Status: Complete.

If I Never Hold You

Drive Me Crazy

If I Never Hold You Ch. 7- Drive Me Crazy

Ali’s POV

I walked to get a beer with Brian. He’s amazing, I swear! I can act like myself around him.

“It’s too bad about Johnny…” he broke me from my thoughts. I nodded. “Do you think I should talk to him? I mean, I don’t know her too well but she looked pretty damn broken up.”

“Yeah… I think you should just say later that Brittney’s not the one for him. She’s always hated Mel and always tries to find ways to bring her down.”

“Really?” he seemed shocked.

“Mhm. Always did. And it was obvious she has a thing for Johnny. So she went for him. And now Mel’s broken. Just what she wanted.” I sighed, drinking the beer.

“That’s bullshit! I’m telling the boys. We can’t have Mal like this.” He pointed over to Mel who was drinking, her head on Johnny’s shoulder. “I know he likes her!”

“They why’d he go with Brittney; a prep!? Does he like preps better?”

“Well…uh…” he stuttered. “He doesn’t really have a type. Just hot, crazy… but last girl was a nerd, before was emo, and first girl was a prep.” He sighed.

“And now he’ dating another prep.”

“Yeah, but he likes Mel. Did you see how they were dancing? And they kinda kissed… then his girlfriend come. He doesn’t randomly do that with girls.”

Mel’s POV

I opened my eyes to see the sun shining through the trees. I turned over, feeling heat and found myself staring at Johnny’s stomach. I sat up quickly, looking him.

“You fell asleep.” He said, smirking.

“Sorry, I kinda invaded your fuckin man parts, huh?”

“Ah, it’s all good.” He smirked again, causing me to blush.

“We should go, huh?” I looked around. There was hardly anyone here. “Let’s find everyone.” We jumped down, he took my hand, and dragged me to Matt and Jimmy.

“Hey guys, we’re gonna get goin now. You know, for the sleepover!?” I said excitedly.

“Sweet!” they high-fived with Johnny.

“I almost forgot about that!” Matt laughed.

“Val, Leana? You wanna come?” I asked.

“I’m sleeping at her house tonight. We’re gonna see some movies actually.” Leana replied.

“Alright! See ya Monday then!” I said. Matt hugged Val, Jimmy hugged Leana and we all went to find Brian, Ali, Zacky, and Crystal. They were sitting in the pavilion. We soon found Danny, with Amy, laughing.

“Hey, we’re leavin. Ya wanna come?”

“Oh, uh, yeah.” he glanced back at Amy.

“Hey, we’re having a sleepover at my house, you wanna come?” I asked.

“I would but my parents said I’m grounded after this; I didn’t come home till really late last night. You know how strict they are.” She sighed.

“Yep. Same with mine. Alright, see you Monday!” I waved. She hugged Danny and we left, walking down the street to my house.

Johnny skipped with me. “Jimmy! Skip with us!” I called.

“Nah, I’m good!” he shrugged and we stopped, walking up my driveway. I grabbed the key, unlocked the door, we all stepped inside and I locked the door back up. I gave them a tour of the house so they knew where everything was and when we got down to the basement, they found Guitar Hero and Rock Band.

“Can we play!? Pleeeeaaase!!?” Zacky begged.

“Sure, knock yourselves out!” I shrugged. “Who wants popcorn?”

Every hand shot up and Crystal came with me and Ali to make some. Danny stayed down there with the guys. We made 3 bags of popcorn.

“They’re gonna love this!” Crystal said as we each carried a bowl down.

They all came at us, stealing the bowls and running away.

Soon a popcorn fight erupted and Jimmy ate all the ones that fell to the floor. What a tard.

I sat down on the couch as Brian played guitar, Matt sang, Jimbo was on drums and Zacky was on bass.

“See, dude! We don’t need you! Zacky’s doin good on bass!” Brian teased as Johnny walked over to me.

“Yeah, yeah…” he said, plopping down on the couch. “Hey!”

I looked up at him, blushing. “Hey…”

“You seem bored.”

“Nah, just thinking.” I replied.

“Bout what?”

I looked up at him, glancing from his eyes to his lips. “Earlier…” I admitted.

“Oh!” he exclaimed. “Yeah…that kinda sucked… you know?”

“Oh, I know!” I said, looking away. “But you know…”

“She’s not here now…” Johnny finished my thought. I smiled but glanced at him quickly. His eyes flashed to my lips and he leaned in. I felt my breath catch in my throat.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys! hope you liked this! i did ^_^
so comment! I see im getting a few more readers :P thanks guys!
keep it up!
this story's taking off! i can feel it lol