Status: active

Forbidden Love

Doesn't Mean I Can't Enjoy Mine.

“Um, I’m fine…thanks Jenny”…I said with a fake smile.
“OK, but if you need to talk you know where to come”…she said before leaving the buck rooms.
I layed down on my back. Why did she have to be so… nice?
I hate Brendon. I hate Brendon. I hate Brendon. I’m going to make his life a living hell….

I'm awaken by being shaken by someone.
“Ash, Ash”…the voice said.
“Five more minutes Anthony”…I mumbled.
“Do I really sound like Anthony”…the voice asked again. I finally opened my eyes to see…him.
“What do you want”..I asked crudely to Brendon.
“The bus stopped and we’re all going to buy some ice cream…Anthony told me to wake you up”…he explained.
“No, I don’t want any ice cream…I’m not hungry”…I answered loudly putting my head in my pillows and just on cue my stomach growled.
“Ashley…is this about, you know…late night”…Brendon asked looking down on the floor.
“So you do remember”…I said in a deathly tone giving him an ice cold glare.

If looks could kill…

“Well yeah”…he answered.
“And you just freaking keep it to yourself, while I’m going fucking crazy with guilt over here”…I now yelled, pushing him off my bunk bed.
“Whoa, do you think I don’t feel guilty?”…he asked looking shocked.
“Well if you do, you sure have a stupid way of showing it”…I shouted.
“Ashley, stop yelling”…he said raising his voice.
“You’re not my mother, you can’t tell me what to do!”…I screamed.
“God, you are such a child”…he muttered.
“Well, what the fuck did you expect jackass I’m fifteen”…I yelled…again.
“Ugh, I don’t see why you’re getting so defensive”…he said rolling his eyes.
“You don’t see why”…I shouted.
“No, because all we did was dance, no meaning to it…unless, did you think it had some kind of meaning”…he asked raising one of his eyebrows.
“Hell no”…I yelled…again. He started laughing.
“You wouldn’t be this offensive unless you did”…he said smirking.
“Oh pl-”…I started.
“Whatever Ash,”…he begin walking up closer to me, pulling his face closer to mine, I was frozen and just when I thought he was about to…
“You’re a little to young for me”..he whispered before pulling back again, smirking.
“Well, how’s this for to young”…I yelled kicking him where the sun don’t shine.
“Uh”…he groaned doubling over in pain. I kneel over to him
“Don’t ever call me young again…get ready for the most worst tour of your life Urie”…I whispered in his ear smiling, walking away.
Maybe I’ll have that ice cream after all…


“Are you alright Bren”…Ryan asked, seeing Brendon having trouble walking. I wasn’t afraid that he would tell. I mean, whats he going to say ? A fifteen year old girl kicked me in the groin? I don’t think so….
“Uh, Charlie horse”…he answered, trying to sit on the couch.
“Oh I hate those things”…I said smirking. He glared at me.
“Aw, poor baby”…Jenny cooed before giving him a kiss on the cheek.

ew, enough said

“Get a room”…Jon yelled.
“Nah, I’m good”…Jenny answered smiling. We all laughed.

Maybe, just because I’m going to make Urie’s life miserable…doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy mine.
♠ ♠ ♠
:) I like Ashlea, she's some one I can relate
This wasn't suppose to be out until Friday but, I told Ashlea( I would update so here ya go!=] comment and subcribe...becuase they make me update:)