Warm December


Setting: Viktor's House Time: 4:04pm Now Playing: The Smith's/ There Is a Light That Never Goes Out
The doorbell at Viktor's house made a nice orchestrated melody when it was pushed by the nervous almost shaking Natasha.
"Tasha!" Viktor greeted her, "Come on, lets go to my room. My sister's got her loud and obnoxious friends over."
As they walked down the hallway, Natasha rehearsed in her head excactly what she would say to Viktor. Hesitently, she walked into his room and nearly jumped when the door closed behind her.
"Come on. Don't be shy. I got enough room here on this ultra super duper bean bag chair!" he said as he sat down and turned on the tube.
"Um, I.. um.. I wanna stand up for what I have to say... If its okay." she said leaning against his bed.
As he stood and smiled he said, "Sure, as long as your comfortable, Im comfortable."
"Well..... this morning. I was upset about the whole Margeaux thing but right now it's a whole nother subject. We've been friends ever since the third grade and ever since then.... you've been like my best friend. And as we got older I... well, I kinda payed more and more attention to certain stuff about you." Looking at him with a innocent look she continued, " I've been feelin' weird lately about ya and I couldn't figure out why. Now I know--"
Viktor interrupted "Because of this," He then leaned in pinning Natasha between himself and the bed and kissed her. At first she was taken back but finally began to feel more comfortable with the feeling of his body pressed aginst hers.
They slowly pulled away from eachother, shyly smiled and hugged one another.
Looking down, she had a nervous yet pleased look on her face. Hoping that this wouldn't put a strange feel to this relationship she had with Viktor, she softly kissed Viktor on his cheek and left. Leaving Vikto, who was nervous and pleased that it went smoothly, with his own personal thoughts and feelings.
Around 10:45, before Natasha went to bed, she checked as usuall, her e-mails.
"Nothin', nothin', nothin'......... from Viktor. Hmm." As she opened the e-mail she began to play with her hair. It took a minute, but it finally opend to the page.
The E-Mail Read:
Im not fully sure if I did the right thing. Ever since you left, I've been prayin' that I haven't made you feel pressured to do anything. We've been friends since 4ever but, if it's okay with you, I'd like to take our relationship futher. Think about it. It's only if you want and I won't persue it anymore if your not okay with it. This morning at the bus stop.... I was doin' that stuff cause I really like you. I mean REALLY like you. Well, if I had a diary I'd probably be writin' about it in there, but hey, I ain't the guy who be writin' in a diary. Well. I hope your feelin' well. And i hope you have a nice night, I have more stuff to say, but I think I should say it in person.
From Your Friend,
Viktor R. Drake-Deumont ( with luv)

As Natasha shutdown her computer and turned out the lights, she still couldn't get that kiss off her mind. The answer to how she would deal with this and if she was really ready for a serious relationship was still unkown to her, but all she knew was whatever would happen had to be the best for her.

Setting: Natasha's BedRoom Time: 5:10 am Now Playing: The Thompson Twins/ "Our House"

Natasha hated waking up early in the morning yet she set her alarm an hour ahead on purpose. She thought that maybe if she could talk to Kim, Viktor's older sister, that maybe she can get some views about how Viktor really felt for her. She quietly got up, looking out her window she noticed that his light wasn't on yet. Now that she had time she grabbed a red and white tracksuit out of her dresser and took a fifteen minute shower. By the time she got dressed her mother gently knocked on her door to let her know that Kim was waiting for her downstairs. Usually she would go straight to the bus stop but this time she and Kim walked down to the local basketball court to talk.
"Natasha, Natasha, Natasha. So you think your really stuck with this whole relationship thing?" Kim said as she pulled her basketball from her bookbag. "There's really nothin' to it. If ya wanna be with him tell him, Babe, Ireally wanna be with ya." She said winking, "And if not, say, Kick rocks ya lazy bum!" with a smile that couldn't be wipped off she laughed as she made a basket.
"Well, with all do respect Kim.... I think I'll need something else to say to him. Besides, it's not what to say to him is what I needed you for, it's what he's been thinking about me. You live with him, DUH!" she said as she sat indian style on the court. "Has he said anything about me, maybe brought my name up anytime out of the blue?"
"Lets see..... Well come to think of it. He was in his notebook last week, and when he accedentily dropped it I saw that he wrote his and your name in a heart capsual. That might help." Kim said bouncing the ball while talking.
"Um, that might but..... i don't know. He e-mailed me last night about some stuff. He wanted to say more but ot hime it should be in person. Im really nervous about what's gonna happen." Natasha said as she pulled out an unfinished math paper.
"Listen Natasha," she said as she sat beside her, " Whatever happens, happens! If things go a little akward at first, theres no doubt that Viktor'll crack the silence with a joke or one of his many sarcastic remarks about the weather or somethin'. Believe me, I had the same problem with my boyfriend and before--" Before she could finish her sentence a large black limo pulled up. When the door opened out came Margeaux Montgomery in her catigan sweater and 100 dollar pair of designer jeans. With her was none other than the quarterback for the Vancouver Warriors, Derrek Drake-Deumont.
"Girls, I didn't know that there was a meeting at the court this morning," Margeaux said as she had Derrek open the gate for her, "If I was informed, I would have arrived earlier. But never mind that!" and with a rude at Kim she squeezed inbetween the two girls. "Natasha, I want you to meet Derrek. He's the older brother of Kim and Viktor."
"Hey, Natasha," he said as he reached out his hand, "What's up?"
"Im fine," she said as she easily shook his hand, stood up and grabbed her things, "Kim, I've gotta get going. Seeya Margeaux and Derrek. Um, Kim, e-mail me, 'k?" and with that she walked passed the three and went on her way to school.

As she had a relaxing walk to school, she still couldn't find out what to say to Viktor. By the time she arrived it was already 7:45 am.
"Already time for my math class," she thought to herself, "Hopefully this'll go by fast."
As the day went on, she still contemplated on what she was going to do. She counted the time down before she had to have lunch, knowing that she would see Viktor then. At 12:06 she entered the cafateria.
"Natasha!" a voice shouted, " Over here!" As she peered through the crowd Natasha spotted her friends Brian and Kim.
"What's up guys?" Natasha said as she sat inbetween them, "No Viktor yet?"
"Not yet, I got a text from him earlier. Said he was gonna be a few minutes late. Make up science test." Brian said as he took his brown paper bag out.
"Yeah, he took it last week but I guess he didn't do so well on it." Kim said taking out her cellphone to text. "Don't worry, he won't be long. Trust me, if he did bad the first time he'll do bad the next time."
After about twenty minutes they were greeted by a shy looking Viktor. Still uneasy about what happened that night he sat across the table from Natasha. But the suprising thing about it was behind him, was his older Derrek.
"Sup guys!" Derrek said as he sat alomost on Brian to squeeze between him and Natasha. "Listen Natasha, we got history together so I was thinking that we should partner up. What do you think?" He said with a movie star smile.
"Derrek," Kim said with a coming attitude, "since when do you care about partnering with Natasha? You've had classes with her since she's started here, and NOW you wanna partner with her?!"
"Calm down Kim," Natasha said in a calm voice, " But yeah, since when do you care about partnering with me. After all Im not a cheerleader."
"Well, I just do care now." he said in defense " I hear you haven't been doin' so hot in history class, so I thought I might help ya out. After all, I am a nice guy!" and with that he got up, winked and went on his way.
"Somethin's up," Kim saidwhile texting, "This ain't right. Im tellin' ya, he dont usually do stuff like this. He's my brother, I know him! Viktor don't you have somethin' to say about this?.... Viktor!"
"What?!" he said in an annoyed voice, "Geeze, why in the world would I care about some trash like this?"
"Trash?" she said, looking like she was ready to jump across the table and choke, " Trash? No this is no trash. This is YOUR older brother wanting to PARTNER UP with YOUR soon to be GIRLFRIEND!"
"Girlfriend?!" both Natasha and Viktor said. "I said SOON TO BE. Geeze!" Kim said, still with her attention to her phone.
"Listen guys, what ever he is trying to do, Im not going to be stupid enough to go along with it!" Natasha said finding some change for the soda machine, " I'll be right back."
And with that she left the table and made her way down to the soda machine which was all the way across from the room. As she popped the quarters in she had a weird feeling as if she had someone staring at the back of her head.
"Natasha," Margeaux said in a snobby voice, "So, did you take a look at that Derrek? Some piece of work, huh?"
"Yeah, I guess. He is kinda cute, Not really my type though, you should have a try at him. Ya know, add him to your toy collection," Natasha said, still with her back to Margeaux.
"Him? No, no. He's......." Margeaux struck a posh thinking pose.
"Not rich? Not wealthy? Not loaded to the seems with money? I don't see how you can be soo snobby. Maybe your parents should have sent you to a high society baording school. You'd fit much better then you would here, don't you think?" Natasha, now with soda in hand and looking Margeaux in the eye, she said with strenght in her her voice. Without another word Natasha swiftly walked back to her table to join her friends.
"You okay?" Kim asked, now her eyes off her phone, "Seemed like you ran into the wrong person over ther."
"Yeah, I'm fine," Natasha said as she opened her soda, "She was just saying something about Derrek. Saying I should go out with, ya know, just really stupid stuff. Doesn't matter anyways, I already have someone special in my life," Natasha said in a playful voice as she looked across the table to Viktor.

Blushing, he shyly looked up from his lunch and said, "Of course. We have eachother....... Cupcake!"

With a smile on her face, Kim broke the akward silence with, "Cupcake! Cupcake! That's the most ridiculous pet name I've heard yet! Ha! If MY boyfriend called me that I'd have to beat some sense in him!"
"Mmmm, yeah, I think we'll have to re-think these pet name Viktor" Natasha said with a smile.
"Yeah, I agree. Cupcake? Not really working for me. I'll come up with somethin' sometime." Viktor said as he balled up his unfinished luch.

As Natasha was about to open her lunch up her phone vibrated and gave notice of a new text.
"One from Derrek and Margeaux. Then one from Viktor," she thought to herself.
The text from Margeaux read:
Ok srry for the little insident at the coke machine. Anyways, Derrek likes you! And I mean L-I-K-E-S U!!!!! OMG, ur sooo lucky! He said he'll call u 2nite so Viktor won't know. I hope ur looking foward to history class!
Yeah, no big deal at the coke machine but this whole Derrek thing has to stop. I don't like him like that! I'm just hoping history class will just pass by. Hopefully!
The text from Derrek read:
Hey! Why don't you come by my place tonight so we can study 2gether? Call me: 455-7823.
idk about 2nite. srry. But i'll call u sometime :)
The text from Viktor read:
Hey, i didn't know if u got my e-mail b4 u went to bed. But really I mean what I said. How about we head to the park 2nite?
Ok. 5 maybe?

The bell rang around 12:45 and the lunch room cleared around 12:56.

"Okay, so I'll see you guys later," Brian said reaching into his book bag for a note book, "I got trig next, so I'll be in the chatroom. Anyone else in?"
"I will," Kim said, "Im taking bio next so I'll be in there a while."
"Not me," Natasha said digging through her crowded locker, "I've got history and a new teacher. She's supposed to be a teacher from Harvord."
"Yeah, I heard about her. But I'll be in too." Viktor said as he grabbed his books from his locker, "Good luck with that new teasher Natasha."
"Thanks!" she said as she finally found the right notebook, "I'll talk to ya later."
The second bell rang, soundinf off the few minutes that students had before their class started. Most of the hallways cleared except for a few straglers who didn't care about being late for class.

Setting: History Class Time: 1:06pm Now Playing: Dido/ Thank You

As it began to rian the twenty somethin' students packed into the Miss Straughford's history class room. One after another, sitting all together. Jocks, cheerleaders, overachievers, teacher's pets and bullies. No one really seemed to care what group they were from, all they knew was that they had gotten a new history teacher who was rumored to be one of the nicest teachers in this school. Just to test the water, Felix Smith the captain of the football team got up and just wandered the classroom.
"Mr. Smith, please take your seat so we can begin class," Miss Straughford said as she stepped into the room.
"Mmm, not bad for beginners," Felix said as he sat down, "Mr. Fredderer would have whipped a ruler at me!"
"Now class, as you all know your teacher is going to be out for a few weeks so I'll be his stand," Miss Straughford said as she stood infront of the class, "Don't worry, I won't be as strict as you old teacher. Believe me.... I know how it is to be in HIS class."
"How would you know?" Derrek said as he sat by Natasha.
"Well, I know him personally.... I'm his daughter Linda," she said smiling, "He can be grumpy at times, but believe me. The pushing he gives you gets you closer to the best future for you. If you don't get the right push, on the other hand, you can end up with a dead end job. A crumby apartment and not enough edeucation for you to go to collegde. Now everyone take out your history books and I'll partner you all up for our new class aragements."

By the time she partnered everyone up, it was clear to Natasha that she WOULD get Derrek as a partner. Seeing the big smile on his face, it was obviouse that he wouldn't mind.
About ten minutes afterwards, everyone was partnered up, Natasha once again got a text from Derrek.
Derrek's text read:
Ok I understand 2nite isn't the right time, maybe this week end. if not, atleast call me. It's friday so I'll b up all nite!
I might call. but I hope you know this won't go far with us.

After studying and studying got dry Natasha counted the seconds untill the bell rang. With her notebook covering her math homework Natasha kept her head down, once in a while recieving texts from her partner about nothing imparticular, she knocked out all her math homework so she was free for the afternoon. From the corner of her eye she noticed Kim, whose class must have ended earlier, was waiting for her. The bell rang about fifteen minutes later and the whole classroom flooded out, knowing that there was only about an hour of school left.
"Miss Natasha!" Kim greeted her, "who is that develishy hansom guy you were next to? Didn't look like Viktor to me."
"Derrek. It was Derrek, of course. He's my new history partner." Natasha said leaning against the wall, "I didn't need him that much today ya know. It was just studying today, that's all."
"I know what you mean," Kim said, "It seems like an easy day."
"Sup guys," Viktor siad as her pushed his way inbetween them, "How did that whole history class go with Derrek?"
"It went okay," Kim butted in, "It went just okay."
"Um, I WAS asking Natasha... Not you miss know it all." Viktor said, "So... how did it go NATASHA?"
"Fine." she said as she sat in the corner of the hall, "Just a study day, went kinda slow."
"Well, we got about ten more minutes," Kim said pulling her wallet out, "Anyone want a soda?"
"I'll take one," Viktor said, "That is if YOUR paying."
"I AM paying, after all I DO pay ALL the time," Kim said with an annoyed look. "What about you Tasha?"
"Um, no." Natasha said as she stood up, "Im gonna head to the bathroom befroe my next class. See you guys!"

Having her a peaceful five minutes to herself before science class, she happily walked out the bathroom after the bell rang, hoping the hall cleared out. To her suprise it was, Cleared from everyone, except, Viktor.
"Oh, hey Viktor! What are you still doin' in the hall?" she said as she approached him.
"Mmmm," he thought, "Really nothin' just waitin' for the second bell."
"Okay, well I do have a favor to ask you though," Natasha said while digging in her pocket for a piece of paper, "Give this to Derrek," she handed Viktor a piece of paper with her e-mail adress on it.
The second bell rang before Viktor could say anything. Natasha smiled, flung her back pack on her shoulder and left.
"What on earth does HE need THIS for?" Viktor thought to himself, "IF he thinks he's gonna ease his way between us, Derrek's got another thing coming for him."

As the school day came towards an end Viktor, Natasha, Brian and Kim counted down the minutes untill that bell would ring.

In homeroom, Viktor noticed that Derrek was chatting alot with the teacher and taking out one of his history notebooks. Wondering about the ordeal, Viktor sent a simple text to his brother to see what was going on.
Viktor's text read:
hey! so what's up with the conversation over there? Having problems in history?
na, just signing me and Tasha up for some after school history classes. none of your bisuness anyways.

Viktor flinched as the end of the day bell rang, but still had unsettled feelings about this whole Derrek thing. But to push that aside, he had to think about his somewhat date with Natasha later that day.

Kim, who was releaved about the end of the day also felt somewhat concerned. She being on the cheerleading team with Margeaux had been hearing rumors about a certain date that was being set up for Derrek, wit ha certain young lady in his history class.

Brian, who had to stay for detention, was thinking of someway to get out of it. Since there was a party at HIS own house, he'd thought it be nice to be a part of it.

Natasha on the other hand was at her locker just packing her bag waiting for her ride home. Hoping she'll have a great time with Viktor that night.

Margeaux, who was in the girls locker room, was plotting. On how she could finally push Derrek and Natasha together, so she could finally get close to her picture perfect boyfriend... Viktor.