Status: Complete.

If I Never Hold You

Give Me More

If I Never Hold You Ch. 8- Give Me More

“Hey, dude!” Brian called, causing me to jump from it and rest my head on Johnny’s shoulder. He laughed at my spaz moment.

“What?” he was still laughing at me.

“Look at our high score!” Matt continued.

“Uh huh.” Johnny mumbled, his finger lifting my chin and we stared into each other’s eyes. I glanced down at his lips again, hoping no one interrupts us again.

Our lips met and I felt a surge run through my body. His soft lips connected with mine felt so good. I closed my eyes, kissing back and soon, I sat on his lap; facing him, legs straddling him. He breathed out, coming in for another kiss. And I put my hand on his neck as I deepened the kiss, his tongue gliding with mine.

Running my hand through his hair, I heard him moan. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer still. Then I felt it; he had a boner…

“Dude…oh, uh…never mind…” Jimmy called. “Get a room!”

“Ok…” Johnny mumbled between kisses, attempting to pick me up. I dug my nails into his neck. “Ow!”

“No…” I mumbled, still kissing him. I knew if we did go upstairs, I’d end up getting myself into trouble… He had a girlfriend after all…

He nodded, kissing me fervently and sitting back on the couch. “Sorry…” he whispered.


He pointed down to his very obvious erection. I smirked, leaning down and kissing him on the neck, running my lips across it as I bit a little. He moaned, gripping onto my thighs. Thank God the song was loud…

He pulled away, beginning to kiss my neck as I gripped onto his back, letting my head rest on his shoulder.

My breathing grew heavy and he drew closer to my soft spot. When he got there, he knew it. I dug my nails into his back, gasping as he chuckled, biting and sucking on the skin, causing me to bite my lip. He obviously gave me a hickey and back up to examine his work. He nodded, enjoyment filling his eyes.

I leaned down to return the favor but remembered something…right; Brittney.

I stood, ignoring the pain in my heart and went to play Rock Band. I knew if he got a hickey, Brittney would start shit again. Like usual. She hates me and the feeling’s mutual for her. She’s a bitch and I wanna punch her so badly…

I tried to ignore my thoughts as I played guitar while Brian took a break. My neck ached where the hickey was bit I continued to play.

By the time I attempted to forget him, he’d joined in and honestly we were all having fun. Ali, Crystal, and I all danced and sang together as they played some good songs. I collapsed on the couch at 2 a.m.

“Let’s go to sleep…” Ali yawned. We all agreed, turned off the game, and walked up to the living room where there was more room.

“Gotta be honest here, never been to a sleepover with girls before.” Zacky said.

“Me neither!” Brian, Johnny and Jimmy agreed. Matt smirked.

“Dude, you have!?” Johnny asked Matt, seeming shocked.

“Nah!” he laughed. “I was just pullin your leg!”

“What about you, Danny?” Brian asked.

“Yeah. Mel’s all the time, actually.” He replied.

“We’ve been best friends since we met in kindergarten.” I added.

Conversations arose and soon Danny pulled me away, sitting with me, talking.

“So… what about Johnny?” he asked.

“I dunno. I don’t know what came over me. But…he has to have some feelings for me, right? I mean, he wouldn’t make out with me if he didn’t.” I whispered frantically.

“Right. Maybe the Brittney thing’s to make you jealous?”

“That wouldn’t make sense. He started dating her before he knew my feelings. I mean, he may not even think anything of us. It’s not too obvious, at least in front of him, that I like him. He could think I’m just drunk…” I sighed. “But if so, it’s working.”

I noticed Zacky was asleep, Crystal too and her head rested on his shoulder. Ali was cuddled with Brian. How cute!!! Jimmy sat next to Johnny, talking, and Matt was snoring loudly.

“You gonna be ok?” Danny asked.

“I don’t know. I’ve only seen them together for a little and it already kills me! What do I do? And with him flirting with me…”

“That can’t help.” Danny finished. I nodded.

“Mellybear!!!” Johnny whispered. I turned to find Jimmy was now asleep. “Let’s talk!”

“Ok.” I hugged Danny then he lay down. I sat next to Johnny now. “What’s up?”

“Nothin, just lonely.” He lay back then pulled me down too. “Get comfy.” I rested my head on his chest, blushing as he ran his fingers through my hair.

Before I knew it, I was fast asleep in the arms of Johnny Seward…
♠ ♠ ♠
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