Frank Doesn't Love Gerard, He Loves Someone Else.

One Shot

I never thought I would get feelings for a dude.
I mean, yeah me and Gerard kissed on stage. But, we don't have feelings for each other.
I had Jamia, He had.. well I don't know who he has. But, I didn't think I would fall for any dude, especially a dude I play in a band with. Even weirder, Gerard was at the bottom of the list.

"Yo, Frank, snap out of it we're on" My head snapped up to look at Gerard.
I was spacing out before a show. Gerard's eyebrows were furrowed like he was worried about me, his hazel eyes probed with curiousness.
"Sorry Gee" I held the neck of my guitar as we walked onto the stage, pitch black.
I grabbed the piece of material and hooked it around my neck, plugging in my cord before strumming a few quick notes.

I twisted my neck back and forth, satisfied with the cracking sound it made. I jumped on the spot quickly. We were set to open with The End. The beeping sounded before Ray opened with the first strums of guitar as I did with my own, then Gerard sang. The crowd went wild. I looked at Bob as he entered with the drumming. I watched Bob enviously as his arms thrashed around on the drums. I liked to thrash around the stage, and as the song wasn't fast enough I couldn't. I didn't realize I was pouting until Gerard walked over. His finger touched my lip, I looked up at him. We were standing fairly close. I heard gasps from the crowd as they knew what was about to happen. Gerard held out the microphone for people to sing the line, he locked his mouth with mine as soon as the microphone was out of the way.

Always willing to put on a good show I responded to him. The crowd went wild.
Gerard pulled away and continued singing. I shot an embarrassed glance at Bob, who was staring at me. We both looked away nervously.
We got up to House Of Wolves, when I did my usual stage show of throwing myself everywhere.
I jumped around Bob, thrashing the guitar as if I was having violent sex with it.
I threw myself at Bob. As I was falling down I turned my head, before I had time to register, mine and Bobs lips were attached, both of us doing nothing to stop it.
We continued playing, I heard the crowd get louder as our tongues snaked into each others mouths. The song ended and we pulled away. I got up and went back to my spot, I smiled at Bob, he blushed. The Bob Bryer blushed. The muscle of our group blushed at me, the pansy of the group. I chuckled.

We finished the show and headed for our hotel.
"I'll stay with Brian" Ray said, then Mikey said he would stay with Gerard.
Leaving me and Bob alone in a hotel room. I couldn't stop myself as a grin crept across my face. We all said goodnight to each other as we walked into our hotel rooms.

I dropped my bag I was carrying and rubbed my hands over my face. Bob was still standing next to me. I dropped my hands and looked at him. His piercing blue eyes penetrated right through me, causing butterflies to invade my stomach. Suddenly, he grabbed my face in his hands and crushed his mouth on mine. My eyes popped open at how quickly it was, before letting them shut and opening my mouth. He slipped his tongue inside. I pulled him towards the massive bed in the middle of the room. Without breaking the kiss, I laid on the bed, pulling Bob with me. He removed his jacket, chucking it somewhere.
Lucky for me I only had a shirt one, I pulled it over my head quickly, pulling Bob's face back to mine as soon as it was off.

My hands moved down his stomach, I unbuttoned his pants and unzipped them. We broke away to quickly remove our clothes. Bob pushed me down on the bed and started kissing me again. I ran my hands down his stomach again and found his erection. He moaned quietly into my mouth and I ran my hand up and down. I pulled my mouth away.

"Get inside me!" I growled. Needing no more invitation Bob put his fingers in his mouth. He coated them in saliva. He slipped a finger in my opening, I moaned delicately. Hearing me moan he slipped in another finger, it didn't hurt but it felt weird. I felt him hesitate. I nodded, reassuring him. Another finger added, slight stinging but it quickly went away, replaced by pleasure. I moaned again as he moved his fingers in and out. "Quit teasing me Bob" I moaned. I heard him chuckle and his fingers disappeared. I felt him at my entrance. "Go Bob" I commanded. He entered me, I moaned as I was glad it didn't hurt. I began pleasuring myself as Bob's tempo got faster and faster. He moaned my name. I never thought this would feel so good.

Hearing Bob moan my name sent me close to the edge. "I'm close" I chocked out. He grunted in agreement. He slammed into a few times, causing me to finish, just as he finished. We were panting as he collapsed on the bed. "That was... wow" he mumbled. I nodded, it was amazing.

I never thought I would do the dirty with Bob, now it's our favourite after-concert activity.
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I make myself laugh with this.
First ever boy sex, one shot blah blah.
Be nice, comments are good too.
