Status: Will be updated when I'm ready.

Behind Closed Doors

Dirty Little Secret

Glancing at the clock which read 8:00. I had to be at work in a hour. A sleazy bar filled with perverted, greasy old men. Great. Pulling on my clothes, which consisted of a mini skirt an low cut top. Defiantly not something I would usually wear, but it was required a wear a 'sexy' outfit, and sexy usually ment slutty. So here I was stood in front of the mirror, glancing at my outfit or lack there of.

My rather large boobs, spilled out of the top. It being two sizes to small that if my boobs were any bigger they'd be out of it in a second. The mini skirt, which looked more like a cloth, covered barely anything and I was sure if I bent over I'd give everyone a clear few of my ass.

I sighed, so much for leaving a little to the imagination. Pulling on my stilettos, prancing over to my dressing table to apply make up.

Quickly swiping on some blush, dark eye shadow and thick mascara going for the smoky eyed look. Then finishing it of with glittery candy floss lip gloss.

Walking towards my jewellery box, an taking out a long beaded necklace, that would surely add more attention to my boobs, and after placing on a headband I was finally ready to go.

Slamming my bedroom door shut and heading towards the door. Picking up my keys and purse, and shouting a 'see you later' to my best friend. I shut and locked the door behind me before making my way out of the apartment building and towards the strip club, not five minutes away.

Looking around at the area I lived in, it wasn't all that nice. In fact it wasn't nice at all.

Just seeing the looks the creepy old men gave me as they undressed me with there eyes, made me feel violated and physically sick. As I walked through the estate, that been the scummy area I lived in. I shuddered at the thought. Walking home alone was starting to scare me now especially in the outfit I was in.

I sighed in relieve as the clubs neon sign came into my sight. 'Paradise Island' flashing at me, actually thankful to see the club in view.

Passing the sleazy men as I made my way towards the doors, guys grabbing at me and wolf whistling like I was some sort of meat.

I smiled at Robbi, the bouncer and also a good friend of mine. Hugging the big burly black dude before making my way inside. Heading straight to the back, my heels clicking along the way.

Pushing the door, open most of the girls sat around applying make up or doing there hair. Stopping to turn to see who had entered the room. Immediately being greeted by 'hellos' and 'heys' well except from one.

Kelly Brook was your typical bitch. A blond haired bimbo with fake nails like claws and fake boobs that were disproportioned on her body. She always thought she was the queen bee, better than anyone else no one coming close to her.

Thats why she hated me, having worked here for a couple of years now, people requested, drooled and asked for me to grind half naked in there laps not her. An that always pissed her off, which only made me smile.

I greeted the girls, taking my coat of and placing my purse down in my usual place. Twirling my curly red hair around my fingers.
''Hey, Alexis,'' Carly called. She was one of the sweetest and prettiest girls here. Guys loved her as well, her luxurious brunette hair and her body filled with curves any girl would die for. ''Looking good,'' she smiled.

''Hey Carly,'' I smiled. Turning to look at her from the mirror. ''Thanks hun, you don't look to bad your self. How are you?''

She glanced at me through the mirror as she applied her make up. ''Good thanks. Schools getting a little hectic with all the exams coming up but apart from that I'm good.'' Carly was not only beautiful but she was smart as well. An spent most of her time studying to become a lawyer. Stripping being a great way to pay for her fees, as you didn't get a regular wage just the money you earned from dancing and private dancers, which ment you could get up to a couple of hundred a night.

Before I could reply our boss walked in. ''Alexis, you're up after Amber. Get Ready,'' he stated. Referring to the punk chick with the piercings who was now on stage. Alternative was hot to.

I nodded, pulling off my jacket and checking my makeup in the mirror before heading to the stage as my name was being called. Not before hearing Kelly muter 'Break a leg, literally' God I hated that girl.

As soon as I stepped on the stage Alexis Berry became Roxi Leveau. (pronounce le-vo)

An hour later I was making my way out of the club. After spending half an hour twirling my body around the pole for greasy old men, and picking up my money. I'd finished for the night not even having to work the bar like usual, as Destiny the girl that was on the shift before me; needed extra money. So I happily agreed to let her cover my shift as well.

After a quick goodbye to Robbi, I made my way to my usual destination after work. Walking towards one of the roughest parts of town, I shuddered knowingly, just making me think about were I was heading made me want to get my self run over. Dramatic I know, but if you knew anything about it you'd know why.

Arriving at my destination after being stopped twice. Once was a down and out man who asked for sex while his hand slithered up my thigh, the other a seventeen year old girl asking for money for drugs for her Mom. I sighed how could any respectable Mom put her daughter through that.

Knocking on the door, of the apartment. Not hearing any movement, I pushed open the door, knowing exactly where they'd be.

I made my way to the bassment, passing passed out drug addicts who had needles sticking out of their arms. An people sleeping in a pool of there own vomit, a empty Vodka bottle laid next to them. I shuddered, disgusted at even having to be around people like them.

I made my way towards the basement clambering down the stairs, the two glanced at me from injecting some sort of drug in to themselves. I called it some sort of drug, cause it was that cheap that it defiantly wasn't legit and could have been any sort of shit.

The woman sneered at me. ''Did you get my money?'' she asked. As her boyfriend eyed me hungrily.

I looked up stopping at the bottom of the stairs not daring to go any further. ''Yeah,'' I mumbled. Handing over a wad of cash. Not all of it though. I wasn't that stupid, I needed something to live off to.

She leaned forward. ''Good.'' Snatching the money from my hand. Then going back to tieing a strap around her arm so she could pump whatever it was into her viens.

Her boyfriend smiled at me, from his place on the floor; not in a nice way, a creepy I'm undressing you with my clothes kinda way. ''Hey, baby,'' he smirked.

Narrowing my eyes at him. ''Fuck off,'' I snarled. ''Is their anything else you want or can I go now?'' I asked directing my question towards her not him.

Looking up from counting the money I gave her. ''Don't fucking talk to him like that. You nasty little bitch,'' she began, ignoring my question.

''Well tell your nasty ass boyfriend to stop fucking looking at me like that then,'' I stated. Sending a glare his way.

''He can look at you which ever way he wants.'' Glancing at my outfit. ''Maybe if you didn't dress like such a whore, he wouldn't be looking at you like that. Now would he,'' she sneered. Her eyes concentrating on what she was injecting into herself.

''I wear this because I have to have a way to earn money. Which you take, so don't fucking tell me what to do you lazy ass, drug addicted bitch,'' I growled.

The man that had been eyeing me, shot up from his place on the floor, making his way towards me. I gulped I knew I was in trouble now. ''What did I tell you,'' he began. Coming face to face with me, making me flinch back. ''What did I fucking tell you about talking to her like that, can you not get it into your thick skull not to fucking talk to her like that.''

The girl smirked, knowing I was going to be in for it now.

I swallowed hard, backing towards the stairs. As my eyes locked with his. Him retracting his arm.

His fist colliding with my jaw the impact sending me to my knees, he pulled me up by my hair. Punching me again, letting my body slump to the floor. Kicking an punching me as he spat abuse at me, calling me all the names under the sun.

One more punch and I would be out cold, and I was.
♠ ♠ ♠
The man and woman are people she knows and a good part in the story not just random people in case you were wondering.
