?” I snapped.

“I don’t know…” Matt replied quietly.

“Me neither…” I closed my eyes, images of last night running through my mind.

“Uh…just…curious… Did he use protection?”

“Yeah.” I nodded. “Ok, let’s get my mind off of this. Please.”

We turned on Sweeney Todd and began watching movies together. At 6:52, a car pulled in the driveway and people entered the house…

“Mel, you home?” mom called.

“Yeah.” I paused the movie as they came in the room. Mom smiled. “Uh… Matt, these are my parents.” I pointed to them when my dad came in. “And guys, this is my friend Matt.”

“Nice meeting you.” Matt nodded at them.

“How sweet!” mom was about to asking something. I know that look.

“No, mom. He’s not the one I’m having issues with.” I sighed.

“Oh. Well, in that case, we’re going to unpack. Matt, would you like to stay for dinner?”

“Sure!” he grinned.

That night, I didn’t speak another word about Johnny. Kept it bottled up.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah I know this is kinda short
but I have shit to do today
i thought i'd get a chapter out to satisfy you!!
If i get lots of comments, I will post another chapter today ^_^
btw, it's gonna get really good really soon!!!
a few chapters from now you guys are gonna be commenting, saying:
"That. Was. Awesome!!!" I promise lol
well, love you all♥