Status: active

Forbidden Love

Stuck In Closet.

Well it’s been a week since the…incident and neither of us talked about it….come to think if it we didn’t talk at all.
Just awkward silences if we were in the same room, which we tried not to be most of the time.
It was very….well it was crappy. No other way to really put it.


“I’m bored”…Anthony whined.
We were all sitting in the TV room of the bus. Ryan, Spencer ,Jon, Christin, Clark, You already know Anthony was there, and of course…Brendon.
“Then go un-bore yourself”…I muttered.
“Fine, who wants ice cream?”…he asked standing up, telling the bus driver to make a stop at the next friendly’s .
“OK, I’m going let me just get my coat”…I said walking to the closet to get a sweater.

I heard someone come behind me close the door.

“We need to talk”…the voice said. I shut my eyes tight knowing who it was and turned around.

“What do you want Brendon”…I asked, it meant to be loud but came out timidly.

“I….I want to say sorry for what I did, the other day”….he muttered looking at the floor.

“For which part? Kissing me or telling me how much of a mistake it was?”…I asked moving past him to open the door, I pulled and twisted to try and open it.

“It won’t open”…he said . I turned to him.

‘And why not?”…I yelled.

“I told everyone to go without us and locked the door from outside, we’re stuck in here for at least 20 minutes”…he mumbled.
“Ugh, I freaking hate you”…I yelled knocking and pounding on the door. Very quickly I got tired of doing that and just sat there leaning on the door.

“Now will you listen to me?”…he asked.

“Whatever”…I muttered.
“Look, I…..I’m sorry OK? I was hurt and confused and…I shouldn’t of done that”…he apologized.
“It not the fact you kissed me that gets me mad”…I muttered.

“Then what is it?”…he asked confused.

“…the fact that you said it was a mistake”…I mumbled looking at the ground.
“Oh”…he whispered.


“Um Ash, you know we’re just friends right?”…he carefully asked.
“Yeah, yeah I know”…I muttered.

“So…are we cool?”…he asked smiling.

“Yeah, yeah we’re cool”…I answered with an empty smile.
“Good, because here’s the key to let us go”…he answered pulling it out from his pocket.

“Oh, I hate you dude…you made me miss out on ice cream”…I said frowning.
“OK, fine I owe you one.”…he laughed opening the door to let us out.

10 minutes later…

“Hey guys! we’re back”…Ryan yelled coming into the bus.
“You guys missed some awesome ice cream”…Clark said sitting next to me.

“Yeah?”…I asked glaring at Brendon.

“I guess we did”…he answered with that goofy smile of his.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here's the second update:) yes, I am awesome:D lol well actually Ashlea is:D oh yes. ha-ha comment and subscribe because you love me:)