Status: Complete.

If I Never Hold You


If I Never Hold You Ch. 5- Fixated

The water from the pond glistened as it rippled from the rock I’d thrown into it. My thoughts were on him; Johnny Seward. Sure, they’d moved in yesterday, but I already felt like I knew them all so well. And Johnny’s so cute! I was actually hoping to flirt with him. I was going to grind on him but I guess not. Brittney had to ruin it. Like she did with everything else.

“Mel?” Danny came through the woods. He sat next to me. “What happened?”

“Brittney fuckin hangin all over Johnny…” I said, staring at my reflection in the clear water.

“Nice.” He sighed. “You like him, don’t you?” he asked. I nodded.

“I was gonna flirt like crazy today but… guess not…”

“Like by grinding on him?” he joked.

“Yeah…” I sighed. Danny knew me too well. Then I looked up; I had an idea. “Yeah!!” we stood. “When I saw them, he didn’t see me so he doesn’t know that I know about him and Brittney. So I’ll act like I don’t know and go fucking grind him like he’s my damn pole!”

“That’s the Melanie I know and love.” He said, following me back. Of course he didn’t love me in the way you’re thinking. It’s more of that best friend love. Like I have for Crystal and Ali too. You see, Danny and I grew up together. Same daycare, classes all our life, and we’ve always been close. High school was when it hit us how much we needed each other’s support.

I found Johnny standing off to the side with Matt and Jimmy. “Pardon me, boys. But I’m gonna take Mr. Seward with me if ya don’t mind.” I grabbed his hand, attempting to ignore how right it felt in mine. They glanced at each other, smiling. “I have no intention of bringing him back.” I winked at him and he grinned wider, nodding furiously. So far, so good.

“Go get her, Johnny Boy!” Jimmy called as we made our way through the crowd.

We could still hear him, Matt, and Danny barking as we approached Brian, Ali, Zacky, and Crystal.

“Ready for our poles to have fun?” Ali asked me.

I nodded. “Ooh, yeah! Fuck, I sounded like the Kool-Aid man!” we laughed as the song ‘Me & U’ came on, blasting on the speakers. We grinned and began our fun.

I put my arms around Johnny’s neck, getting closer. He stared at me, a cute smirk on his face. I swayed my hips teasingly to the beat. I’ll admit; I know how to move, so does Ali. When we’d have sleepovers, that’s what we’d do; practice our moves for our future men. It was weird then but now it’s really paying off. For us and Johnny and Brian.

My grin spread as he put his hands above my ass. I raised my hand to my hair, running it through as I turned away from him; still moving my body like a whore. But he was enjoying himself. I noticed Ali doing the same to Brian.

Bri and Johnny gave each other looks. “Havin fun?” Brian asked.

“Oh, fuck yeah, dude!” Johnny said as I turned back to him, my body pressed against his as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

“Me too.” Brian said, as Ali did the same and his attention snapped back to her.

I traced my lips down his neck; hearing him slowly breathe in. I ran my hand up his thigh as I got lower, causing his eyes to practically bulge.

Speaking of bulge… that boner in his pants is telling me he likes this. Good.

He turned me to him, hands on my ass, boner pressed against me. I smiled as he began moving too. This surprised me and we began grinding.

Then, of course my fuckin conscience piped in… ‘this isn’t right. He’s with Brittney, as much as I hate her…’ Then myself joined in. ‘Fuck that. Obviously he fuckin wants me considering what he’s doing with me, right? This is his choice too. And I don’t know for sure if they’re together.’ I smiled as I felt his finger slide under my waistband of my pants, playing with my black thong. We seemed to slow our movements, staring into each other’s eyes. Our small smirks were replaced with contemplative faces. I tilted my head a bit as he drew closer, his eyes flashing from my eyes to my lips. I felt his soft breath against my face; our lips about to touch. They finally did; though just as they did and I tasted him, a mixture of beer and lust, a screeching noise cut us off, breaking the almost-kiss. I’d only gotten to touch his lips with mine; just a taste. A taunting little taste that could’ve been so much more if Brittney hadn’t gotten her cheerleading ass over here.

“Ruin my fuckin moments, I swear…” I mumbled, shaking my head and looking at the sky. Johnny had heard me and snorted in a laugh.

“Did you forget that fast!?” she asked him and my eyes snapped to her. “You’re dating ME!”

“I remember.” Johnny said. “But it’s not official. I never took you on a date. And is it honestly committed?” I laughed at his statements and the pissed off look on her face.

She grabbed his arm, dragging him through the crowd. Through he was being pulled away, he still stared at me; his eyes fixated with mine. Until I couldn’t see him anymore.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you guys liked this! I loved this chapter too lol
so please comment!!
i need more people saying they like it so i can get pumped for continuing this.