Status: active

Forbidden Love

My birthday's in a week

Brendon's POV

"Well..." Ryan started but then Ash walked in.

"Hey guys" she said casually. I nodded back.

"So, tell me" I said.

"Tell you what?" Ash asked.

"Ryan has a secret, but he won't tell me it" I whined.

Ashlea's POV-

"oh really?" I question. "Whats the secret Ryan?" I glared at him.

"Um,,,uh, the secret is...Um" He stuttered.

"That it's my birthday in a week!" I yelled. Brendon turned around.

"Next Saturday's your birthday?" he asked.

"Yea, the big one-six" I answered. And it wasn't a lie either, But if it hadn't been for Ryan almost spilling his guts, I wouldn't have told anyone.

"Wow, you're getting' old kid" He smirked. I rolled my eyes as Ryan rushed out of the room.

"And you're getting ugly" i responded. he frowned.

"Hey! That hurts Ash, i thought we were such good friends!" He said sarcastically standing up and walking out of the room. I stood there for a while..

why did i walk in here again?

This is your last second chance! (I'll point you to the mirror)
I'm half as good as it gets! (I'll point you to the mirror)
I'm on both sides of the fence (I'll point you to the mirror)
Without a hint of regret, I'll hold you to it!

I sung as the crowd screamed. When i finished, i bowed and started to introduce the guys.

"And now, what you guy have all been waiting for, here is, Panic! At The Disco!!


Lets get these teen hearts beating faster....

Brendon finished and they all ran back stage, sweating and heavily breathing.

"Wow, you all look horrible" Anthony smirked.

"And yet, we're still hotter then you" Ryan smiled.

"You're all sexy, now can we get to the changing rooms?" Clark asked walking out without our answer.

Brendon's POV-

as i grabbed a towel to dry my face, Ryan talked.

"Ew dude, Put your boner away" He yelled at me. I looked down.

oh crap

"Why were you even looking there dude?" Jon smirked.

"Shut up man, It was like right in my freaking face!" Ryan defended. I grabbed the closest sweater and wrapped it around my waste trying to hide, my problem. We walked out of the changing rooms and i tried to act cool. We got up to Ashlea, Clark, And Christan.
"Where's Anthony?" Ryan asked. And just then i felt my pants get pulled down in a blink. I quickly pulled them up, but it was to late, They saw everything, and i mean everything I turned to see who was the jackass who pulled down my pants, and it was Anthony...surprise surprise... but i guess he didn't know exactly what to do because he ended up also pulled down my underwear.

Ashlea's POV-

My eyes widened as i saw Brendon, in an entirely new way.
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am i late? LOL. just a tad :p