Status: active

Forbidden Love

I really loved Brendon...

We were all sitting in the tour bus living room, just sitting there being weird, the Bus driver went out for a tire because ours went flat.

“Ugh! I’m bored”….Anthony whined.

“You’re always bored!’….I grumbled annoyed.

“Because you’re always boring!”…he mumbled.
“Shut up”…I said hitting him in the head.

“Ugh! Please let something interesting happen or I will go insane!”…he yelled. And Suddenly , there was a knock at the door.

“Ugh! You should of said that like an hour ago!”…Ryan yelled at Anthony .

“I’ll get it”…I muttered walking to the door, as soon as I opened it millions of paparazzi flooded in and ran straight to Brendon.

Brendon! Is it true you dumped Jenny after she told you she was pregnant?
Was there another woman in the picture?[.I]

“What! No! She Cheated on me!”…He yelled covering his eyes from the bright flashes of light.

Then explain this! …Another voice yelled throwing a Magazine to Brendon landing it on his Lap.

“OK, everyone out!”…Anthony yelled pushing all of them out.

Brendon looked at the Magazine getting more and more pissed.

Ryan pulled the article out of Brendon’s hand and started reading it out loud.

Jennifer Davis, also known as Jenny, former Girl friend to Brendon Urie, Lead singer of Panic! At the Disco, had recently dumped her after he found out she was pregnant…with his child!
“What…the…freak?”…Jon yelled.

“Have you guys even slept together?”…Spencer asked.

“Yes! But we were always safe!”…Brendon yelled putting his hands to his face.

“So…she’s lying? “…Clark asked… well said.

“Of course she’s freaking lying!”…Brendon screamed grabbing a pillow and throwing it to the floor in anger.

poor pillow...

“…And you were going to Marry that girl?”…Christian asked.

“Keep reading”…I told Ryan.

Jennifer recently got with us and told us her side of the story…. “I really loved Brendon”…She says close to tears. “And for him to dumped me just because we weren’t careful enough really hurts me, I should of known that this would happen since whenever I mentioned anything about a wedding or our or our future he would just completely change the subject

“Are you fucking kidding me?”…Brendon asked grabbing the magazine to read the rest himself.

“Maybe, he’s just scared or something but that’s no reason to put me on the streets and dump me. But honestly, I wish him nothing but the best. I’ll raise my baby on my own, but without any money I may just have to get an abortion”- Fans are extremely mad at Brendon for not taking any responsibility for his actions many are canceling their plans to go to their concerts and asking for a refund, many have also joined the website “”
It looks as if The Fan Base for Panic! At the Disco, has dropped at least half of its percent-

“Well…..I’m gonna get a cookie”…I said walking into the kitchen.

“How can you think of food at a time like this!”…Brendon yelled.

“Hey! I’m not the one who was engaged to a gold-digging whore”…I muttered.

But on the inside, felt a little sorry for him…a little
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh snap! 0.o drama! ha-ha i told you it was gonna get good:D this was long deserved, but i wish some of you ghost readers would come out and comment or subscribe or something:p
But as long as u keep reading, I'll keep writing:)