Status: active

Forbidden Love

I think she's trying...

I woke up with a massive head ache. I tried to remember everything that happened last night....I got a soda, started to talking to Louis, went to the bathroom, come back, and drink my soda...then get dizzy.

I shut my eyes tight. I would be stupid enough to leave the opened drink right there and come back to it. I kept looking through my memory as I remembered dancing with Brendon. The passion, the lust that was in the dancing made me blush…I shook my head as if it would erase the memories and went to the tour bus kitchen.

“Uh, my head feels like crap”…I moaned holding onto my head and sitting next to Christian putting my head on his shoulder.
“Did you drink”…Anthony said in his big brotherly tone.
“No dad”...I said rolling my eyes. He took a sigh of relief.
“Good, didn’t want to have to ground you”…he answered with a smirk.
“Stop yelling at me”…I groaned. Just then Brendon walked out, I buried my head into the crook of Christian’s neck trying to hide from him.
“Hey B-den, what’s up?” Ryan greeted him.
“Hey Ryan, and the rest of you guys” he answered yawning, walking up to the fridge to get something to eat.

Did he see nothing wrong with we happened last night? Or was he so wasted that he doesn’t even remember?
I found myself getting angrier and angrier, not because he didn’t remember . But the fact that I was suffering with guilt for Jenny while he was just, just having a freakin’ ball!

“I’ll be in bed if someone wants me” I muttered, dragging myself to my bunk bed and closing the curtain.

Why was I stressing this so much? All we did was dance. We did nothing more then, dance. And yet I couldn’t shake the sense of dishonesty. I put my head in my heads, while mentally yelling at myself at how I was a bad person. Just then, I heard someone open the door and walk up to my curtain, and pushed it showing they wanted to talk to me

“Yes” I mumbled

“Hey, can we talk”

I shut my eyes tight, this was about the last person I wanted to see.
“Sure, Jenny” I answered.

She opened the curtain, and sat down on my bed.
“Hey you seem a little down, are you OK?” she asked, full of concern.

Great, just freaking great. I feel bad enough for what I did, but now she’s going to be all sweet and caring…I think she’s trying to torture me.
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I'm so sorry this is so late. I was suppose to have it like 2 weeks ago but got a terrible fever. so sorry. comment and subscribe please!:)