Please Be Mine

Chapter One

Chapter 1

Friday the 15th of June 2007-10:30pm

Kylie’s POV

I lay down on my bed trying to brush away all of my thoughts of what had just happened asking myself why I ever trusted that guy.


“beep beep” my phone rang. I got off from my computer chair and picked up my phone seeing there was a message from my boyfriend Jason. I clicked open message on my phone. The message read. “hay babe meet me at my house in 20 minutes. We need to have a chat”. A horrible thought came into my head but I brushed it away so quickly thinking he wouldn’t do that to me he’s a great guy. I put my phone down and went back to my computer chair and saw that Jason was online. I opened up a conversation and I started chatting but he wasn’t chatting back. I wonder why maybe he was busy. I waited like 10 minutes for a reply but there wasn’t then I looked at the time and it had been ten minutes since Jason texted me so I got up put on some white mini shorts and a pink singlet. I fixed up my brown straightened hair and put on some black mascara and my brown eyes. I grabbed my keys and wallet and headed downstairs.

“bye mum I’m going to Jason’s house” I said to my mum

“ok honey don’t be too long”

“ok bye”

I left the house got into my car and left to Jason’s house thinking everything was alright when everything wasn’t. I arrived at his house in less than 5 minutes and I knew he wouldn’t mind if I was a few minutes earlier. I got out of my car and slowly walked to his front door. I knocked on his mother answered.

“oh hey kylie how are you today?” Jason’s mother asked.

“I’m good thanks. Is Jason home?” I asked looking around.

“JASON!” she screamed out but no one answered

“JASON!!” she screamed out once again and there still wasn’t an answer.

“I’m so sorry come in you can go upstairs “she said.

“thanks” I said worried.

I walked up stairs to his room and the door was slightly open. I slowly walked into his room to see him on some other girl not even realising I was there. I just felt like screaming. My eyes filled up with tears as he looked up at me.

“oh so this is what you wanted to talk about?” I asked crying.

“Kylie it’s not what you think trust me” Jason said like it was something to feel good about.

“oh yes it is. I can’t believe you would do this to me and who is she? I said looking at the girl he was with.

“This is Erin but that’s not the point I never wanted to hurt you” he said.

“YOU NEVER TOLD ME YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND” Erin yelled waiting for a really good explanation.

She got up from the bed and got dressed and ran out of the room not even apologising for what she had just done.

“How could you do this to me I can’t believe I ever trusted you. We’re over ok I never want to see or speak to you again” I said crying with tears all over my face.

“Kylie please I was going to tell you I just didn’t know when” he said

“oh so you just let me find out like this. Thanks a lot you should fell so proud of yourself. You know out all of the guys I’ve ever went out with I thought you were the best one but I guess I was wrong” I said

I ran out of the room down the stairs and out the door crying my tears out. I got in my car and drove to my house. I sat in the car before getting out. I grabbed my phone and messaged my best friend Lauren to meet me at my house in 20 minutes. She replied back in minutes saying she’ll be there. I looked at the screen of my phone and there was a picture of me and Jason. I through my phone on the car seat and started crying. Right then I remembered what my dad always told me before he passed away. “Always be brave no matter what your going through”. So I dried up my tears with a tissue, grabbed my phone and got out of my car thinking how I ever trusted that guy. I walked into my house and started walking up the stairs to my room.

“honey is that you?”my mum asked. She looked at me.

“what’s wrong?”

“I really don’t want to talk about it” I replied.

I continued walking up the stairs, still crying. I walked into my room, lay down on my bed . In 5 minutes my best friend Lauren walked in.

“what’s wrong?” she asked me

“Jason cheated on me” I said starting to cry.

“OMG what a jerk” she said walking up to me and hugging me.

“I can’t believe I ever trusted him” I said

Just then I heard someone screaming my name from downstairs. It was my mum.

“Kylie the phone’s for you” my mum screamed from downstairs.

“who is it?” I asked

“it’s Jason” she replied.

“well tell him I’m not home” I said


I told Lauren what happened with me and Jason then my phone rang. I looked at the caller id and it was Jason I just ignored it. Lauren had to go because her mum is going out to dinner and she has to babysit her baby brother. So I said bye to her and she left. I’m so gad Lauren was my best friend she was always there for me no matter what happens. I sat down on my bed thinking about all the good time we had together and at the same time regretting them. I kept getting calls and messages from Jason but I tried my best to ignore them. I grabbed my iPod out of my drawer and started listening to the Jonas Brothers music. It instantly started playing my favourite song “please be mine”. I needed to clear my head so I decided to go for a little walk. As soon as I opened the door to leave Jason was sitting on my veranda. I kept walking and ignored him.

“Kylie please can we please just talk? Jason asked begging.

“No there’s nothing to talk about”

“I know you hate me at the moment but I really am sorry"

“Don't you reckon you’ve hurt me enough can you please just leave me alone” I said on the edge of crying.

He got up off the chair and walked to his car. He looked at me then turned around, got in his car and drove off.

I walked for half an hour just to clear my head. I went back home and called Lauren to ask her If I can come over. She said yes. I told my mum I’m going and I left.

When I arrived at her house I walked up the stairs to Lauren’s room and I saw that her little brother was already asleep. Lauren had blonde curly hair and blue sparkling eyes.

“hey” I said lying onto her bed.

“hey what are you doing?” she asked me

“oh nothing I’m bored” I replied

Lauren was reading a magazine while I just put my pink iPod nano earphones into my ears and started listening and singing to “please be mine” by the Jonas brothers again.

“they come and go but they don’t know that you are my beautiful…….” I sang out loud.

“Kylie shut up and come check this out” Lauren screamed out to make sure I heard and at the same time trying not to wake up her little brother.

I took my pink iPod nano earphones out of my ears and walked p to Lauren to see what she wanted. I looked at the page of the magazine she was reading and it was a poster of the Jonas brothers saying that they will be having a concert on Wednesday the 20th of June at 5:30pm-12:30pm.

“it’ll be so much fun and it will cheer you up a bit, please” Lauren said with a begging face.

“ok we’ll go” I said pretending to be happy. Then at the bottom of the poster I noticed something. I grabbed the magazine from Lauren’s hands and saw it up close I read it out loud.

“You can have the chance to win 1 in 5 free tickets and backstage passes to the Jonas brothers concert. All you have to do is call 1800 JONAS and your name will be in the draw to win free tickets and backstage passes. Please leave your name, address and your mobile number. We will be announcing the winner on Monday the 18th of June 2007 at 2:30 on the radio”

“OMG we should totally enter the draw” Lauren screamed.

“Yeh we should” I said. I grabbed my phone, dialled the number and entered the draw.

“now all we have to do is wait” I said patiently.

I looked at the time and it was 10:20pm.

“ok I think I better get going. I need to get some rest it’s been a long day for me” I said

“ok I’ll see you tomorrow, bye” Lauren said.

I hugged Lauren goodbye and left her house. I drove home and I entered my house to realise I was the only one home.

End of flashback

I went up stairs and lay down on my bed trying to brush away all of my thoughts of what happened today. I slowly fell asleep asking myself why I ever trusted that guy?.

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I've had this story for a while. This was the first story i ever wrote and i think it's not that good though i've obviously improved. My cousin made me post it up again. So here it is, hope you like it. Subscribe, Comment?
Lots of Love <3