Status: active

Forbidden Love

Oh The Ways In Which Irony Works

“This is Awesome!” I yelled looking at my new surroundings.
“Psh, Please. I’ve seen better” My brother said.
“Oh yeah, name one Anthony…one” I challenged crossing me arms.
“Um” he started.
“That’s what I thought” I interrupted, walking away to the bar.
“One diet coke Please” I ordered. The bartender grunted and 2 minutes later came back with my drink. I went to pay when he stopped me.
“All ready taken take of” He said. I looked at him confused.
“Gentleman over there paid for you” He said pointing in the direction of a guy with dark brown hair and Raven dark eyes. He winked at me and I looked away, blushing. I looked up to see him coming in my direction.

my God, he’s hot
“Hello gorgeous, I’m Louis and you are…” he asked. I blushed even more and answered “Ashlea”
“Sexy name for a sexy Girl” he complimented. By this time a would probably put a tomato to shame. I giggled and took a sip of my drink.
“Thanks for paying the tab” I said smiling.
“No problem, ever since you walked into the club I’ve had my eyes one you…so how old are you?” he asked.

Oh crap, the age question. If I told him my real age he would stop talking to me. So what did I do?…I lied.

“nineteen” I lied.
“Oh sweet, I’m 20” he said smiling. I responded with a grin and noticed I had to use the bathroom.
“Um, excuse me for a second I have to use the restroom.” I excused my self walking into the restroom.

Third Person POV~

“Um, excuse me for a second I have to use the restroom.” Ashlea said excusing herself to the restroom. But oh, what a mistake that was. Because while she was in the restroom Louis, the nice guy, was putting drugs in her drink….

Ashlea came back, everything looking the same and sat down, talking to Louis again and drinking her drugged soda…

every last drop of it

After only a few minutes the drug started taking it’s toll on Ashlea. She was losing her sanity…and wouldn’t remember a thing tomorrow morning…which is exactly what Louis wanted.
“Come on, let’s dance’ Louis said smirking.
“S-sure” Ashley said stuttering, finding difficulty to form complete sentences.
Ashley pressed her back against Louis as he put his hands around her waist.
“You ready?” Louis whispered in Ashlea’s ear, she shivered and nodded unable to talk.


Ryan’s POV~

“I love you” Brendon said to Jenny.
“I love you more” Jenny replied. I rolled my eyes, I mean I was happy for then, but god Shut it up. I mean, how many times can you stand an engaged couple until you explode?
“ guys are so sweet…it’s disgusting!” Anthony said with a smirk.
“Come on, lets go dance” Brendon said holding Jenny’s hand and leading her to the crowd.
“Thank god, they’re gone” I muttered.

Third Person POV~

As people danced, Ashley and Louis got mixed into the crowd separating from each other.

Thank god for Ashlea

Ashlea, Oblivious to the ones around reconnected with a man who she thought was Louis.

she was wrong

Ashlea swung her hips to the music, her back facing her dance partner. Her partner smelled the aroma of Ashlea and it intoxicated him. His grip became harder around her hips as he pulled Ash closer to his body.
Her partner’s hand traveled up and down her body, tracing her curves. Finally, Ashlea turned around to see her partner…and wow was she surprised.


“Dance Ash” he said hoarsely pulling her close again and throwing his head back dancing to the music.

At that moment they forgot about their ages, they forgot the fact the he was engaged, they forgot everything.

was it the alcohol in Brendon’s system or the drugs in Ashlea’s
Was it the adrenaline running through both their veins?
Or was it just…the heat of the moment?
He began moving her back and forth, taking up her movements.

“Have you guys seen Brendon” Jenny asked the guys who were getting to k now each other.
“Wasn’t he with you?” Ryan asked confused.
“Well, yeah but a couple shifted and we were separated. He was so into it that he didn’t even notice.” Jenny explained.
“Eh, don’t worry about him…he’s a big boy he can fend for himself.” Spencer said trying to calm Jenny’s nerves.
“I hope you're right” she said looking at the dance floor on last time before sitting with the guys.


They danced to the music, not caring about anyone else.
“Ashlea” he whimpered in her ear. His hands explored her body, as his mouth found its way up to her neck where he bit in raw pleasure. But soon the song was over…and they separated, wanting each other.
“Until next time” Brendon whispered in her ear, making Ashlea shiver. They both went back to the group, who all wanted to leave. And while driving to the tour bus, would exchange looks at each other very so often. But the bad thing about that night was…
Most likely, they wouldn’t remember a single thing that happened tomorrow morning
And the bad thing about it for someone else?
was that Louis, was still at the club…looking for Ashley

Oh the ways in which irony works…
♠ ♠ ♠
I updated:)) comment and subscribe and I'll love you forever:)