Status: active

Forbidden Love

She'd probably be an animal in bed

"Thank you and good night!" Brendon screamed to the crowd before the whole crew ran off stage, sweat pouring off their faces.

"Aw man, what an awesome crowd!" Jon yelled grabbing a towel.

"Dude we've gotta come to Connecticut more often" Anthony smiled.

"Totally!" I yelled with the biggest grin on my face.

"Right B-don?" Ryan asked turning to Brendon's direction who looked like he was miles away.

"Brendon!" Clark yelled snapping his fingers in front of hi face.

"Huh?" he asked snapping out of it.

"Dude what is up with you lately?" Christin asked.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"You've just been...I dunno. Weird." Spencer said with a hint of a smile on his face. Brendon glared at him.

"I'm fine" he snapped at him.

"Yea, that seems totally fine" I taunted. Brendon rolled his eyes and walked away from us.

"What the hell is his problem?" Anthony asked.

"I don't know, hey Ash go find out?" Ryan nodded in the direction Brendon walked away in.

"Why me!" I whined.

"Yea why her?" Christin interrupted.

"She's the only girl, so if he wants to punch someone, she's less likely to get punched." Ryan explained.

"Less likely? Wow, thanks" I sarcastically said before getting up and walking towards Brendon's direction.

I quietly walked through the back stage looking to Brendon.

"Brendon? Brendon!" I whispered loudly. I continued walking until I heard a muffled noise coming through one of the doors.


I put my ear near the door to try and see if I could hear better.

"Ugh fuck"

my head moved back as i questioned what I just heard...moaning? A bit scared to put my ear back to the door, I slowly moved to make sure I heard correctly.


I quickly jumped back two feet away form the door. What the fuck was going on in there? I slowly moved back to the door step my step then moved my hand on the knob.

"On the count of three" I whispered to myself.


I turned the knob and pulled the door open.

"Holy shit!"

"Oh my god!" I yelled eyes widened unable to look away at the sight in front of me.

"God damn Ashlea ever heard of fucking knocking!" Brendon yelled with him covering himself then grabbing the knob of the door to slam it shut.

I stood there in the same position unable to move. What the hell just happened?

"Ash! Did you find him?" I heard Anthony yelled from afar.

"Uh, no I...I didn't" I said backing away from the door and heading back to the guys.

"What took you so long?" Clark asked as I sat down on the couch trying to look as normal as possible.

"Uh, I wasn't..I wasn't gone long" I stuttered.

"Why are you blushing?" Anthony asked looking very confused.

"I'm not!" I retorted.

"Whatever, call Brendon and lets go." Jon said walking out to the room to go to the tour bus.

Brendon's POV~

"Yea, that seems totally fine" Ashlea said. I looked at her and rolled my eyes before walking out of the room.

Nothing was fucking wrong, I'm just fucking horny tired. I sighed and walked into a door closing it behind me to find out it was as small as a closet. I leaned on the wall and let out a frustrated breath.

You know what you have to do

My thoughts said loud and clear.

just fucking relieve yourself

I sighed and gave into my thoughts unzipping my pants.

Is this what I've come to? Having to masturbate in a closet?

I closed my eyes as the feeling of pleasure overwhelmed my thoughts of humility.

Thoughts of Jenny consumed me. Her moaning my name,crawling on top of me, taking charge. Not that Jenny ever did that but just the thought of her doing it got me closer to the relief I desperately needed. I imagined her going down, tracing her tongue from my neck to my chest to my aching member then when I look down to see her face...

it was Ashlea

"Ugh fuck" I moaned eyes rolling in the back of my head as I went faster and harder no longer thinking of Jenny.

I thought if how innocent Ashlea was yet how sensual she was without even trying. She'd probably be an animal in bed. I bet she's a virgin...she'd be so tight, and so willing to learn...

"Uh...Ashlea" I groaned loudly so close, right at the edge of amazingly pleasurable bliss...

When suddenly the door next to me bursts open letting bright light fill the closest sized room.

"Holy shit!" I yelled in a panic covering up myself to see Ashlea standing there in a state of shock.

"Oh my god!" She said eyes widened as she looked straight into my eyes.

"God damn Ashlea ever heard of fucking knocking!" I yelled covering myself as much as I could with one hand while the other reached for the door slamming it in Ashlea's face.

"Fuck" I whispered through my teeth.

way to fucking go moron
I I thought you of all people would of heard of closing the god damn door

Although I was embarrassed beyond belief I couldn't help but smile at that clever joke.

"Very funny" I whispered to myself.

"Uh, no I...I didn't" I heard Ashlea yell at the other side of the door before I heard her foot steps. Then I thought..

Shit, if you can hear something as small as her footsteps..

"Then she most likely heard me" I finished my thought out loud.

you said her name you dumb ass

I closed my eyes putting my face in my arms.

I've never wanted to die more then I do at this moment.
♠ ♠ ♠
Two updates in one day? Whattt? haha comment and subscribe and I might put up one more ;D