Status: active

Forbidden Love

Oh what a tangled web she weaves...

“Good morning sunshine” smiled walking into the kitchen of the tour bus.
“Hi” Brendon muttered.
“Aw, don’t worry my child. Soon enough they’ll realize she’s doing this for attention and all will be right with the world” I smiled.
“Oh really?” Brendon asked.
“Yes…really” I smiled.
“So, having some crappy gossip about you on the web doesn’t bother you?” He asked.
“Not in the least” I answered.
“Well, then…do I have some good news for you” He laughed looking into his laptop. I walked over to see what was going on and his computer, he was on

Oh god… Pink wall paper never leads to anything good

Aw, isn’t cheating, lying and underage dating romantic? Getting dumped for a 15 year old girl while

pregnant is every girls dream! Well for Jennifer , former girl friend of Brendon Urie is living the dream! Recently, Brendon Urie, Lead singer of Panic! At The Disco, was told to have dumped his girl friend because she was Prego. But new resources say, it was also because he had a thing on the side. A thing about 6 years

younger :p
Yes, you know it Ashlea McCauley lead singer of x-rated has recently been said that she was the biggest

reason as to why Brendon dumped her. Sigh, it’s a great day when you get to have sex with a man 6-7 years

older then you. On the last interview Ashlea said she was a virgin but fyi Ash, anal/oral sex or sex with a

condom…. Is still sex(:

“Are you freaking kidding me?” I yelled while Brendon laughed.
“What are you laughing at this isn’t funny!” I said punching him.
“Ow…Hey, you just said gossip doesn’t bother you” he smiled.
“Yeah, but that was when the gossip was about you” I answered pouting.
“Oh come on! This will blow over in like a few days”…he responded.
“Ugh” I yelled putting my face in my hands.
“Why are you getting so upset about this? It’s not like we’re actually doing anything…unless, you actually want us to do something” he said. And although my face couldn’t see him I knew he was smirk that smug smirk of his.
“In your dreams dude” I answered.
“Aw, does little Ashlea have a crush on me?” He teased.
“Watch it Urie!” I warned lifting up my head to see him only inches away.
“You didn’t answer the question” he whispered coming closer.
“Uh…um” I stuttered out.
“Answer the question ash, do you have a crush on me?” he smirked coming even closer and closer only millimeters away.
“n- no” I finally got out, him coming closer and closer until…

He pulled back.

“Good” he innocently smiled before walking away.

It was official, I absolutely, undeniably, and completelyloved hated Brendon Urie.
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:) This was long over due. I'm sorry loves:( Hope you haven't forgotten me:p This has to be my favorite chapter so far:D ha-ha. comment and subscriptions will get updates and if i get 3 comments and 1 subscription today I’ll update again :D