Status: Complete.

If I Never Hold You

Home Is Where the Heart Is

When I got to school, Johnny was sulking. I had no idea why, but his eyes were all bloodshot.

“Sweetie,” I called, “what’s wrong?”

He looked up at me and smiled, “you look wonderful this morning.”

I smirked, “thanks, but Johnny, what’s wrong?”

He stood, taking my hand and leading me to class, “well, after yesterday’s events, my parents found out. They were called by their friend who happens to be one of the cops who put us in there. Anyway, they want me out of the house.”

I nodded, “I’m not surprised.”


“Brian told me last night that you may have problems so…what are you going to do?”

“Well, my parents get home at, like, 6 tonight. They told me that I better be out before they get home.”

I sighed, “who you gonna try and stay with?”

“I’ll ask all the guys.” He told me and we went off to class.

The next time we got a chance to talk about it was during lunch.

Jimmy spoke, “Sorry, dude. You know my situation, I can’t.”

“That’s fine, Jim. You’ve done enough for me.” Johnny smiled.

“We wouldn’t have anywhere to put you, man.” Zacky spoke.

Matt shook his head, “I couldn’t; my parents freak about stuff like that.”

“I’ll have to ask.” Brian spoke.

There was hope in that.

I went to Johnny’s after school, to help him pack. Then we walked down to Brian’s to see what was going on with that.

“They said if you’d like to sleep here on weekends or something, we can, but not permanent.” Brian punched the wall. “I’m fucking tired of them.”

“No, it’s a lot to ask. Thank them for me, man.” Johnny sighed, and we left the house.

My parents would be home from work soon so we sat in my living room, Johnny’s bag on the floor.

“Do you think I’ll find a place?”

“They liked you, so maybe my parents will let you stay.”

“I doubt it.” Johnny held his head in his hands.

I rubbed his back and kissed his neck softly, “I need you to know that I’m not letting them say no. You’re staying here if I have to threaten to leave.”

When my parents did come home, I took them upstairs and talked to them away from Johnny. I don’t know what it was about them, but they always got mad at me if I’d ask something in front of someone.

“So, there was an incident yesterday and the cops were called.”

“Oh gosh,” my mom sighed.

“Johnny’s ex started a fight with my friends and the cops were called, the friends of hers left and the cops chased after my friends. Danny’s dad got them out and everyone else is good. Johnny’s parents kicked him out today. They don’t want him living there if he has a record, you know? No one else can take him in. I understand you guys would freak because he’s my boyfriend, but please, just let him stay in the basement. He has nowhere else to go.”

They looked at each other and sighed.




“But, mom-”

“He’s your boyfriend and how do we know he’s not going to sneak up to your room?”

I bit my lip, tears filling my eyes, “You don’t. But then again, I suppose you never trusted me…”

I walked downstairs, ignoring their calls. Johnny stood, following me outside.

“Sweetie, it’s alright…I’ll…figure something out…”

“No, you won’t. Where the hell do you think you’ll go?”

He sighed, “I don’t know…” we sat down in the middle of the street as cars raced around us, honking their horns and swearing at us.

I couldn’t care less…

What were we gonna do?

It was getting dark so Johnny and I went back inside. I know I’m mad at my parents and they said he couldn’t stay, but they never said he wasn’t allowed over.

When we entered the living room, we searched for Johnny’s bag. It was gone.

“What the fuck?” I sighed, running a hand through my hair. I was so stressed…

“Melanie, is that you?” mom called.

“Fuck my life…” I muttered before calling to her, “yes.”

“Can you come down here?” I found her voice was coming from downstairs. I sighed, making my way downstairs as Johnny waited on the landing.

“Oh my God…” I clasped my hand to my mouth, “Johnny.”

“What?” I heard the fear in his voice as he made his way to me.

“We’ve…changed our mind.” Dad smiled.

The basement was changed; the couch was no longer a couch, but they’d pulled it out to be a futon. Johnny’s bags rest on the chair and a pillow sat in waiting.

“Thank you so much.” Johnny went down and hugged my parents. My stress just melted away.

“It’s 7, ready to go record?” I offered Johnny.


“Mom, dad, Johnny and the guys’ band is recording their demo to give to Warner Brothers. This may be their break.”

“That’s wonderful!” mom smiled.

“I’ll take the car and we’ll be home soon.” I smiled, grabbing my keys.

“Alright, be careful.”

“Love you.”

“Thanks again.” Johnny called on our way out the door.

We shut the door and got in my car. I love this thing; my parents asked Danny to help buy it when my birthday rolled around. Since Danny’s loaded, I was lucky to get it; the car of my dreams…

“I love you, Mel.”

“I love you too Johnny.” I put the key in the ignition and backed out of the driveway, on our way to Danny’s to record Avenged Sevenfold’s demo…
♠ ♠ ♠

I actually liked this chapter.

Thanks for all the comments guys.

I love you ♥