This is Gonna Require a Little Finesse

Chapter 8

"So, they turn the court lights out at 10:00!" He yelled at me.
Bobby looked at his watch hurriedly, looked at the three of us, and nodded toward the exit. Angel grabbed him and dragged him along. "You little fucking bastards need to stay in school."
Jack swung the crow bar lazily in his hand and then rested it behind his neck as he turned back to the smaller mass of people and commented as if he was leaving the party early, "I hope you all have a very nice evening!" then turned back and fell into step next to me. He nudged me arm with his elbow, I looked up at him and he ruffled my hair a little and smiled softly.
((FF))((Kari's POV))
Bobby looked furious to say the least. The lights from the court cast an eerie glow on his face that- had I been the cause of his anger- would send me running if I wanted to see another day. Looking to his watch in annoyance he growled, "It's 10:02 and these fucking lights are still on!"
Angel had the kid by the collar of his jacket, "I know you know who did this, homeboy."
"This is bullshit." Bobby cocked his gun, causing a reflection of light to bounce off it and hit me in the face; snapping me out of my trance. "Let's pop this motherfucker right now." He started to walk towards the lieing bastard and raised his gun.
"Bobby, wait." I called, trying to be the voice of reason.
"Yeah Bobby, take it easy." Jack said stepping forward after his brother, I could hear the apprehension in his voice.
"Shut up, Jack." was the response he recieved.
"Look, wha--" the juvenile stuttered, "Yo, man, they gonna shut off! They gonna shut off, man!"
"Bobby!" I yelled again as he continued to advance. I were seriously worried for this idiots well-being. Sure, he's a complete asshole; but the boy's only 16... if that.
"Only lights that are goin' off are yours. Let's go." Bobby snarled.
Suddenly the teens eyes went wide and I found it much easier to see down the dark Detroit ally, "Look, look, look! Look." he pleaded pointing behind all of us.
Bobby turned to see that the lights had, in fact, gone out, "You're fucking lucky." he pointed at him menacingly.
I realized that I'd been holding my breath and let out a long sigh. Which was echoed by Jack, the two of us laughed softly at our identical reactions.
"Told you. Man, y'all fools been played!" he hollered smartly. "Get off of me, man!" he barked at Angel, tugging himself from my brothers grip. "Questioning me about the lights being off and all--"
He didn't get to finish because Angel punched him, hard, in the mouth, "Why don't you shut the fuck up, man? You talk too much."
Shrugging my shoulders I let my coat fall from my body and hung it on the peg tiredly, quickly moving out of Sofi and Angels' way as they hurried up the stairs.
Wow...that's discrete...not!
Bobby and Jack hung up their own coats, "Jack, it was a questionable kill." Bobby tried to explain.
"What makes you think that?"
"Boy, it's sad, you growing up without a father." Bobby baited. "Nobody taught you anything, did they? I should've stayed around longer and held your little hand, huh, sweetheart?"
"Yeah, you should've, Bobby. But apparently you had more important things to do than help family." I growled coldly, stepping past them in the small hallway. I swept myself into the kitchen and grabbed a Poptart out of the cupboard and sat on the counter.
Seconds later the two of them walked into the kitchen too. "...then pay a witness to throw the cops on to the wrong suspect. You understand?" Bobby asked his little brother.
Jack just raised his arms in confusion and commented, "Why would anybody wanna kill the sweetest woman in the goddamn world?"
"I don't know, Jackie." Bobby looked at me even as he spoke, "I don't know."
I could tell I'd hit home with my icey comment about him leaving and now felt horrible about saying that. "I didn't mean it, Bobby. I just wish you had stuck around longer, you know?"
"Yeah, I know, Legs." he said and gave me a hug as a small apology.