Status: active

Forbidden Love

Great Job...

“I hate you Brendon!”…Jenny yelled throwing her wedding ring at him.

Now, the first time this happened, I was shocked…but after the third time you just roll your eyes and go back to your bunk. Soon enough Brendon would apologize for whatever he did and all would be right with the world again. Just wait and see…

“I’m sorry baby”…Brendon said holding on to Jenny, putting her ring back on.

what did I tell you?

“Ugh, you two make me sick”…Anthony joked laughing.
“You won’t be saying that when you’re in love”..Brendon said nuzzling his nose in the crook of Jenny’s neck while she giggled.

So damn gross

I rolled my eyes and walked away from them.

“OK, who had Thursday?”..Ryan asked.
“I did”…Clark said raising his hand while Ryan handed him about 50 bucks.

Yes, we actually have bets on when they’re going to break up and get back together. I’ve won twice so far.
“OK, Next bet”…Christin.
“I vote Friday!”…Anthony said.
“Wednesday”…Clark yelled.
“Eh, I’m thinking today”…I said.
“But the day’s almost over”…Ryan said.
“And your point is?”… laughed.

I just to give them something to argue about…


I walked in their room to see them making out. I healed back the urge to throw up.
“Aw, you guys are so sweet”..I lied through my teeth. They pulled away from each other.
“What’s the sudden change in your…whole personality”…Jenny asked.
“What do you mean? I always thought you guys were a cute couple”…I lied…again.
“Right”…Brendon said rolling his eyes.
“So, just a question…how many kids do you think you guys are going to have?”…I asked.


“7”…Jenny asked.
“2”….Brendon questioned back.
“Brendon, honey…seven?”…she asked again.

oh yeah, I’m awesome

“Oh come babe, you know how important It is to me to have a big family!”…Brendon said.
“But seven? Your trying to turn my lady part into a tennis shooter!”…she yelled.

this is just to good

“OK, OK…guys never mind. Is your wedding going to be big of small?”…I asked.


“Honey, all my family and friends have to be there”…Jenny said.
“Why can’t we just have our closest friends and family there?”…Brendon asked.
“Um…guys”…I started.
“Hold on kid”…Jenny said. I rolled my eyes.
“Brendon, this is going to be the most important moment of my life…everyone has to be there!”…Jenny yelled standing up.
“Well, I want it to be small…a wedding is to show our love not to show off to all our friends and family!”…Brendon replied standing up also.
“I'm going to go…”…I said walking out of their room.
I’ll take that”…I said taking the money away from Clark.

“That’s it Brendon! You’re nothing but a selfish, conceited, jerk!”..Jenny yelled at him.
“And…you’re a…bitch!”..Brendon yelled back.

“Wow, never heard him curse back before”…I said.

“Brendon we are over…for good”…Jenny yelled.

Now I was worried. Jenny always said “we’re over” what scared me is that she said “for good”

“Oh shit, I may have just broken up Jenny and Brendon…For good and all for 50 bucks…great job Ashlea, great job.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ha-ha. Man, Ashlea just becomes awesomer and awesomer in every chapter:D
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