Status: Coming along.

Punk Rock 101

Are You In

*Matts POV*

Checking the time again on my watch 9:15. Shit, were gonna be late. Quickly making my way to the bottom of the stairs. ''Guys, were gonna be late, get your asses down here now!'' I bellowed. Only hearing a grunt in response. ''Guys seriously up now. Don't make me come up their.''

Zack came out of the kitchen, cereal bowl in hand, amusement etched on his face, him and the guys always found Matts frustration funny. ''Calm down dude.''

I whipped my head around. ''Calm down dude, how can i calm down when we have 45minutes to get to the office. An two of your band mates aren't even up yet and your seriously telling me to calm down,'' I asked enraged. Knowing better than to start with me when I was like this the blond haired bassist mealy shrugged, making his way to the couch.

I turned back to the staircase. ''Alex Gaskarth, Jack fucking Barakat, if you don't get your skinny white buts dow-''

''Dude, chill the fuck out,'' Jack stated, making his way to the bathroom.

I sighed. ''One down, one to go.'' Making my way up the stairs, about to rip Alex's ass from his bed. I stopped short, as the singer himself finally stumbled out of his room. ''What the fucks all the shouting about?'' he asked. A hand clutching his head, last nights drinking session taking it's toll.

''We have a meeting in,'' taking a quick glance at my watch. It seems like I've done that a lot today. ''40 minutes, and Jacks in the bathroom doing god knows what, and were going to be late.'' I stated, as Alex passed me. Heading down stairs.

Alex laughed. ''Jack get your ass down here Matts gonna blow.'' Nicking Zacks seat on the couch.

Ignoring his comment I made my way back down stairs, turining towards three of the four members that were downstairs. I sighed, noticing know Alex. ''Where's Alex gone now?''

Rian answered, not taking his eyes of the tv. ''Kitchen,'' he mumbled. His eyes fixated on the Sponge bod episode him and Zack were watching. ''Turn the tv off, and Get your damn shoes on,'' I called, like a Mom would to their child. As I made my way towards the kitchen.

Entering the kitchen, Alexs back to me, his but stuck in the air as he searched through the fridge. ''Dude come on.'' Making my way towards him. ''We gotta go.''

''But I'm hungry,'' he whined as I dragged him towards the door.

''Don't care,'' I stated. Grabbing my jacket and letting Alex go so he could put his shoes on. ''Jack come the fuck on!'' I shouted. Grabbing the keys.

After spending five minutes watching Alex and Jack fight over the front seat and Zack shoving them both out of the way to claim the seat for himself. Then the morning traffic, we finally arrived at out destination; ten minutes late may I add.

I quickly parked the car, pulling the key out of the ignition. I turned towards the three boys in the front rom. ''Ready?''
''Yep,'' Rian smiled. His pearly whites glistening in the sun.

Zack made his way out of the car first. ''Right lets go,'' he called. Slamming the door shut behind him.

Jumping out of the the van, keys in hand, Alex and Jack fighting over who would get out first, being the only thing stopping me from locking it. Grabbing hold of their shirts and pulling them both out. The other two smirked as they pilled on the floor. ''Let's go.'' Locking the car behind me, then turning my way towards the building as Zack and Rian followed.

Noticing Janice the receptionist sat in her usuall spot, as I pushed the door round making my way towards the front desk. ''You're late,'' she stated. Not even looking up from her desk.

Leaning my self on the desk. ''I know, blame those two.'' Pointing at the two idiots behind me. As the singer and guitarist, ran around in the door, pushing it in a circular motion. Not even giving a man in his business suit a chance to get in, as they kept pushing it to go faster.

Janice, Rian and Zack laughed noticing the two, the man in his business suit now scowling at him, shouting profanities at the two. Jack now falling backwards on the flour to dizzy to even stand, Alex still running in circles pushing him around as he picked up dirt from the floor on his clothes, from the impact of been pushed around from the floor, like a broom.

''We'll be upstairs,'' I sighed. ''Tell the two idiots to make their way up when they stop fucking around,'' I stated. Making my way towards the elevator.

Zack stepping in turning to face me. ''What is this meeting about anyway dude?'' he asked.

I shrugged not really knowing. ''Dunno,'' I replied as the 'bing' sounded. Stating we were at out floor.

Silence filling around us as we made our way towards the meeting room.

The door flinging open as we made our towards the door, of the windowed room. Kevin Lyman greeting us at the door. ''Hey guys,'' he smiled. Pulling me into a man hug. The buys manager stood behind him.

He smiled pulling me into a hug. ''You're late,'' he stated.

I sighed. ''I know blame the two bafoons.''

He laughed. ''Typical.'' Turning towards the others.

''Ummm,'' I mumbled nonchantly. Making my towards one of the large office chairs, that were placed around the table. Which was set in the middle of the room.

''Hey dude,'' Alex smiled. Pulling Kevin into a hug.

''Hey man, how are you? Long time no see,'' he asked. Pulling away from the singer.

''I know. An I'm good. You?'' Alex replied.

''Yeah I'm good thanks,'' he smiled.

Alex made his way towards me. ''That's good. So what's this all about?'' Patting there manager as he passed. Then sitting him self down next to me, Rian on my left and Zack sat opposite.

''Yeah dude what is this all about?'' Zack asked. Everyone just as confused as the other.

''I'll tell you once Jack decides to join us.''

There manager turned to look at me. ''Were is Jack anyway?'' He asked, sending an acuseing glare my way.

''He was trying to steal candy from Janice last time I checked,'' Alex laughed.

Zack chuckled. ''Speak of the devil,'' he stated. Laughing as Jack made faces in the window at Kevin whos back was turned to him. Then as soon as he turned to look Jack waved goofyily a grin on his face.

Bouncing into the room. ''What?'' he asked confused to why everyone was staring at the lanky guitarist. A candy bar hangin from his mouth.

''Nothing,'' their manager laughed. Patting the dark haired boy on the shoulder.

''Hey man,'' Jack finally noticing Kevin.

''Hey,'' he laughed pulling as Jack pulled him into a hug. ''Listen sit down, we have things to talk about.''

Kevin turned to us all, as Jack made his way to a seat. ''Ok lets get rite to it,'' he began, sitting himself back down. ''How would you guys feel about taking over at the camp next month?''

Turning to gaze at the bos expressions, not seeing anything but smiles on each of their faces. The boys loved going to Kevins camp, nearly as much as they loved Warped tour.

Alex smiled. ''Are you serious?''

Kevin laughed at the singers reaction. ''Most defiantly,'' he stated.

''Dude that'd be awesome,'' Jack squealed.

''Yeah,'' Kevin grinned.

''Yeah,'' all four boys agreed. Huge smiles on their faces.

Zack turned to me. ''Matt, what do you think?'' he asked. Catching the other threes attention.

''Sounds good to me,'' I smiled.

Their manager turned to us, a sceptical look on his face. ''Are you sure? I'm mean it's gonna be a lot to take on,'' he stated.
''Yeah,'' the boys and me agreed there smiles not fading.

''Ok, so listen,'' Kevin continued. ''We'll go over final details and everything later. Maybe meet for lunch or something to get everything sorted and finalised.'' Slipping on his coat. ''I would love to finish this off now, but cause you guys were late, I don't have time as I have a meeting.''

Their manager stood up. ''K, dude. Contacted us and we'll set something up. Were all really excited.'' Shaking Kevins hand.

''K.'' Turning towards us. ''Look after your selfs boys. I'll see you soon ok?'' He stated as we all got up to say bye.

''You too man, and we'll defiantly speak soon,'' I reasured.

''Good. Bye guys.'' Turning himself towards the door. The boys replying with 'Byes' and 'See you laters'

Alex turned to look at us as soon as the door closed. ''Guys, next months gonna be awesome. Were gonna have so much fun,'' he smiled.
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