Status: Complete.

If I Never Hold You


If I Never Hold You Ch. 6- Taken

You’re kidding, right?” Ali cut in, now done with Brian’s dance. ‘They’d be cute together.’ I said to myself as I saw them standing side-by-side.

“Nope.” I sighed.

“He’s dating a fucking cheerleader!?” Brian added in. “How low. Ew. Preps.”

“See, there’s a smart one.” I told Ali, pointing to Brian who grinned.

“You need to talk, I can tell.” Ali said. “Come on.” She grabbed my hand.

“Brian come too please.” I said to him and pulled on Brian’s hand as Ali pulled us both through the crowd to Matt, Jimmy, and Danny.

“Where’s Crystal and Zacky?” Danny questioned.

“And Seward.” Matt added.

“Those two are dancing and Johnny’s…ugh…” Ali sighed as I went to Matt for a hug.

“You need comforting, huh?” he asked. I nodded as he picked me up with one arm.

Everyone followed us to a bench where I told them what happened.

“You like him, huh?” Jimmy asked.

“Yeah, but don’t tell him. I will later…maybe.” I stated.

I began drinking like crazy, beer after beer; just trying to push away this feeling. Danny sat there, running my back.

“Oh, go find Amy already!” I said, my words slurring a bit. But not too bad.

“What!?” he exclaimed, staring at me. I nodded.

“Told her someone had a question for her.” I said.

“Oh my God! Mel. I can’t ask her out!” he called, standing up.

“What? You don’t want to anymore?” I asked. You see, I knew he was obsessed with her. He flirts with her all the time. And there’s more information I recently got… “She’s interested.” This got his attention. “Asked if you’d be here. And if you’d maybe dance with her.” He stared at me. “Just go!”

“I’ll be back later though, promise!” Danny hugged me then ran.

Now I was alone with Matt. Danny just left. Brian and Ali went to dance, Zacky and Crystal are dancing, Jimmy went to find a girl, and Johnny’s with HER.

“Girly, you need to tell him.” Matt said, draping an arm across my shoulders.

“I know…” I sighed, stealing his beer. He laughed. “What girl are you eyeing?”

“How’d you know?” he asked. I gave him a look. “Ok, that blonde there.”

“Oh! That’s Val! And that girl Jimbo’s got his arm around is Leana.”

“You know them?” he asked.

“Fuck yea I do! They’re so nice!” I drank more.

He grabbed the beer from me. “No more for you, baby.” Matt laughed.

“Let’s go talk to them!” I jolted up, grabbing his hand. He followed. “Hey girls!”

They looked up. “Oh my! Hey Mel! Nice party! Thanks for inviting us!” Val said, hugging me.

“Anytime! I see you met Jimmy.” I laughed.

“Yeah!” Leana hugged him, giving me a grin. I couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Alright! Good for you! Now I’d like you to meet Matt.” I said. They shook hands and I could tell Val liked him too. How sweet! We all were talking for about 10 minutes. “Alright, I’ll be over there!” I walked back to the picnic table, laying down on top of the warm surface and closing my eyes, holding my head.

“What’s a pretty lady like you doing all alone?” a voice called. I shot up, looking at him.

“Oh, Johnny, it’s just you.” I breathed. He sat next to me. “Not with your girlfriend?”

“Nah. She left. Besides, listening to them all talk about makeup gets boring.” He laughed. I joined in. “At least you talk about fun shit! So I thought we’d hang!”

I took his beer, downing the rest of it. “I’m glad. You’re awesome!”

“How many have you had?”

“Uh…I don’t remember…” I replied.

He shook his head as I rested mine on his shoulder. “You’re the most interesting person here.”

“What about your girlfriend?” I asked, a bit of jealousy in my voice. I could tell.

“Nah. You’re seriously my best friend! I know we’re gonna band!” he slung an arm over my shoulders.

“Yeah! Sounds good!” I said, my heart breaking a little more every second. He made me feel so good but I knew…he was taken…
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for all the comments guys! i didnt write yesterday cuz...well, it was a bad day. Everythings kinda sorta ok now but...its getting better.
thanks to all of you and comments would make my day by the way! ♥ love you all