Status: active

Forbidden Love

It was time I experienced the field

Brendon's POV-

I want to die, I want to die, Someone please kill me I continuously said in my mind as I walked out the closest and back to the band. What the hell was I thinking? Couldn't I have just waited until I was in the privacy of my own bunk bed? I could of just taken a cold shower!

I shook my head as I opened the dressing room door so see everyone except Ashlea sitting down with confused looks on their face.

"Look what the cat dragged in" Anthony teased as I slowly emerged into the room with my eyes towards the direction of the floor. I shot him a death glare and he chuckled.

"What happened to you? You look pasty, lie you're going to be sick" Ryan speculated looking at me.

"Uh..n-nothing" I barely manged to choke out. I took a quick glance at Ashlea to see her avoiding even gazing in my direction. She heard. There was no doubt about it.

I wonder if you can hire a hit-man on yourself...

Ashlea's POV-

I couldn't even look at him. I wasn't sure how I would feel. I felt rushes of anger, joy, arousal, confusion...LOTS of confusion. Did I even hear what I thought I did. Was Brendon really moaning my name? After all the times of him teasing me, getting me worked up just to tell him how 'I'm too young for him' and call me kid. Then to kiss me and quickly call it a mistake. What kind of game was he playing at? I quickly had all emotions but anger leave me. How dare he toy with my emotions! How dare he make me think that everything was in my head, that he didn't feel anything for me but friendship. I felt my blood boil with just him standing so close me.

I've had enough of this. I've had enough of the teasing and toying and confusion. I thought the older you were the more reasonable, more experienced, more confident in your choices you became. If that was the case Brendon certainly didn't get the memo. I didn't have time to sit around and doodles hearts and day dream of him. That exactly what a typical sixteen would do, I refuse to have my raging teenage body take over my logical sense. I never loved Brendon, it was the hormones talking, I can't believe I even concluded that stupid thought.

All over a stupid dance, a silly kiss, a few flirtatious encounters?

Not anymore. I'm sixteen now. Two years before I'm an adult and I was acting like a seven year old. It was time I experienced the field, see what the world had to offer instead of chasing a twenty-one year old who was acting more confused than I was. I was done falling for Brendon Urie.
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It's been too long. But I feel no one really cares about this story anymore :/ Maybe It's me? I hope to get some ghost readers to tell me their opinions and thoughts on the story. Constructive criticism is always welcomed! Also, kind of thinking about adding a co-writer to this story...that way my readers don't have to wait 10 months for one update. If anyone is interested talk to me and tell me a few ideas you have for the story so I can see if our writing is compatible. Thank you for reading! Please subscribe and comment!