That Was Almost Too Easy

Oh yes, the world is yet again on the verge of a major fuss/trouble/war/breakdown/chaos (choose your option). There are good guys, who are disgustingly annoying (not all of them, but some parts), bad guys, who are so charming that you might just want to succumb your soul for one tiiiny kiss. There are also proper villains and heroes, of course.
Our heroine is Clare, a bit stubborn, straightforward and prone to mockery girl. Her uncle, Nat, is a very handsome man in his twenties. And bunch of other people, friends, enemies and frenemies will make their appearance in this story.
Ooh, and don't forget, magic is involved!
  1. Prologue
    Meeting Clare and Nat
  2. Chapter 1
    'If we get away, you know we might just stay away'
  3. Chapter 2
  4. Chapter 3
  5. Chapter 4
    where we meet another character