Status: Don't get your hopes up....

What's the Point in All the Screaming, No One's Listening

Chapter 1

I laid my hand upon the leather Bible. On the outside my hand was steady but on the inside I felt it shake with nervousness. My hand felt like a foreign object to me. I wasn't controlling it. I wasn't in control of anything anymore. If I was, I would be running. Not just away from the courtroom but away from myself. Away from everything that happened this past six months. Away from my past.

I repeated the oath as the bailiff said it. My voice held no emotion. My face showed no emotion. There hadn't been any present in any form for a long. Such a long time, it seemed like a life time to me.

I focused on the difficult task of sitting on the wooden chair without it appearing that I was collapsing. I was collapsing, the walk up to the stand and the oath had drained me. Not physically but emotional, which I had learned could be more draining. When I was finished with the hard task, I finally lifted my eyes to view the whole of the courtroom.

First I focused on the prosecutions' table. Three people sat there. Two men, one woman. The first man wore a simple black suit with a pale yellow tie. I liked his tie. My father would never wear anything yellow. At the thought of my father, my stomach twisted a little. The man was young, the only sign of age was lines around his month. The lines of a man that laughed and smiled a lot. That was probably my favorite thing about District Attorney Dean Reeves, he smiled a lot. But his smiles weren't a politician's smiles. They were genuine.

My opinion of the woman sitting next to him was very different. Kelsey Carter was an old, harsh woman. She always kept her graying brown pulled back into a bun, allowing her face to display the lines that shouldn't be on a forty-nine year old face. I thought her face showed what kind of person she was perfectly.
Her face was unfriendly, just like the soul underneath. I had never seem her smile the way Reeves smiles.

The man next to her, I didn't see much of. The most I knew about him was that his name was Dylan Johnson. I paid little attention to him.

After examining the table the lifted my eyes even more. I was cautious of what I would see.