Status: Complete.

If I Never Hold You


If I Never Hold You Ch. 3- Electrifying

“Hiya!” he greeted, another cheesy grin plastered on his face.

“Hey!” I laughed as he stood, helping me up. “Alright, I need to talk to them about something.”

“Then by all means, follow!” he grabbed my hand and pulled me into the room where all the guys sat around, Brian and Zacky had guitars on and Jimmy sat there with drums sticks and a drum pad in front of him while Matt had a sheet of paper in his hand while he chewed on a pencil. He looked up first.

“Hey!!” he stood, embracing me. “What brings you over?”

“I just wanted to know if you guys wanted to spend the night tomorrow? I have a few friends coming and I want you to meet some new friends after the party.” I stated.

“Hell yea! Sleep over at a hot girls’ house!? I’m there!” Johnny cheered. I felt myself burning again, my cheeks probably bright red.

“Oh, well, I dunno who’s house you’re going to then. ‘Cause I’m not hot.” I said.

“Whatever!” he commented back.

“Yeah! That sounds good!” Matt said as they all nodded.

“Ok, well I’ll see you all tomorrow! Bye boys!” I blew a kiss then walked out, down the stairs, said bye to Mrs. Haner, and left.

“So are they sleeping over?” Crystal asked when I called her back.

“Yeah! It’s gonna be fun, don’t worry.” I said, glancing out my window and found Brian staring at me. “Creeper!” I called to him. He jumped, pointing to himself. “Yes, you!” I pointed through the open window.

“Uh huh! Guys, lookie what I found!” he said. Soon, all the guys were staring out the window.

“Ohh! It’s Melly! My favorite person!” Johnny called, his nose ring glistening in the moonlight.

“Aw, thanks, Johnny baby! You’re fuckin sweet too!” I laughed. “So, do you guys wanna walk with me and C or get there yourselves?”

“I don’t even know where the fuck the fuckin’ park is!” Jimmy called.

“I take that as a ‘we’re goin with you’ kinda deal, huh?”

“I’d assume.” Zacky laughed.

“Alright, boys, I’ll see you at my house tomorrow at one.” I called, blowing a kiss then closing the blinds, window still open. It was a humid night.

“Jeez, Flirty McFlirt Flirt over there!” Crystal said.

I switched ears with the phone and laughed. “You know what, girly? They’re new, nice, and not to mention cute! So I may as well flirt! I wasn’t getting anywhere with the guys here, now was I?”

“True, true! And there’s only a few cute guys in this crappy school. And most of them are assholes or taken.” We laughed.

“Alright, baby. I’m gonna rest up. Call me before you’re here tomorrow so I can get the boys on leashes. You’re gonna like ‘em, girly. I know you will!”

“Alright” she laughed. “Love ya!”

“You too, baby! Bye!” we hung up. I soon got washed up in the shower, brushed my teeth, put on shorts and a tank top, and climbed into bed.

My cell rang and I looked to see a picture of my friend Ali. I smiled, answering. “Hello beautiful!” I said.

“Hey, Mel! How are you?”

“Pretty good, excited for the party! And we have some more guests!” I said excitedly.

“Ohhh! Who?”

“My new neighbor and his friends’. I know you’re gonna like ‘em. They’re just like us! I swear; they’re fuckin awesome!”

“Sounds sweet!” she said. “Alright, so I’ll see ya up at the park at 1 tomorrow?”

“Hell yeah, Ali-poo! Wouldn’t miss it!”

“And hopefully there’ll be some sexy ass men there too!” she said.

“You said it! Though I think I have my eyes on someone! And you probably will too!”

“Really? Well, hopefully. I need someone new. I’m tired of being single!”

I sighed. “Me too!”

“Ugh, dad’s yellin at me to get off the phone. Gotta go! See ya tomorrow, sexy!”

“Alright, honey. Love ya!” I called, making a kiss noise.

“Love ya too!” we hung up.

I could hear the guys as I placed my phone on my nightstand, lights already off in the room. I guess they were all staying at Brian’s house. The music was turned off now and I guess they were getting ready for bed. I peaked out my window and found them all on the floor, sleeping. Wait, no they weren’t. I laughed to myself and climbed back into bed.

“Goodnight Mel!” I heard them call.

“Goodnight boys!” I laughed.
♠ ♠ ♠
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